Tebow Strikes Again


Bull Gator
Apr 3, 2002
Kari Van Horn


Tebow signing autographs. Fan has what looks like seizure. Not moving. Tebow puts hand on him and says a prayer. Man breathes. WOW.


First, I have no idea what TT did or didn't do. I don't think that he's ever made any 'healer' claims for himself in any case. But I found this article quite interesting.

"Bioenergy medicine is the transmission of human energy from one person to another to improve his or her health. It's a little like giving somebody with a weak car battery a boost." – Mietek Wirkus, bioenergy healer.

"What we have seen and measured in our laboratory (as healers have been tested while healing) is not possible. But it happens anyway!" – Elmer E. Green, Ph.D., Director Emeritus, Center for Applied Psychophysiology, Menninger Clinic

And excerpt or two from the article:

Skeptics would likely say that this and all similar experiences at the hands of healers — for example, the sensations often experienced and attested to by those prayed over and touched by Godfrey Mowatt or Oskar Estebany — are self-generated because of certain expectations or because of the effects of hypnotism. I used to have considerable sympathy with that point of view myself, until it happened to me. But, in light of the published results of scientific experiments, the old arguments about such experiences being "purely subjective" have to be abandoned anyhow.
We have already seen how the experiments of Dr. Bernard Grad, Dolores Krieger, and those following their lead have removed any doubt that there is a "healer effect" that can be scientifically demonstrated. We come now to a slightly different approach that validates the same point in a singularly convincing fashion. I'm referring to ten years of solid research with over a dozen well-known healers carried out at the Menninger Clinic's Center for Applied Psychophysiology by Drs. Elmer Green, Robert Becker, and Steven L. Fahrion.

~ Healers have for centuries told of seeing 'auras' around people, but the skeptics have never believed them.

The "Kirlian effect," the reality of flares of "pulsating, multi-coloured lights" surrounding the human body and ebbing and flowing according to the health and vital energy of the individual, gets its name from a brilliant electronics expert from Krasnodar in the south of Russia. Semyon Kirlian and his journalist wife, Valentina, after more than twenty years of painstaking research and refinement, from 1939 onward, succeeded in perfecting an entirely new method of photography it involved fourteen fresh patents — which made it possible to "see" not just the human aura but the auras of other living things; for example, that of a leaf.