So I am posting this again because the sub post underwent many edits and I REALLY want to discuss what ails this country. It is its character or lack thereof. Frankly I am tired of the bullsh&t. Our culture is bankrupt! Clinton and zer0 bankrupted it because a bankrupt people elected them.
I am no prude. Ask my wife LOL.
But we had a prez who said blow J@bs were not sex. He affected the culture for the worse. He allowed Bin Laden to skate. Millenials grew up under his debased leadership.
In came W who was handed a crap bag of a slowing economy and a terror attack right out the gate. He becomes LBJ light without the moral baggage. Nothing real in way of reform gets done as it all war all the time.
This leads to the election of zer0 who further debased the culture with his covert chicago style politics and advancement of alternative lifestyles while claiming evolution on the ideas. He was a liar and a rainbow warrior from the beginning.
Next the pendulum takes a wild swing to Trump. The debased left come out in full force and have tried everything to take him out. But even he was not the best man running. That was Ted Cruz, period!
Now for the repost part and be sure to watch the video:
I preferred the man over Bob Dull ( honorable man just a moniker so chill out) and W. I voted for him in 2 primaries and he should have been the first black president not zer0. Alas dumbocrats are the party of identity politics.
My guy was just the best constitutinonalist conservative. His fan club was a bunch of nerdy white college republicans driving K cars and Honda Civics. His oratory was electric. Did I mention he was black? Well we didn't care what race he was. We loved him.
Imagine a world where in 1996 the republicans elected the first black president. No zer0care and no gay marriage. No transgender nonsense and maybe no Bin Laden led 911. Imagine the bully pulpit used to get a Balanced budget amendment and the repeal of the 16th amendment with the Fair Tax.
Lord have mercy on us because we would have been way better off if the best man running in 96 had won.
The black Reagan was on the scene yet the RINOs insisted that it was Bob Doles time. SMH
He could have saved us from Clintons second term. He could of saved us from zer0. He and Cruz are some of the best men to have ever run, yet we settle.
If you are conservative at all its time to get your head out of your @ss. Libertarians its well past time to get your head out of your @sses. We aint fixing this ship until the culture is fixed and that means we quit legalizing pot and return to our judeo-christian roots. Roe and gay marriage must be repealed. After Trump you need to answer 2 questions.
1.) Who is more like the founders in way of thinking
2.) Who has moral character based on the Judeo-Christian ethos
If you aint thinking that way you are electing the wrong people and the slow march left will continue as we bipartisan our republic to death.
Yes I am wagging my finger in your face!!!!!!!!!!! We have blown it big time. Keyes and Cruz were the best men running and we took a pass.
I hope for better while continuing to plan to live out in the woods as self sufficient as possible because at nearly 51 (this month) I am getting too old to fight and want a nice quiet retirement away from leftist, the race obsessed, environuts, technocrats, bureaucrats and the rainbow mafia.
I am no prude. Ask my wife LOL.
But we had a prez who said blow J@bs were not sex. He affected the culture for the worse. He allowed Bin Laden to skate. Millenials grew up under his debased leadership.
In came W who was handed a crap bag of a slowing economy and a terror attack right out the gate. He becomes LBJ light without the moral baggage. Nothing real in way of reform gets done as it all war all the time.
This leads to the election of zer0 who further debased the culture with his covert chicago style politics and advancement of alternative lifestyles while claiming evolution on the ideas. He was a liar and a rainbow warrior from the beginning.
Next the pendulum takes a wild swing to Trump. The debased left come out in full force and have tried everything to take him out. But even he was not the best man running. That was Ted Cruz, period!
Now for the repost part and be sure to watch the video:
I preferred the man over Bob Dull ( honorable man just a moniker so chill out) and W. I voted for him in 2 primaries and he should have been the first black president not zer0. Alas dumbocrats are the party of identity politics.
My guy was just the best constitutinonalist conservative. His fan club was a bunch of nerdy white college republicans driving K cars and Honda Civics. His oratory was electric. Did I mention he was black? Well we didn't care what race he was. We loved him.
Imagine a world where in 1996 the republicans elected the first black president. No zer0care and no gay marriage. No transgender nonsense and maybe no Bin Laden led 911. Imagine the bully pulpit used to get a Balanced budget amendment and the repeal of the 16th amendment with the Fair Tax.
Lord have mercy on us because we would have been way better off if the best man running in 96 had won.
The black Reagan was on the scene yet the RINOs insisted that it was Bob Doles time. SMH
He could have saved us from Clintons second term. He could of saved us from zer0. He and Cruz are some of the best men to have ever run, yet we settle.
If you are conservative at all its time to get your head out of your @ss. Libertarians its well past time to get your head out of your @sses. We aint fixing this ship until the culture is fixed and that means we quit legalizing pot and return to our judeo-christian roots. Roe and gay marriage must be repealed. After Trump you need to answer 2 questions.
1.) Who is more like the founders in way of thinking
2.) Who has moral character based on the Judeo-Christian ethos
If you aint thinking that way you are electing the wrong people and the slow march left will continue as we bipartisan our republic to death.
Yes I am wagging my finger in your face!!!!!!!!!!! We have blown it big time. Keyes and Cruz were the best men running and we took a pass.
I hope for better while continuing to plan to live out in the woods as self sufficient as possible because at nearly 51 (this month) I am getting too old to fight and want a nice quiet retirement away from leftist, the race obsessed, environuts, technocrats, bureaucrats and the rainbow mafia.