The Failing new york times doubles down for its alt-left readership, check this spin out


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

the Hill piece is citing the new york times article, which cites 'anonymous sources' claiming that Trump is using bussing illegals to sanctuary cities to DISTRACT from the Mueller Report.

The same Mueller Report that completely exonerated Trump? LMAO!

Critical thinker knows why. You see, for the last 2 years, the nyt has sold its alt-left, radical readership like @urtren and @BSC911 on the idea that the Mueller Report was going to nail Trump. It was going to present an airtight, impeachable case for Trump. Mueller was going to release the report, walk it over to Pelosi, and she was going to call an immediate vote on impeachment, which would pass 435-0.

Even Faux News would have to admit that Trump had to go!

That's the fantasy that's been painted for the sheep for the last 2 years. Now the summary has come out, and there's no further indictments.

Sheep been hoodwinked once again.

So nyt is in desperation mode to save what few readers it has left. So NOW the spin is that the full report will be TERRIBLE! Barr left out all the bad stuff cause he's covering for Trump!

That's why Trump brought up bussing illegals to sanctuary cities. As a bonus, the nyt doesn't have to cover the REAL reason why he did it: To prove that dems don't give a shit about illegals.

See how this works? Critical thinker does. Sheep remain hoodwinked.
I believe the disappointed sheep are actually catching on to Amerikan Pravda. Give them a little bit of a break.

You're right, it's happening. You can tell its happening because suddenly they are coming out of the woodwork and are very pissy. They are pissed cause they deep down know they've been lied to, but aren't accepting being hoodwinked. They are mad at themselves for being hoodwinked, but that anger is being turned outward toward Trump.

Eventually, they will wake up and attack the media that's been lying to them for the last 3 years. That's when the real fun starts :D
Everyone has to learn. Even the folks who sucked and swallowed
the propaganda that the Bush clan put out about WMD's.
Republicans got hood winked on that as well. The difference
in these two stories is that 18 years later you Republican
hoodwinked sheeple still think we're chasing terrorist. LOL,
18 years and you folks still think there is a boogie man out there.
Now tell me who the hood winked sheeple are. Now, lets get
ready and go into Iran and be someone else's little bitch.
Cause it's coming down the pike. Yep! Once TPTB got
ownership and control of what the American people read and
hear it has been George Orwell's 1984 since. Critical thinkers
believe they are immune from being hood winked. Riiiiiiiight!
Oops! Something doesn't jive. Amazon ranks Valerie Jarret's book 1,030 in sales while the book makes nyt's best seller list.
Oops! Something doesn't jive. Amazon ranks Valerie Jarret's book 1,030 in sales while the book makes nyt's best seller list.

That's probably accurate as the nyt bestseller list is by category. However sales ranks are easily inflated, esp during launch week, just to make the nyt bestseller list.

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