... forcing acceptance and making a lot of the 99.999% non trans people uncomfortable in the name of not making the trans people uncomfortable ....
This is the part I don't get. The discomfort. If someone's cool as a person, really who cares? Not picking on dj, I just legitimately don't understand being uncomfortable around trans people, or really anybody in the LGBT community- Why?
This whole bathroom things breaks down like this in my mind- All of us have been in restrooms with homosexuals- probably many, many, many times without even knowing it- both as adults and children- the vast, vast, vast majority of us didn't get diddled by the aforementioned homosexuals. Also all of our children and nieces, nephews, cousins etc have been in a restroom with a homosexual before without getting diddled. So this can't really be about homosexuals. You- yes you- and your kids too- have coiled a rope in a stall next to a gay person. Lots and lots of times. Hell, if you've been to Williams-Brice stadium in Columbia for a UF/USCe game as an example- you've you've probably shared those disgusting "trough" pizzers where everyone's junk is out- with gay dudes- They've seen all the junk- so what? Nobody got diddled, NBD.
So I have two theories on why some folks are so butthurt:
1. Perverts/diddlers being around children. Well, if perv percentages apply across the board, then X% of a larger population is greater than the same X% of a tiny minority population- So straight (men?) going into the ladies room is the issue. This begs two questions- How many dudes really go into ladies rooms? And why is the American Family Association sending effing DUDES into the ladies rooms to test Target? Those AFA dudes seem to be the ones to be afraid of.
2. The "acceptance" argument. Once society says it's "OK" for Timmy to pop-on a sundress and ask to be called Tina- We're all merging onto the highway to moral decay and the end of civilization. I'll tell you this, as a guy pretty substantially into his fourth decade as a fellow traveler on Spaceship Earth- Life is really, really short in the grand scheme of things... If someone is lucky enough to find something that makes them happy and enriches their short tenure in existence without hurting anyone else- Mozel Tov my friend. If you're a dude and decide being with a dude makes you really happy- Choose happy, time is short. If putting on a dress and being Tina instead of Tommy makes you happy- Choose to be happy, time is short.
I guess I'm saying is that if you or your kids feel the need to release the chocolate hostage, shake the dew off the Lilly, knit a brown sweater, or bomb the tidy-bowl-man in your local Target, you have nothing to worry about.
At the same time, I fully support mandatory minimum prison time for people that try to talk to you in the bathroom. Triple the sentence if you're in a stall- I'm talking like 10-20-Life stuff. Way, way worse than taking a whizz next to Tina with the Adam's apple.