Healing the sick with hydrochloroquine is what you do if you have a brain and compassion.
France is reporting a 100% success rate by using it already.
Doing research for 3 months while people die is what you do if you're a socialist murderer.
Kind of like the murder of tens of millions of American aborted babies since R-v-W...
Abortion is the biggest pandemic in human history, and yet it continues unabated.
The majority of aborted babies are black.
The majority of Co-V deaths are black.
The KKK is still a silent-closet arm of the Dim-Moe-Rats
The Dim-Moe-Rats work ceaselessly to have all of that continue.
Why in the ph--- do the majority of black people continue to support those long time oppressive murders?
Thank goodness that many of them are finally waking up to reality.
Lincoln was a Republican and they murdered him.
Carpetbaggers were Dim-Moe-Rats that were reward for that murder.
And a few years later they sneaked in the Federal Reserve and stole the U.S. Treasury.
Things have only gotten much worse since then....
Capitalist work for advancement through God given rights = Freedom
Welfare through creative suppression = Government controlled slavery.
One way to end immigration is to put in socialism and destroy the Constitution.
Then nobody will want to come to America, but a lot here now will be wanting to flee...
The only trouble with that, is that there will no longer be a free country to flee to.
And this is the entire reason for the 1st & 2nd Amendments.
The 2nd has NOTHING to do with hunting or with sport shooting.
"From my cold dead hands..."