The Kraken

If there were evidence of cheating the DOJ would have run with it and it would be the biggest scandal ever.

But here's the thing: There is no evidence. Everything you claim is evidence isn't evidence. Tweets are not evidence. Statistics are not evidence (anyone who thinks statistics can be used here doesn't understand statistics, but I will be willing to explain, again, why, for the stubborn). Articles about spreadsheets are not evidence. Articles about anything are not evidence. Everything you are claiming is evidence is non-factual and anecdotal in nature. There is just nothing, because there is nothing to find. Trump is trying to play a delaying game because he thinks he can steal the election by corrupting the electoral college process. He will not succeed, but at least it might spur this country to get off it's duff and get rid of the electoral college and put the Presidential election where it belongs, with the people.

Who says the DOJ isn’t on it? When was the last time the DOJ announced that it was running a sting operation?

I know you’re smarter than that

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