The war on coal


Bull Gator
Jul 19, 2001
Obama has fired the first shots in the war on coal. He is determined to institute deleterious policy in spite of no way to empirically measure any benefits he claims we will enjoy.

Like every other kooky, unnecessary Democrat policy, this will be rife with unintended consequences. Since we have all but shuttered nuclear power because of the Chicken Little liberals of the 70s, we will have to depend on natural gas. We can expect drastic increases in the price of electricity, as providers will be forced to undertake significant measures to comply with Lord Barack's dictates. Also, it will drive up the cost of natural gas. Which is great, because so many people depend on it to heat their homes in the winter.

Don't worry. It will all be George Bush's fault.

"The EPA ... does not anticipate this rule will have any impacts on the price of electricity, employment or labor markets or the U.S. economy," the EPA wrote in its analysis.


I am currently working on MATS compliance preparation for my facility and were projecting initial capital/certification cost of over $5M with over $100K monthly in dry sorbent injection chemical and reporting/testing required. We are already operating near cost of production most of the year prior to mercury compliance. Unless the open power market prices rise to a substantially higher equilibrium by 2015 then we are left with two choices; raise rates or shutdown. Mine is only a 500MW facility that is fortunate to purchase coal at a lower cost than most so our rates should not drastically increase. I foresee significant rate increases in regions that are not so fortunate.
Originally posted by ubergator74:

"The EPA ... does not anticipate this rule will have any impacts on the price of electricity, employment or labor markets or the U.S. economy," the EPA wrote in its analysis.


I am currently working on MATS compliance preparation for my facility and were projecting initial capital/certification cost of over $5M with over $100K monthly in dry sorbent injection chemical and reporting/testing required. We are already operating near cost of production most of the year prior to mercury compliance. Unless the open power market prices rise to a substantially higher equilibrium by 2015 then we are left with two choices; raise rates or shutdown. Mine is only a 500MW facility that is fortunate to purchase coal at a lower cost than most so our rates should not drastically increase. I foresee significant rate increases in regions that are not so fortunate.
I'm sure a big govt loving leftist will be along to tell you are wrong in no time.
Has the CBO been asked to score it? Remember, Obamacare is going to reduce the deficit. The CBO says so.
When you increase regulation on something it automatically becomes more expensive, simple economic law, any one who says otherwise is a bold face liar or an idiot.
Oposted by BigOleNastyGator:
When you increase regulation on something it automatically becomes more expensive, simple economic law, any one who says otherwise is a bold face liar or an idiot.
I think that's the whole point. Coal is dirty, dangerous and disgusting. You guys need to convert to natural gas. Its clean and plplentiful. Drill baby drill.
Originally posted by badselectioncommittee:

Oposted by BigOleNastyGator:
When you increase regulation on something it automatically becomes more expensive, simple economic law, any one who says otherwise is a bold face liar or an idiot.
I think that's the whole point. Coal is dirty, dangerous and disgusting. You guys need to convert to natural gas. Its clean and plplentiful. Drill baby drill.
New technology makes this untrue, modern scrubbers do an amazing job. Americans live too good compared to the rest of the world things must become more expensive in order to reduce their standard of living and get them more in line with the world at large. I really believe this is what goes on in the heads of the real left, not you useful idiots, but the movement itself.

Now here is what really happens your wealthy people don't care because you could triple their bill and they'd never even notice. The entitlement class poor, the lowest order of human life, don't care because we pay their bill for them.

Who does something like this hurt? That's right, joey middle class, who has once again been screwed by the left and somehow remains convinced that Obama and the democrats are more in touch with them.

Maddening really..
That new technology is what is adding to the cost. If coal can't be competitive without it, then it is obsolete. I pay 9 cents a kwh, so I don't think joey middle class should be complaining. I pay 4X that in the Bahamas. Natural gas is a much better feed stock.
Originally posted by badselectioncommittee:

Oposted by BigOleNastyGator:
When you increase regulation on something it automatically becomes more expensive, simple economic law, any one who says otherwise is a bold face liar or an idiot.
I think that's the whole point. Coal is dirty, dangerous and disgusting. You guys need to convert to natural gas. Its clean and plplentiful. Drill baby drill.
Naturally, gas conversion was a part of our study (about 20 options) to determine the best course of action with pending regulations but between converting the boiler and to a greater extent running the necessary pipelines for supply it was one of the least cost effective options for rate payers.
Coal is dirty. Natural gas ruins the water supply through fracking. Nuclear kills people. Is there any source of energy acceptable? I dare all the coal plants to turn off the lights for one night and see what happens.
Originally posted by GatorPhin:

I dare all the coal plants to turn off the lights for one night and see what happens.
That's precisely what most of these morons fail to understand. After they get done protesting, they return to their apartments, turn on the lights and fix themselves something to eat on either their gas or electric stove.

This country was built on cheap energy. Anyone remember the price of gas in the 50's and 60's? One of the ways socialists/statists control a populus is to limit the supply and access to cheap energy.

I've worked in the nuclear industry. I've worked in the coal industry and am now in the nat gas field. Nukes are safe, except for rare circumstances of human error (Chernobyl) or once-in-a-lifetime natural disasters (Fukushima), coal has been cleaned up to the point that its emissions are now 99% emissions free and that fracking scare is exactly that. The water has been catching fire in certain parts of the country forever. It's because of the chemical makeup of the soil in the area.

But carry on, tree-huggers and statists. John Gault is packing his bags...
These same useful idiots hate big corps too....they will be glad to tell you so while posting on facebook from their iphone sitting in Starbucks....
Originally posted by GatorPhin:

Coal is dirty. Natural gas ruins the water supply through fracking. Nuclear kills people. Is there any source of energy acceptable? I dare all the coal plants to turn off the lights for one night and see what happens.
That is not out of the realm of possibility.
EPA admits banning coal plants won't impact global warming

The Obama administration is effectively banning the construction of
new coal-fired power plants, a move officials admit will have little to
no impact on global warming.

"The EPA does not anticipate that this proposed rule will result in notable CO2 emission change," the agency writes in its proposal to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

"EPA knows there aren't benefits," Dan Simmons, director of
regulatory and state affairs at the Institute for Energy Research, told
The Daily Caller News Foundation. "EPA and environmentalists are being
disingenuous when they claim this rule will have an impact on the
climate or the environment."

Last week, the EPA unveiled the first ever carbon emissions limits
for new power power plants, hailing them as the first step to combating
global warming and protecting future generations.

"Climate change is one of the most significant public health
challenges of our time. By taking commonsense action to limit carbon
pollution from new power plants, we can slow the effects of climate
change and fulfill our obligation to ensure a safe and healthy
environment for our children," said EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy.

The rule "will contribute to the actions required to slow or reverse
the accumulation of GHG concentrations in the atmosphere, which is
necessary to protect against projected climate change impacts and

Read more:
How would anyone think that banning NEW coal plants would affect global warming? Are they doing something regarding the existing plants?
LOLOLOL. Ah, it’s great to see my fan club taking time out of their busy day to dig up my old threads. This shows why I am, and will always be, king of this board. Thanks for bumping.

BTW, I was proved correct on everything I posted ITT.
I actually wasn’t the one looking it up

I’m just here to point out your small penis mind set

carry on
And funniest part is I was searching for a term that had nothing to do with the welcher. This was just one of the threads that popped up in the results.

And now he's so upset that I bumped an old thread that shows how irrelevant he's always been that he's bumping old threads to go after me.

IOW, he's now doing the very thing he claimed I was doing to him! LMAO!

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