The media has brainwashed the entire world when it comes to hoax flu


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
I just saw a post on a social media site. It's from a professional in India, and he posts a graph with the 7-day moving average number of hoax flu cases in India.

The avg number of cases peaks in Sept at almost 100k, then falls all the way down to 20k last month.

Then suddenly it spikes to 280k for this month.

You would be amazed at the dozens upon dozens of panic-striken comments. And these are all from Indians, you can tell by their pictures and names. Almost every SINGLE one of them claims the 'real' number of cases 'is much worse'. It's literally a talking point for them.

Finally, one guy posts the same graph, with the number of RECOVERIES. Shock of shocks....the recoveries mirror the number of cases, and spike right along with the cases.

Totally ignored by the commenters.

Then someone comments pointing out that India is a country of over 1.3 BILLION people, so these graphs represent 0.0025% of the population.

Commenters ignore this as well, continuing to bleat along about how the 'real' numbers are 'much worse'. And 'pray for our nation'.

My favorite comment is from the guy that says his entire family got it and they ALL RECEOVERD. He then concludes that hoax flux is 'such a tragedy'.

I will say this again: The legacy of pain and suffering from hoax flu will have almost nothing to do with the virus itself, but instead it will be from the FEAR AND MENTAL STRESS that sheep endured for the last year honestly believing that they were going to die from the flu.

You sheep have literally worried yourselves to death over the last year and science has proven that stress is one of the greatest impacts on your health.

This fear mongering is literally going to shorten lives due to stress, and suicide.

All because one political party wanted to take back the White House.
I just saw a post on a social media site. It's from a professional in India, and he posts a graph with the 7-day moving average number of hoax flu cases in India.

The avg number of cases peaks in Sept at almost 100k, then falls all the way down to 20k last month.

Then suddenly it spikes to 280k for this month.

You would be amazed at the dozens upon dozens of panic-striken comments. And these are all from Indians, you can tell by their pictures and names. Almost every SINGLE one of them claims the 'real' number of cases 'is much worse'. It's literally a talking point for them.

Finally, one guy posts the same graph, with the number of RECOVERIES. Shock of shocks....the recoveries mirror the number of cases, and spike right along with the cases.

Totally ignored by the commenters.

Then someone comments pointing out that India is a country of over 1.3 BILLION people, so these graphs represent 0.0025% of the population.

Commenters ignore this as well, continuing to bleat along about how the 'real' numbers are 'much worse'. And 'pray for our nation'.

My favorite comment is from the guy that says his entire family got it and they ALL RECEOVERD. He then concludes that hoax flux is 'such a tragedy'.

I will say this again: The legacy of pain and suffering from hoax flu will have almost nothing to do with the virus itself, but instead it will be from the FEAR AND MENTAL STRESS that sheep endured for the last year honestly believing that they were going to die from the flu.

You sheep have literally worried yourselves to death over the last year and science has proven that stress is one of the greatest impacts on your health.

This fear mongering is literally going to shorten lives due to stress, and suicide.

All because one political party wanted to take back the White House.
Stockholm syndrome

The masses are in love with the fear porn, masks, vaccines and social distancing.
I just saw a post on a social media site. It's from a professional in India, and he posts a graph with the 7-day moving average number of hoax flu cases in India.

The avg number of cases peaks in Sept at almost 100k, then falls all the way down to 20k last month.

Then suddenly it spikes to 280k for this month.

You would be amazed at the dozens upon dozens of panic-striken comments. And these are all from Indians, you can tell by their pictures and names. Almost every SINGLE one of them claims the 'real' number of cases 'is much worse'. It's literally a talking point for them.

Finally, one guy posts the same graph, with the number of RECOVERIES. Shock of shocks....the recoveries mirror the number of cases, and spike right along with the cases.

Totally ignored by the commenters.

Then someone comments pointing out that India is a country of over 1.3 BILLION people, so these graphs represent 0.0025% of the population.

Commenters ignore this as well, continuing to bleat along about how the 'real' numbers are 'much worse'. And 'pray for our nation'.

My favorite comment is from the guy that says his entire family got it and they ALL RECEOVERD. He then concludes that hoax flux is 'such a tragedy'.

I will say this again: The legacy of pain and suffering from hoax flu will have almost nothing to do with the virus itself, but instead it will be from the FEAR AND MENTAL STRESS that sheep endured for the last year honestly believing that they were going to die from the flu.

You sheep have literally worried yourselves to death over the last year and science has proven that stress is one of the greatest impacts on your health.

This fear mongering is literally going to shorten lives due to stress, and suicide.

All because one political party wanted to take back the White House.
No, just a few sheep in every country throughout the world. Remember, the evildoers' plan is to be under one currency for the whole globe. The good news is this is another proof/sign of the return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. which is really Bad news for the globalist and non-believers.