So Trump made fools of Chuck N Nancy today lol


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
So Trump decided to have an open meeting with Chuck N Nancy about the looming government shutdown. Chuck N Nancy thought everyone would make a statement to the press about what they were going to talk about, then Trump would usher the press out. Instead, Trump held the entire meeting with the press allowed to stay LMAO!

So here's about how it went:

Trump: So Nancy would you like to say something?

Pelosi: Yes Mr. President. I want you to understand that the new congress will be COMPLETELY transparent as that's what the people want.

Trump: Fine. Ok let's begin by...

Pelosi: Mr. President, shouldn't we tell the press to leave? I don't think we should have such an important meeting in public, that would be.....

Trump: Transparent?


He also told both of them that he will HAPPILY shut the government down if they don't address border security. Trump pointed out for all that Chuck N Nancy could give a rat's ass about the border, they want it OPEN, not secure.

CNN viewers like @BSC911 and @SoProudNole can tell us how they were spinning it to the CNN sheep. I suspect it was something about how outrageous it was for Trump to allow the press to stay and watch (Chuck N Nancy taken to school by Trump). I'm sure there were plenty of 'Trump's in over his head!" and "This President doesn't understand how things get done in Washington!" comments.

And I'm sure BSC and SoProud nodded right along LMAO!