The cost of Kammie's tax plan is astronomical

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Who did you think would pay for all of trumps spending? You people really are dumb
It's time for The Toe to pack her Uhaul and move back to Kommieforniastan. MDFer's paradise.

Cement ponds, movie stars. Word Salads.



Why do liberals always fall for the same proven wrong economic facts?

A vast majority of the time tax cuts result in more economic activity which results in more tax revenue. Trump’s tax cuts certainly did,

Rich people are not Scrooge McDuck. They invest their money and buy businesses, invest in startups…rich people hire people. You punish them with higher taxes and regulations they move their money (and sometimes their businesses). They have the means to dodge the tax code.

You tax a corporation and it doesn’t just shrug its shoulders and say “well, I guess we just have to live with lower margins”. They raise prices, and that means the tax is just passed down.

Of course you can’t cut to zero, but tax cuts coupled with regulatory reforms result in a stronger economy which means more taxable economic activity.

Why do liberals always fall for the same proven wrong economic facts?

A vast majority of the time tax cuts result in more economic activity which results in more tax revenue. Trump’s tax cuts certainly did,

Rich people are not Scrooge McDuck. They invest their money and buy businesses, invest in startups…rich people hire people. You punish them with higher taxes and regulations they move their money (and sometimes their businesses). They have the means to dodge the tax code.

You tax a corporation and it doesn’t just shrug its shoulders and say “well, I guess we just have to live with lower margins”. They raise prices, and that means the tax is just passed down.

Of course you can’t cut to zero, but tax cuts coupled with regulatory reforms result in a stronger economy which means more taxable economic activity.

Confucius can't give tax cuts to people who DON'T PAY TAXES. Kamel Toe and MDFer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............................

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Why do liberals always fall for the same proven wrong economic facts?

A vast majority of the time tax cuts result in more economic activity which results in more tax revenue. Trump’s tax cuts certainly did,

Rich people are not Scrooge McDuck. They invest their money and buy businesses, invest in startups…rich people hire people. You punish them with higher taxes and regulations they move their money (and sometimes their businesses). They have the means to dodge the tax code.

You tax a corporation and it doesn’t just shrug its shoulders and say “well, I guess we just have to live with lower margins”. They raise prices, and that means the tax is just passed down.

Of course you can’t cut to zero, but tax cuts coupled with regulatory reforms result in a stronger economy which means more taxable economic activity.

You believe that when the rich make more or has more money, they will invest it in their employees, instead of keeping it?
You believe that when the rich make more or has more money, they will invest it in their employees, instead of keeping it?
I believe they will start and invest in more businesses and that hires more employees, because we have seen it happen. How the hell else do you explain more money coming into the treasury after a few years of tax breaks? Especially if you buy the BS that only the wealthy benefitted from the Trump tax cuts.

Do they get richer? Sure, but so does everyone else. It’s called a strong economy.

You have to have “haves” and “have nots” in a meritocracy. If you don’t agree that some will succeed and some will fail you’re a communist and we shouldn’t discuss economics. Everyone ending up in the same place has a really bad track record.

Trust me, it’s better in the long run. Our poor are rich compared to many other countries. We have a much bigger problem with mental illness than economic opportunity.
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You believe that when the rich make more or has more money, they will invest it in their employees, instead of keeping it?
Seriously, WTF? Money isn't worth shit unless you spend it. It does nothing sitting in a bank. What do wealthy do with money? They buy goods and services, and move the economy. They have businesses, they hire lots of people. Not everyone with money is a trust fund baby. Eesh! You almost earned an MDFer/Cucky siren with the comment.
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A tax plan without showing how your going to balance the budget is a waste of time.

Its half the equation.
I believe they will start and invest in more businesses and that hires more employees, because we have seen it happen. How the hell else do you explain more money coming into the treasury after a few years of tax breaks? Especially if you buy the BS that only the wealthy benefitted from the Trump tax cuts.

Do they get richer? Sure, but so does everyone else. It’s called a strong economy.

You have to have “haves” and “have nots” in a meritocracy. If you don’t agree that some will succeed and some will fail you’re a communist and we shouldn’t discuss economics. Everyone ending up in the same place has a really bad track record.

Trust me, it’s better in the long run. Our poor are rich compared to many other countries. We have a much bigger problem with mental illness than economic opportunity.
Ok, thanks for answering.
Seriously, WTF? Money isn't worth shit unless you spend it. It does nothing sitting in a bank. What do wealthy do with money? They buy goods and services, and move the economy. They have businesses, they hire lots of people. Not everyone with money is a trust fund baby. Eesh! You almost earned an MDFer/Cucky siren with the comment.
A lot of inaccuracies but that's you.
Seriously, WTF? Money isn't worth shit unless you spend it. It does nothing sitting in a bank. What do wealthy do with money? They buy goods and services, and move the economy. They have businesses, they hire lots of people. Not everyone with money is a trust fund baby. Eesh! You almost earned an MDFer/Cucky siren with the comment.
I guess you don’t need to know the first thing about economics if you work in big pharma.
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I guess you don’t need to know the first thing about economics if you work in big pharma.
I don't believe that trickle-down economics work. You believe that it does. So, agree to disagree. No need to get personal.
I don't believe that trickle-down economics work. You believe that it does. So, agree to disagree. No need to get personal.
Another staggering example of how you may want to avoid debating this topic.

There's no such thing as "trickle down economics". It's not a real economic theory that's ever been taught.

It's a made up slur by the democrats to argue against a lower tax, lower regulation, pro free market economic policy.

If it's real find me the economist who coined the term during the Reagan years (not media parrots who repeat what politicians say).

It would be wiser to say you think economies can be heavily taxed and heavily regulated and still thrive...and I think you'll have trouble finding many examples where that's true.

"A high tide raises all ships"
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Another staggering example of how you may want to avoid debating this topic.

There's no such thing as "trickle down economics". It's not a real economic theory that's ever been taught.

It's a made up slur by the democrats to argue against a lower tax, lower regulation, pro free market economic policy.

If it's real find me the economist who coined the term during the Reagan years (not media parrots who repeat what politicians say).

It would be wiser to say you think economies can be heavily taxed and heavily regulated and still thrive...and I think you'll have trouble finding many examples where that's true.

"A high tide raises all ships"
Everything has "slur" but you knew what I was talking about. At the end of the day, I don't believe that your view of tax breaks for the wealthy will help the economy.
Everything has "slur" but you knew what I was talking about. At the end of the day, I don't believe that your view of tax breaks for the wealthy will help the economy.
Where did I say only the wealthy should get tax breaks?

And what does "everything has slur" mean?

"Trickle down economics" isn't a real economic theory, therefore it's not clearly defined and doesn't have a place in a real debate about economic policy.
Everything has "slur" but you knew what I was talking about. At the end of the day, I don't believe that your view of tax breaks for the wealthy will help the economy.
Good anecdote of a businessman who creates businesses and hires people, and what high tax, high regulatory environments do to people trying to grow the economy.

Is he rich? Yes. And that's OK, he's taken the risks, made the investments and done the work to earn that success. I don't understand how anyone who wants to be successful can begrudge that goal for someone else.

You try to take a disproportionate share and he has the means to dodge you.

Where did I say only the wealthy should get tax breaks?

And what does "everything has slur" mean?

"Trickle down economics" isn't a real economic theory, therefore it's not clearly defined and doesn't have a place in a real debate about economic policy.
Just remember...lefties LIE with almost EVERY breath. They truly believe that if they keep repeating their lies enough...people will eventually think their lie is actually the truth. And it is pretty effective...if you are an idiot, and do not pay close attention.
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Good anecdote of a businessman who creates businesses and hires people, and what high tax, high regulatory environments do to people trying to grow the economy.

Is he rich? Yes. And that's OK, he's taken the risks, made the investments and done the work to earn that success. I don't understand how anyone who wants to be successful can begrudge that goal for someone else.

You try to take a disproportionate share and he has the means to dodge you.

Because they are so much smarter
Good anecdote of a businessman who creates businesses and hires people, and what high tax, high regulatory environments do to people trying to grow the economy.

Is he rich? Yes. And that's OK, he's taken the risks, made the investments and done the work to earn that success. I don't understand how anyone who wants to be successful can begrudge that goal for someone else.

You try to take a disproportionate share and he has the means to dodge you.

O'Leary runs circles around Mark Cuban intellectually. Cuban was basically a salesman who got struck by lightning and made millions on a tech company. I liken him to someone who wins Powerball. All fluff. Would anyone take financial advice from a lottery winner??
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Just remember...lefties LIE with almost EVERY breath. They truly believe that if they keep repeating their lies enough...people will eventually think their lie is actually the truth. And it is pretty effective...if you are an idiot, and do not pay close attention.
He's not lying.

He's stuck ideologically on the idea that anyone with more money than he thinks they should have is greedy and needs that money taken away from them and given to someone else.

Trying to get him to take that idea to the inherent next step is impossible. He sees no possible bad outcomes.

Draw your own conclusions as to why.
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O'Leary runs circles around Mark Cuban intellectually. Cuban was basically a salesman who got struck by lightning and made millions on a tech company. I liken him to someone who wins Powerball. All fluff. Would anyone take financial advice from a lottery winner??
As much as I dislike the guy, he's leveraged that initial winfall pretty damn well for an idiot.

I think him being a leftist has more to do with the fact he can afford it and he wants to be in certain social circles.

When you have $5B you're in the "club", even if we go full commie.
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Good anecdote of a businessman who creates businesses and hires people, and what high tax, high regulatory environments do to people trying to grow the economy.

Is he rich? Yes. And that's OK, he's taken the risks, made the investments and done the work to earn that success. I don't understand how anyone who wants to be successful can begrudge that goal for someone else.

You try to take a disproportionate share and he has the means to dodge you.

You will never convince me otherwise and I'll never convince you. I am OK with that. That's America.
Where did I say only the wealthy should get tax breaks?

And what does "everything has slur" mean?

"Trickle down economics" isn't a real economic theory, therefore it's not clearly defined and doesn't have a place in a real debate about economic policy.
Everything has a slur means people always make up phrases for things like Obamacare, welfare queens, voo-doo economics, etc.

It is considered a real economic policy. You clearly don't like it because it's about a republican policy. It's just a waste of time to discuss because you'll never change your views and I won't either.
Everything has a slur means people always make up phrases for things like Obamacare, welfare queens, voo-doo economics, etc.

It is considered a real economic policy. You clearly don't like it because it's about a republican policy. It's just a waste of time to discuss because you'll never change your views and I won't either.
Don’t listen to me. Listen to one of the great economic minds of our time, and a great man.

Dude ok. I can give you a youtube saying that it is. You really seem to struggle to understand or accept that people will/can have different views.
Can you show me a YouTube of one of the most well respected economists saying Trickle down isn’t a political talking point, or some yahoo?

You really should just put your pride to the side for 3:00 and listen to the man.

He knows what he’s talking about,
Can you show me a YouTube of one of the most well respected economists saying Trickle down isn’t a political talking point, or some yahoo?

You really should just put your pride to the side for 3:00 and listen to the man.

He knows what he’s talking about,
What difference would it make to my beliefs?
What difference would it make to my beliefs?
Because the man studies this extensively and backs up his hypotheses with data.

He’s also an outside of the box thinker.

But “beliefs” is telling - it feels more like a religion than an intellectual debate.
Because the man studies this extensively and backs up his hypotheses with data.

He’s also an outside of the box thinker.

But “beliefs” is telling - it feels more like a religion than an intellectual debate.
So nothing lol

I already told you that it wasn't a debate but you're desperate to keep it going 🤷🏽‍♂️.
So nothing lol

I already told you that it wasn't a debate but you're desperate to keep it going 🤷🏽‍♂️.

Open borders: Letting asylum seekers from all parts of the world into the country while they wait 4 years for a hearing they’ll never show up to. Then not deporting them.m when they miss their court date.

90 executive actions to remove policies by the previous administration that were working….including stopping construction of a physical barrier and selling off the raw materials.

Almost zero deportations.

Calling for amnesty and voting rights for illegal immigrants.

Results are 10MM know entrants in 3.5 years, potentially another 5MM-10MM gotaways.

That’s an open border policy to me.

Now, what policies does Kamala support?

Open borders: Letting asylum seekers from all parts of the world into the country while they wait 4 years for a hearing they’ll never show up to. Then not deporting them.m when they miss their court date.

90 executive actions to remove policies by the previous administration that were working….including stopping construction of a physical barrier and selling off the raw materials.

Almost zero deportations.

Calling for amnesty and voting rights for illegal immigrants.

Results are 10MM know entrants in 3.5 years, potentially another 5MM-10MM gotaways.

That’s an open border policy to me.

Now, what policies does Kamala support?
WRONG WRONG WRONG. These people are NOT asylum seekers. They are here to get in on the worlds greatest freedom loving countries financial opportunities. Asylum is just a means the left allows for these ILLEGAL aliens TO STAY HERE.

Open borders: Letting asylum seekers from all parts of the world into the country while they wait 4 years for a hearing they’ll never show up to. Then not deporting them.m when they miss their court date.

90 executive actions to remove policies by the previous administration that were working….including stopping construction of a physical barrier and selling off the raw materials.

Almost zero deportations.

Calling for amnesty and voting rights for illegal immigrants.

Results are 10MM know entrants in 3.5 years, potentially another 5MM-10MM gotaways.

That’s an open border policy to me.

Now, what policies does Kamala support?
Thanks for answering but I couldn't find that in her platform or website. I can't debate "talking points".
Thanks for answering but I couldn't find that in her platform or website. I can't debate "talking points".
LOLOLOLOLOLOL Well you never looked...because IF YOU DID...there is ZERO information on her website about her stances. LOLOLOLOL Got caught lying AGAIN. TYPICAL unamerican lefty! IF..I say IF you looked...there are only links to DONATE. In other words...lefties supporting her have NO CLUE what she actually stands are ALL BLIND SHEEP...and you got caught RED HANDED LYING.