State run Fox News?

I'm surprised Zucker is still hanging on after the AT&T takeover. There are some really put out stockholders with CNN's lack of audience. Zucker has no coherent plan to build an audience. What happens if he loses his captive airport audience?

The Cohen News Channel gave no coverage to the Trump-Un Vietnam Summit.
@urtren favorite fakenews news channel CNN who’s ratings have fallen behind ancient Aliens..... CEO Zucker comes unhinged declaring conspiracies and state run Fox News.
Is this Brian Stelter's father? He must be over 300lbs by now.

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Funny how CNN pays airports to lock their TVs to their channel. Here's a Sam Donaldson classic.

"There's nothing more delicious than the truth served cold to someone feasting on a diet of lies." What a wordsmith, even if he did confuse his metaphors. This must be what passes for clever among Republicans. Sad!
"There's nothing more delicious than the truth served cold to someone feasting on a diet of lies." What a wordsmith, even if he did confuse his metaphors. This must be what passes for clever among Republicans. Sad!
Like this?

And this?

The dude who was "rescued" is probably related to Brian Stelter, if the head has anything to do with it.
Here's another classic, Brooke Baldwin tries to lead a Syrian to attack Trump for US strikes on the country, and instead he praises Trump and she immediately starts trying to cut him off and end the segment :D:D:D:D When he starts attacking obama and says that Syrians don't want to come to the US they want to stay in Syria, she immediately starts going 'ok ok' and tries to cut him off.

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In fairness to Brooke Baldwin. Brooke axed Dimm Senator Baldwin if she was as vocal when parents were separated from children at the border under President Obama. Senator Baldwin looked genuinely miffed at such a question from a friendly CNN.

And yes. I was shocked at Brooke's Fox News style question.
So Fox News is turning into CNN? Who gets the ax next? Carlson? Media Matters got the most watched cable news guy ever. Is Jenine gone now? Truth telling about a Jew hating congress woman from Michigan is a no no at Fox News? Okay for CNN anchors to jab Negroes who "don't read".
So Fox News is turning into CNN? Who gets the ax next? Carlson? Media Matters got the most watched cable news guy ever. Is Jenine gone now? Truth telling about a Jew hating congress woman from Michigan is a no no at Fox News? Okay for CNN anchors to jab Negroes who "don't read".

The left wants to silence anyone that expresses facts or even opinions that they disagree with.

Saw an interesting episode of Joe Rogan's podcast with Jack Dorsey, Twitter's CEO. He slipped in an interesting factoid that many people missed: He said that Twitter has consistently seen that among its userbase, Republicans follow both Republicans and Democrats, but Democrats only follow Democrats.

IOW, Republicans are critical thinkers who can hear opinions from all sides, then decide for themselves how to think. Democrats are emotional thinkers who will only follow (listen) to people who believe as they do.
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