The left continues its war on Christianity: KY gov says anyone attending Easter services will be

Let's release prisoners from jail, including those in jail for violent crimes, so we can make room for any sovereign citizen that's bold enough to exercise his GOD GIVEN RIGHTS, to go to a church service without government permission... :confused: --- :rolleyes: --- :eek: --- :mad:

WTF??? o_O:cool:o_O
...and a Pandemic is when everybody’s at risk...

good thing you folks weren’t around in the 1940’s...

suck it up for the greater good of public health...wussies...

There's no risk. Apply the same standards to this as they observe during the press briefings. 'Social distancing' is painfully easy to do and still have a normal service.

This is about a dem governor wanting to keep Christians at home and keep them from observing the most sacred and Holiest of Christian holidays.

And we all know why. Again, tell me why they won't be doing the same thing at mosques.
Healing the sick with hydrochloroquine is what you do if you have a brain and compassion.
France is reporting a 100% success rate by using it already.

Doing research for 3 months while people die is what you do if you're a socialist murderer.
Kind of like the murder of tens of millions of American aborted babies since R-v-W...
Abortion is the biggest pandemic in human history, and yet it continues unabated. o_O

The majority of aborted babies are black.
The majority of Co-V deaths are black.
The KKK is still a silent-closet arm of the Dim-Moe-Rats
The Dim-Moe-Rats work ceaselessly to have all of that continue.

Why in the ph--- do the majority of black people continue to support those long time oppressive murders? :oops:
Thank goodness that many of them are finally waking up to reality. o_O

Lincoln was a Republican and they murdered him.
Carpetbaggers were Dim-Moe-Rats that were reward for that murder.
And a few years later they sneaked in the Federal Reserve and stole the U.S. Treasury.
Things have only gotten much worse since then....:(

Capitalist work for advancement through God given rights = Freedom
Welfare through creative suppression = Government controlled slavery.

One way to end immigration is to put in socialism and destroy the Constitution.
Then nobody will want to come to America, but a lot here now will be wanting to flee...
The only trouble with that, is that there will no longer be a free country to flee to.

And this is the entire reason for the 1st & 2nd Amendments. o_O
The 2nd has NOTHING to do with hunting or with sport shooting. :cool:
"From my cold dead hands..."
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...and a Pandemic is when everybody’s at risk...

good thing you folks weren’t around in the 1940’s...

suck it up for the greater good of public health...wussies...

Any reason the 1st amendment is prohibited must be strongly examined, and yes, challenged. 3-4 days of an emergency order is one thing, Unlimited duration is something else

We are talking about several portions of the 1st amendment being constricted .....freedom of assembly, freedom of religious gatherings..... and open drive thru church service was banned by the Governor; a federal judge issued a stay, local law enforcement refused to document the car plates that the Governor demanded

We can’t let a health matter, or other declared emergencies, overrule the precious rights we have on unlimited time frames.... which is what we have now
There's no risk. Apply the same standards to this as they observe during the press briefings. 'Social distancing' is painfully easy to do and still have a normal service.

This is about a dem governor wanting to keep Christians at home and keep them from observing the most sacred and Holiest of Christian holidays.

And we all know why. Again, tell me why they won't be doing the same thing at mosques.
A Christian governor...

you are a critical fool....
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Anybody see how Texas and some other Republican states are using the pandemic to restrict access to abortion services? Just saying...
sadgator supposes ya’ll will think that a little bit of “tyranny” is ok there....

Over 600k Americans every year die from abortions.

Congratulations, you finally found your health crisis.
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Just me, it's not advice for anyone else. :cool:

I wear a high quality mask in public, for me and everyone around me.
I social distance to a reasonable degree.

I still meet with other like-minded individuals in small groups to discuss what this all means, and what to do about it if it continues past a reasonable time period.
Such is my God given freedom.

I have volunteered for military service and defended my country with a solemn and sacred life time oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and DOMESTIC...

That's something that very few of the corrupt politicians have ever done.... o_O
They also took an 'Oath of Office' but most just laugh at it at dinner parties...

IMOHO, pursuing socialism/communism from a government office is treason to their oath, and it should be prosecuted as such, IF we had a real Justice Department doing it's job. :mad:
I think a lot more federal judges need to be slapping down these governors and mayors with there draconian measures. Imagine that stupid governor in Michigan telling people with a second home or cabin that they can't go to. Or a walmart shopper who can buy hot dogs but not grass seed and a garden hose. Come on judges.