The SEC West could possibly go 14-0/13-0 against the SEC East this season?

Gator Fever

Bull Gator
Feb 13, 2008
The SEC West could go 14-0/13-0 against the SEC East?

The East is 0-6 right now against the West.The odds are there isn't too much of a chance of it happening I guess but when you actually look at the remaining games there isn't one of them you look at and say the East team should definitely win this game and most of them you look at and think the West team will probably win.

The best team in the East should lose to Bama and It could come down to whether KY could beat Miss State if we aren't able to beat Arkansas which will be tough to do on the road especially. There are a few others the East team should have a chance against but not many. 2-12/2-11 would be embarrassing enough but if the East didn't win a single game what does that say?
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So, just for grins

Alabama beat UK
Alabama plays @ UT-probable Alabama win

Arkansas @ home against Florida-tossup
Arkansas @Mizzou- not sure. Maybe Arkansas slight favorite

Auburn vs vandy -AU win
Auburn @ UGA- UGA a slight favorite

LSU beat Mizzo
LSU rescheduled @ Florida-LSU was a slight favorite Saturday. No telling how a few week might change that. I am going to call it a toss up

Ole Miss beat UGA
Ole Miss @ Vandy Ole miss should win

MSU beat USCe
MSU @ UK MSU should win

TAM beat USCe
TAM beat UT

So, you could be right about only two wins of east vs west. Probably at best four East wins though
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Florida beat Ole Miss.
Any others?

2-12 it appears in 2015 Georgia beat Auburn. I saw an article saying from 2009 to the 2013 season the West had won 2/3 of the matchups and its only gotten worse since then.
Which is interesting. Because in the first ten years of the two divisions, the East was the best.
The East is like 2-19 against the West since 2015 so far.

Thank about that for a second the East is such a joke right now its 2-19 against the West the past 2 seasons and has lost the last 9 matchups.
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I think we can beat Arky and LSU, I think Vandy could beat Auburn and depending on which Georgia team shows up they could be Auburn too, Ky and MS ST will be a toss up, I also think Vandy and Ole Miss will be a close game where a ball could bounce Vandy way and give them the win. So Id say the east will win 4 against the west.
I think we can beat Arky and LSU, I think Vandy could beat Auburn and depending on which Georgia team shows up they could be Auburn too, Ky and MS ST will be a toss up, I also think Vandy and Ole Miss will be a close game where a ball could bounce Vandy way and give them the win. So Id say the east will win 4 against the west.
sadgator would love to agree with you, but medical marijuana has not passed yet. Check back after November 8.
I do remember FL and Tenn dominating the SEC for quite a few years but was the rest of the East dominating the West like you see now with what is going on? I don't think they were but Georgia was also pretty good some of those years.