I can't ever vote democrat:
The librul war on men and straight men.
The librul notions of safe-spaces.
Libruls are racists but will lie and say they're not.
Hate the "people of color" designation.
I am a feminist and I believe in equality so any woman I date must pay her way (her fair share).
Open-borders policies.
Since women want to be so equal...they haven't any right to ask for/take alimony (vagina-mony)....alimony = vaginamony.
Libruls have given the right of "choice" to women (abortion)...but haven't extended any reproductive choices towards men.
The family court system, IMO, is too heavily weighted towards women...not fair to men at all, IMO.
Don't tell me you're all for equality (as a woman) then ask me to lift a 15 (fifteen) pound box for you (as a woman)...then, I will trump the so-called equality notion right in your face.
I will not vote for anyone who is pro-sanctuary status for cities & states.
Will not vote for anyone who is pro-chain migration.
I am anti-toxic masculinity courses, gender studies, and such.
No woman needs to be president.
I'm a hater & proud of it.
Agent Orange
The librul war on men and straight men.
The librul notions of safe-spaces.
Libruls are racists but will lie and say they're not.
Hate the "people of color" designation.
I am a feminist and I believe in equality so any woman I date must pay her way (her fair share).
Open-borders policies.
Since women want to be so equal...they haven't any right to ask for/take alimony (vagina-mony)....alimony = vaginamony.
Libruls have given the right of "choice" to women (abortion)...but haven't extended any reproductive choices towards men.
The family court system, IMO, is too heavily weighted towards women...not fair to men at all, IMO.
Don't tell me you're all for equality (as a woman) then ask me to lift a 15 (fifteen) pound box for you (as a woman)...then, I will trump the so-called equality notion right in your face.
I will not vote for anyone who is pro-sanctuary status for cities & states.
Will not vote for anyone who is pro-chain migration.
I am anti-toxic masculinity courses, gender studies, and such.
No woman needs to be president.
I'm a hater & proud of it.
Agent Orange