The Boycott Target Petition sign up page


Bull Gator
Nov 1, 2013
Over 1,000,000 have signed up so far and Target announced that it's stock fell 1.5 BILLION DOLLARS since they went completely PC, eliminated Boys and girls departments in their stores and said anyone can use any restroom they want no matter if people of the opposite sex are using them

Hit them where it will make them howl. Let them know that REAL Americans are not confused as to what sex God made them and that we are sick and tired of the perverted, evil democrat pushed agenda being shoved down our throats.
Yes! We must protect our womenfolk from the great scourge of men who get into drag only to ambush women in public bathrooms. My poor grandma can't even stop to powder her nose without being savagely roughhoused by Dr. Frank N Furter and his wandering hands and his lecherous gaze. When will this madness end?
Yes! We must protect our womenfolk from the great scourge of men who get into drag only to ambush women in public bathrooms. My poor grandma can't even stop to powder her nose without being savagely roughhoused by Dr. Frank N Furter and his wandering hands and his lecherous gaze. When will this madness end?
Man....That's what I was thinking. When will it end? These perverts trying to push there dumbass views on us. Its got to stop. Im so glad you signed. Hope your Grandma is well and free from the madness......Please Bitch!!! Any homo child molesting pervert that wants to go in the woman"s bathroom needs to be escorted out the front door head first!!! EFemmm!!!!!
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Man....That's what I was thinking. When will it end? These perverts trying to push there dumbass views on us. Its got to stop. Im so glad you signed. Hope your Grandma is well and free from the madness......Please Bitch!!! Any homo child molesting pervert that wants to go in the woman"s bathroom needs to be escorted out the front door head first!!! EFemmm!!!!!

I'm sure no one would disagree with you, that child molesters should be persona non grata in public bathrooms. But what that does that have to do with transgendered people?
This is stupid. We have laws on the books to punish child molesters, most child molesters are straight white men, and trans people have to live as the sex they are being reassigned to for two years before they qualify for the surgery. And since trans reassignment surgery has been around for decades, that means they have been doing it quietly FOR YEARS. Just like sexual predators have gotten to their victims thru various means since before there were Targets. It's comparable to Confederate flag, nobody gave a shit about it for YEARS and then something brought it into focus and now everyone is losing their shit. If you're that worried about your kids, self identify as their sex and go in with them. Quite worrying about what people do with their genitals and worry about something important, like Muslims maybe,.

And AFA is not a reliable source in my opinion. 1.5 BILLION dollars seems a bit farfetched, considering Chick-FIl-A's stock was not bother a whit by the boycott on it.
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What percentage of rapists and child molesters are transgendered?

I have no idea, but my guess is that the percentage is low, to nada.

I'm sure that there are far easier ways to commit sex crimes than going through the trouble of putting on women's clothing and makeup and hanging around in a woman's bathroom. That would be like a spy trying to "hide" by walking around the Kremlin wearing Grouch Marx glasses and looking at everything through a magnifying glass.
What percentage of rapists and child molesters are transgendered?

I have no idea, but my guess is that the percentage is low, to nada.

I'm sure that there are far easier ways to commit sex crimes than going through the trouble of putting on women's clothing and makeup and hanging around in a woman's bathroom. That would be like a spy trying to "hide" by walking around the Kremlin wearing Grouch Marx glasses and looking at everything through a magnifying glass.

I'm sure they have at least ten or so cases, since that's what they had on their site. But compared to the number of trans folk its statistically insignificant. I think what the perceived issue is such a small minority "forcing" their "immorality" on the population in general.
Speaking of statistically insignificant, that is what trans people are, but that doesn't stop the leftist agenda of forcing acceptance and making a lot of the 99.999% non trans people uncomfortable in the name of not making the trans people uncomfortable, But the most disturbing part is, instead of trying to get the very disturbed trans people the medical help they so desperately need, they are being up as courageous heroes, and if we do not applaud them, we are the bad guys.
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This is stupid. We have laws on the books to punish child molesters, most child molesters are straight white men, and trans people have to live as the sex they are being reassigned to for two years before they qualify for the surgery. And since trans reassignment surgery has been around for decades, that means they have been doing it quietly FOR YEARS. Just like sexual predators have gotten to their victims thru various means since before there were Targets. It's comparable to Confederate flag, nobody gave a shit about it for YEARS and then something brought it into focus and now everyone is losing their shit. If you're that worried about your kids, self identify as their sex and go in with them. Quite worrying about what people do with their genitals and worry about something important, like Muslims maybe,.

And AFA is not a reliable source in my opinion. 1.5 BILLION dollars seems a bit farfetched, considering Chick-FIl-A's stock was not bother a whit by the boycott on it.

Actually, they closed down last Friday 2.5 Billion dollars and that was from the Wall Street Journal. The Boycott has had minimal impact as it will take time to register any significant difference. But it don't help.

They began the slide taking out their Boys and Girls sections to remove all "Sexist" language and practice from their stores and to make everything "Gender Neutral" last year. Sales are off.

Poor management decisions compounded by their "In Your Face You Christian Bigots" attitude
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Actually, they closed down last Friday 2.5 Billion dollars and that was from the Wall Street Journal. The Boycott has had minimal impact as it will take time to register any significant difference. But it don't help.

They began the slide taking out their Boys and Girls sections to remove all "Sexist" language and practice from their stores and to make everything "Gender Neutral" last year. Sales are off.

Poor management decisions compounded by their "In Your Face You Christian Bigots" attitude

Look, sales are off probably because it's made it harder for parents to buy clothing for their children whom are generally one sex or the other - it's just a stupid marketing decision and they'll pay for it eventually - without a boycott

As far as toilet rooms, Europe has unisex facilities all over.... I'm not sure this is any big deal. Toilet facilities all have partitions..... And i'd like to see a vagina try to pee in a friggin urinal....

....much ado about nothing - more pressing PC bullcrap than this
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another point, this really is a discussion of their (decidedly stupid) change in product arrangement, and decorum - there's no moral issue here
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I disagree, in principal, with the Target boycott. But I also like it because it demonstrates to the trigger happy "Boycott North Carolina" brigade that boycotts can worth both ways.

Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of Mutually Assured Destruction for everyone to behave like grown-ups.
The HIllary loving mayor of Tampa jumped on the anti-NC bandwagon, and made some grandstanding announcement about how he and the City would conduct business in NC. He never replied to my question about if NC businessmen and tourists were not welcome in Tampa any more...
The anti-NC boycotts are immediately exposed by the fact that many of the companies who support them do business in countries where human rights are far worse.

It's a silly thing to become a cause celebre.
... forcing acceptance and making a lot of the 99.999% non trans people uncomfortable in the name of not making the trans people uncomfortable ....

This is the part I don't get. The discomfort. If someone's cool as a person, really who cares? Not picking on dj, I just legitimately don't understand being uncomfortable around trans people, or really anybody in the LGBT community- Why?

This whole bathroom things breaks down like this in my mind- All of us have been in restrooms with homosexuals- probably many, many, many times without even knowing it- both as adults and children- the vast, vast, vast majority of us didn't get diddled by the aforementioned homosexuals. Also all of our children and nieces, nephews, cousins etc have been in a restroom with a homosexual before without getting diddled. So this can't really be about homosexuals. You- yes you- and your kids too- have coiled a rope in a stall next to a gay person. Lots and lots of times. Hell, if you've been to Williams-Brice stadium in Columbia for a UF/USCe game as an example- you've you've probably shared those disgusting "trough" pizzers where everyone's junk is out- with gay dudes- They've seen all the junk- so what? Nobody got diddled, NBD.

So I have two theories on why some folks are so butthurt:

1. Perverts/diddlers being around children. Well, if perv percentages apply across the board, then X% of a larger population is greater than the same X% of a tiny minority population- So straight (men?) going into the ladies room is the issue. This begs two questions- How many dudes really go into ladies rooms? And why is the American Family Association sending effing DUDES into the ladies rooms to test Target? Those AFA dudes seem to be the ones to be afraid of.

2. The "acceptance" argument. Once society says it's "OK" for Timmy to pop-on a sundress and ask to be called Tina- We're all merging onto the highway to moral decay and the end of civilization. I'll tell you this, as a guy pretty substantially into his fourth decade as a fellow traveler on Spaceship Earth- Life is really, really short in the grand scheme of things... If someone is lucky enough to find something that makes them happy and enriches their short tenure in existence without hurting anyone else- Mozel Tov my friend. If you're a dude and decide being with a dude makes you really happy- Choose happy, time is short. If putting on a dress and being Tina instead of Tommy makes you happy- Choose to be happy, time is short.

I guess I'm saying is that if you or your kids feel the need to release the chocolate hostage, shake the dew off the Lilly, knit a brown sweater, or bomb the tidy-bowl-man in your local Target, you have nothing to worry about.

At the same time, I fully support mandatory minimum prison time for people that try to talk to you in the bathroom. Triple the sentence if you're in a stall- I'm talking like 10-20-Life stuff. Way, way worse than taking a whizz next to Tina with the Adam's apple.
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So....if you don't get the whole "discomfort" thing, then there is no reason to let trans people pick the bathroom they use, they can use the plumbing that corresponds with their plumbing.
So....if you don't get the whole "discomfort" thing, then there is no reason to let trans people pick the bathroom they use, they can use the plumbing that corresponds with their plumbing.

Everyone should pick the bathroom that's the most comfortable for them- there's no harm there.. Nothing bad is going to happen to you or your sons/daughters if "Tina" decides to take the Browns to the Superbowl while you're in there.. You realize why we're all in bathrooms to begin with irrespective of gender or identity right? We all go there to either grow a tail or clean the fish tank.

Actually the notion of having a gender specific stink-lodge may have run its course.. In Europe, they have common changing rooms at the beach with separate stalls anyone can use- because almost everyone wants to put on a swimsuit and get to the beach, and not perv out..

BTW- women's restrooms are the frigging nasty, and if I were a chick, I'd "identify" that Y chromosome anytime nature calls so I could use the men's room.. I work in a female-dominated industry and you have no idea how many complaints about "lady-supplies" left on the floor or clogging toilets, things smeared on the wall and just general disgusting things I have to actually address on a regular basis as el jefe.
So again, you show concern for their comfort, at the expense of the potential discomfort of up to very very very small percentage of people, who would be better served with quality mental health assistance are to be granted "rights" at the expense of others who merely want to maintain some semblance of standards on which to base a civilized society. There is no rationale for this line of thinking other than you detest tradition, values, and history and want to erase it so the leftist utopia can proceed.
..people, who would be better served with quality mental health assistance..

There's nothing "wrong" with them any more than there is anything "wrong" with you or I. It's just a dude in a dress, or a chick in jeans and a flannel shirt. Big Whoop. Seriously, no one cares about this...

There is no rationale for this line of thinking other than you detest tradition, values, and history and want to erase it

-Said (I imagine) King George to the brave revolutionary thinkers who set sail to the new world in order to make their own way- facing nearly certain peril.

Dude, don't you remember where we're from? We're all decedents of the greatest "EFF YOU" group of people on the face of the Earth! All the cowards stayed in Europe, but the brave set sail- and here we are- Children's children of forward thinkers, dreamers, iconoclasts, braggarts, scoundrels and a general bunch of bad-azz daredevils compared to everyone else on the planet.

And your worried about some kid in a Target bathroom?
What the eff ever just hate the standards of society because they are based on principles you hate. I get it, I just don't agree. And you trying to boil it down to where someone pees is an amazing over simplification of the direction of society, If you really wanted to get into the spirit of the founding fathers, you would join people like me that want to tear down and decentralize the govt as much as possible, not enact more and more and more in the name of "fairness." As far as saying there is nothing wrong with people that like Bruce Jenner, you are an ignorant fool, that is severe mental illness what he is experiencing, but he will never get help because he is cheered and called a hero by those who want to advance the agenda I outlined in the previous post.

But please, keep ignoring any and all contradictions in what you say while at still have not explained why your point of view is that it is complete foolishness for anyone to be uncomfortable about trans picking the wrong bathroom, while simultaneously arguing it is mean and unfair to make a trans uncomfortable by asking them to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender. No, you cannot explain your contradiction, because you don't care, you just want standards destroyed, because we cannot have your leftist utopia with them in place.
So again, you show concern for their comfort, at the expense of the potential discomfort of up to very very very small percentage of people, who would be better served with quality mental health assistance are to be granted "rights" at the expense of others who merely want to maintain some semblance of standards on which to base a civilized society. There is no rationale for this line of thinking other than you detest tradition, values, and history and want to erase it so the leftist utopia can proceed.

As far as I know, we don't base laws on what percentage of the population would be affected by them.
As far as I know, we don't base laws on what percentage of the population would be affected by them.

And you miss the point, entirely. I was told several times in this thread, quite forcibly, that it was simply ridiculous to even consider that it might even be slightly uncomfortable for most people to deal with this issue, and that if you are uncomfortable, then there is something wrong with you, and at the same time, we are going to allow people to use the bathroom of their choosing, you know, so they won't be uncomfortable....get it yet?
The HIllary loving mayor of Tampa jumped on the anti-NC bandwagon, and made some grandstanding announcement about how he and the City would conduct business in NC. He never replied to my question about if NC businessmen and tourists were not welcome in Tampa any more...

Ha ha love it.
This bathroom stuff has to come to some logical end. Make each stall self contained and be done with it. How did we ever go to the bathroom before this non- issue?
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So now Obama is ordering all public schools to allow transgenders to use the bathroom they choose.... leftists, please explain how this is anything other than an attack on traditions and standards.
So now Obama is ordering all public schools to allow transgenders to use the bathroom they choose.... leftists, please explain how this is anything other than an attack on traditions and standards.

Obama is a subversive. Of course it's an attack on traditions and standards. That's what the leftists want.
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So now Obama is ordering all public schools to allow transgenders to use the bathroom they choose.... leftists, please explain how this is anything other than an attack on traditions and standards.

I think Obama is overstepping here. I'm fine with transgendered people using the bathroom of their choice, but I am not comfortable with the use of executive diktats to push social agendas. This is something that needs to work its way through the Congress.

This is a rare case where I agree with Ted Cruz.
I think Obama is overstepping here. I'm fine with transgendered people using the bathroom of their choice, but I am not comfortable with the use of executive diktats to push social agendas. This is something that needs to work its way through the Congress.

This is a rare case where I agree with Ted Cruz.

General public is one thing, public schools is another....and Obama's demand is more than just restrooms, it includes locker rooms and sports teams. Please explain how this is not done with the intent to cause chaos and piss off a lot of people.
This is the part I don't get. The discomfort. If someone's cool as a person, really who cares? Not picking on dj, I just legitimately don't understand being uncomfortable around trans people, or really anybody in the LGBT community- Why?

This whole bathroom things breaks down like this in my mind- All of us have been in restrooms with homosexuals- probably many, many, many times without even knowing it- both as adults and children- the vast, vast, vast majority of us didn't get diddled by the aforementioned homosexuals. Also all of our children and nieces, nephews, cousins etc have been in a restroom with a homosexual before without getting diddled. So this can't really be about homosexuals. You- yes you- and your kids too- have coiled a rope in a stall next to a gay person. Lots and lots of times. Hell, if you've been to Williams-Brice stadium in Columbia for a UF/USCe game as an example- you've you've probably shared those disgusting "trough" pizzers where everyone's junk is out- with gay dudes- They've seen all the junk- so what? Nobody got diddled, NBD.

So I have two theories on why some folks are so butthurt:

1. Perverts/diddlers being around children. Well, if perv percentages apply across the board, then X% of a larger population is greater than the same X% of a tiny minority population- So straight (men?) going into the ladies room is the issue. This begs two questions- How many dudes really go into ladies rooms? And why is the American Family Association sending effing DUDES into the ladies rooms to test Target? Those AFA dudes seem to be the ones to be afraid of.

2. The "acceptance" argument. Once society says it's "OK" for Timmy to pop-on a sundress and ask to be called Tina- We're all merging onto the highway to moral decay and the end of civilization. I'll tell you this, as a guy pretty substantially into his fourth decade as a fellow traveler on Spaceship Earth- Life is really, really short in the grand scheme of things... If someone is lucky enough to find something that makes them happy and enriches their short tenure in existence without hurting anyone else- Mozel Tov my friend. If you're a dude and decide being with a dude makes you really happy- Choose happy, time is short. If putting on a dress and being Tina instead of Tommy makes you happy- Choose to be happy, time is short.

I guess I'm saying is that if you or your kids feel the need to release the chocolate hostage, shake the dew off the Lilly, knit a brown sweater, or bomb the tidy-bowl-man in your local Target, you have nothing to worry about.

At the same time, I fully support mandatory minimum prison time for people that try to talk to you in the bathroom. Triple the sentence if you're in a stall- I'm talking like 10-20-Life stuff. Way, way worse than taking a whizz next to Tina with the Adam's apple.
one of the best posts I have ever read i tip my "imaginary" hat to you sir
This dj person is such a fear monger I suspect he must get scared of his own shadow. I've never seen such consistently phobic posts from anyone on a message board, ever...and that's saying something.
This dj person is such a fear monger I suspect he must get scared of his own shadow. I've never seen such consistently phobic posts from anyone on a message board, ever...and that's saying something. must be a member of the "tolerant left" because that is how they respond to pretty much everything.
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Yes! We must protect our womenfolk from the great scourge of men who get into drag only to ambush women in public bathrooms. My poor grandma can't even stop to powder her nose without being savagely roughhoused by Dr. Frank N Furter and his wandering hands and his lecherous gaze. When will this madness end?
Protecting your trannies? LOLOLOL
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I totally disagree with this Bs. I live in a fairly right county. It’s growing more urban by the day and expanding. But i don’t see this happening. People jusy wanna live their lives, gay or straight, American vs non American, rich Vs poor. Majority of people don’t give a crap. It’s not my responsibility tk judge anyone and i know a lot of lgtbq community doesn’t endorse this stuff. Stop shoving it down kids throats and trying to convince them! My daughter loves UF. Why? Bc she’s been exposed to it her whole life. Kids are easily convinced.

Mental health in children is on the verge of becoming a crisis on our world. What’s gonna happen in the next 5-10 years when these kids wake up as teenagers and realize they aren’t really transgender, or aren’t lesbian or gay. They will be even more confused and have issues.

It’s incredibly discouraging that these businesses are trying to do the trendy thing snd do all this stuff, when it’s really not even needed. As somekne eluded to prior post, life your life. Most people don’t care and even smaller % care enough to actually confront you About it for being the way you are.
I totally disagree with this Bs. I live in a fairly right county. It’s growing more urban by the day and expanding. But i don’t see this happening. People jusy wanna live their lives, gay or straight, American vs non American, rich Vs poor. Majority of people don’t give a crap. It’s not my responsibility tk judge anyone and i know a lot of lgtbq community doesn’t endorse this stuff. Stop shoving it down kids throats and trying to convince them! My daughter loves UF. Why? Bc she’s been exposed to it her whole life. Kids are easily convinced.

Mental health in children is on the verge of becoming a crisis on our world. What’s gonna happen in the next 5-10 years when these kids wake up as teenagers and realize they aren’t really transgender, or aren’t lesbian or gay. They will be even more confused and have issues.

It’s incredibly discouraging that these businesses are trying to do the trendy thing snd do all this stuff, when it’s really not even needed. As somekne eluded to prior post, life your life. Most people don’t care and even smaller % care enough to actually confront you About it for being the way you are.

Yep there is no reason an underage child should be able to rush into something like that. Its crazy companies push this stuff for political reasons.