Smoking gun?

That means a lot to me, thanks for the kind words. I am not a TRUMPTARD and I am not a sheep. That's difficult for sheep to deal with, I get that. It is what it is. Guy gets curb stomped by a vegetable after squeaking by the worst candidate in history, objectively it's me that's got the blind spot right? Guy was awful, he lost. He deserved to lose regardless of who the other candidate was. Biden will likely not win again either, but that story isn't written yet.
AZ Audit says you're as FoS as we all knew you were.
GA Audit is in the process of confirming what those of us with a functioning brain already knew.
Other key states to follow, and Beijing Biden is a criminal fraud.
Are you, or are you just that deluded/stupid? (rhetorical)

I've decided to post this on every thread that concerns the vaccine, so that maybe it will eventually sink in.

IF she was the only one, then maybe,,,,

,,, but doctors from all over the country are doing the same and getting the same kinds of cure rate results.

When the corrupt troll vaccine pushers can't argue the science or the actual patient outcomes, then they will invariably try to discredit the individuals that are providing the cure instead.... So Typical of them.

So now the AMA has come out and finally said that early treatment of COVID patients with hydroxychloroquine, Z pack and Zinc can be beneficial to curing COVID. This is after nine months of a nationwide ban of its use resulting in over 400,000 American deaths.

Hydroxychloroquine or HCQ is a drug that has been used for 50 years for various things like arthritis and malaria, Why was HCQ banned you ask? Simply because President Trump mentioned that it "could be" helpful in saving lives and protecting people from getting COVID.

So that means the media, Fauci, the Democrats, all the governors who banned its use caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of American lives because they hated President Trump.
They all lied and Americans died.
Some doctors said it didn't help even though many doctors testified before Congress that it did help people recover and prevented people from getting it. These doctors testified before Congress and the Senate and were flat out attacked for their views - views that were provable. One hundred clinical studies that proved it helped were ignored. President Trump was right and tried to save those lives but the before mentioned wouldn't help and walked away.
Read the entire article here:
AZ Audit says you're as FoS as we all knew you were.
GA Audit is in the process of confirming what those of us with a functioning brain already knew.
Other key states to follow, and Beijing Biden is a criminal fraud.
Are you, or are you just that deluded/stupid? (rhetorical)

I've decided to post this on every thread that concerns the vaccine, so that maybe it will eventually sink in.

IF she was the only one, then maybe,,,,

,,, but doctors from all over the country are doing the same and getting the same kinds of cure rate results.

When the corrupt troll vaccine pushers can't argue the science or the actual patient outcomes, then they will invariably try to discredit the individuals that are providing the cure instead.... So Typical of them.

So now the AMA has come out and finally said that early treatment of COVID patients with hydroxychloroquine, Z pack and Zinc can be beneficial to curing COVID. This is after nine months of a nationwide ban of its use resulting in over 400,000 American deaths.

Hydroxychloroquine or HCQ is a drug that has been used for 50 years for various things like arthritis and malaria, Why was HCQ banned you ask? Simply because President Trump mentioned that it "could be" helpful in saving lives and protecting people from getting COVID.

So that means the media, Fauci, the Democrats, all the governors who banned its use caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of American lives because they hated President Trump.
They all lied and Americans died.
Some doctors said it didn't help even though many doctors testified before Congress that it did help people recover and prevented people from getting it. These doctors testified before Congress and the Senate and were flat out attacked for their views - views that were provable. One hundred clinical studies that proved it helped were ignored. President Trump was right and tried to save those lives but the before mentioned wouldn't help and walked away.
Read the entire article here:

Did you read the ”entire article”?

If you did, you probably noticed this response immediately after the opinion:

”Mr. Burns, I only have two things to say.

1. Fact check is your friend.

2. The article you reference was published in AJM (American Journal of Medicine) and not AMA (American Medical Association).

Oh, and there's a third:

3. The article in AJM doesn't say that. AJM doesn't endorse HCQ for COVID-19 treatment. Articles presented to AJM are written by outside authors with different and at times opposing views about various medical conditions and treatments.
a. The article I believe you reference was actually put together last spring and published in August while Trump was still in office. IOWs, it's not a 'new article' at all.

Have a great day, sir. Let your fingers do the tap dancing on your keyboard and use your browser to carry out a simple less than three-second search.

Most of all and finally, stop regurgitating stuff you lift from some right wing site filled with misinformation, hate and outright lies.

Brenda Washington”
While those that have taken the vaccine continue to have very bad side affect, with thousands dying.

And if you ignore the doctors that are using the HCQ cure and their proven results, along with the 100 clinical studies agreeing, then you might have a point, other than the one on the top of you idiot head.

Cherry picking your own 'fact checkers' is your free option, but I continue to NOT take any of the questionable Communist Chinese Kung Flu vaccines.

BTW, do you just regurgitate your own crap, without giving links to your own position on HCQ that you claim proves that it's not a cure? What did Dr Faulty say about HCQ in the past for example?

Dr. Didier Raoult, the Anthony Fauci of France, had such spectacular success using HCQ to treat victims of SARS-CoV-2 that he said way back on February 25 that “it’s game over” for Coronavirus. He and a team of researchers reported that the use of HCQ administered with both azithromycin and zinc cured 79 of 80 patients with only “rare and minor” adverse events.


And you're saying that I should trust the AMA and their own certified doctors that according to a Johns Hopkins study, kill over a quarter million patients annually through their own medical errors?
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While those that have taken the vaccine continue to have very bad side affect, with thousands dying.

And if you ignore the doctors that are using the HCQ cure and their proven results, along with the 100 clinical studies agreeing, then you might have a point, other than the one on the top of you idiot head.

Cherry picking your own 'fact checkers' is your free option, but I continue to NOT take any of the questionable Communist Chinese Kung Flu vaccines.

BTW, do you just regurgitate your own crap, without giving links to your own position on HCQ that you claim proves that it's not a cure? What did Dr Faulty say about HCQ in the past for example?

Dr. Didier Raoult, the Anthony Fauci of France, had such spectacular success using HCQ to treat victims of SARS-CoV-2 that he said way back on February 25 that “it’s game over” for Coronavirus. He and a team of researchers reported that the use of HCQ administered with both azithromycin and zinc cured 79 of 80 patients with only “rare and minor” adverse events.


And you're saying that I should trust the AMA and their own certified doctors that according to a Johns Hopkins study, kill over a quarter million patients annually through their own medical errors?
While you get your medical advice from Trump. Hahahaha.

What a sheep.
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Did you read the ”entire article”?

If you did, you probably noticed this response immediately after the opinion:

”Mr. Burns, I only have two things to say.

1. Fact check is your friend.

2. The article you reference was published in AJM (American Journal of Medicine) and not AMA (American Medical Association).

Oh, and there's a third:

3. The article in AJM doesn't say that. AJM doesn't endorse HCQ for COVID-19 treatment. Articles presented to AJM are written by outside authors with different and at times opposing views about various medical conditions and treatments.
a. The article I believe you reference was actually put together last spring and published in August while Trump was still in office. IOWs, it's not a 'new article' at all.

Have a great day, sir. Let your fingers do the tap dancing on your keyboard and use your browser to carry out a simple less than three-second search.

Most of all and finally, stop regurgitating stuff you lift from some right wing site filled with misinformation, hate and outright lies.

Brenda Washington”
Why did the dems vote against The Civil Rights Act?
That means a lot to me, thanks for the kind words. I am not a TRUMPTARD and I am not a sheep. That's difficult for sheep to deal with, I get that. It is what it is. Guy gets curb stomped by a vegetable after squeaking by the worst candidate in history, objectively it's me that's got the blind spot right? Guy was awful, he lost. He deserved to lose regardless of who the other candidate was. Biden will likely not win again either, but that story isn't written yet.

I'm not certain that you were referring to me as "sheep" but if I'm an example of someone who bleets for Trump...well....

I don't think he was as "awesome" as many think he was but I certainly don't think he was as bad as you posture either. If that makes me a sheep...holy crap.
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I'm not certain that you were referring to me as "sheep" but if I'm an example of someone who bleets for Trump...well....

I don't think he was as "awesome" as many think he was but I certainly don't think he was as bad as you posture either. If that makes me a sheep...holy crap.
Anyone who thinks positively is a Trumptard or a sheep in his book
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While those that have taken the vaccine continue to have very bad side affect, with thousands dying.

And if you ignore the doctors that are using the HCQ cure and their proven results, along with the 100 clinical studies agreeing, then you might have a point, other than the one on the top of you idiot head.

Cherry picking your own 'fact checkers' is your free option, but I continue to NOT take any of the questionable Communist Chinese Kung Flu vaccines.

BTW, do you just regurgitate your own crap, without giving links to your own position on HCQ that you claim proves that it's not a cure? What did Dr Faulty say about HCQ in the past for example?

Dr. Didier Raoult, the Anthony Fauci of France, had such spectacular success using HCQ to treat victims of SARS-CoV-2 that he said way back on February 25 that “it’s game over” for Coronavirus. He and a team of researchers reported that the use of HCQ administered with both azithromycin and zinc cured 79 of 80 patients with only “rare and minor” adverse events.


And you're saying that I should trust the AMA and their own certified doctors that according to a Johns Hopkins study, kill over a quarter million patients annually through their own medical errors?

I “cherry-picked” that response directly from the link you posted. You just posted a link to what appears to be a letter to the editor published in the Chattanoogan. Immediately after the letter is the response I posted (from your link).
I “cherry-picked” that response directly from the link you posted. You just posted a link to what appears to be a letter to the editor published in the Chattanoogan. Immediately after the letter is the response I posted (from your link).
Why did the dems vote against The Civil Rights Act?
I “cherry-picked” that response directly from the link you posted. You just posted a link to what appears to be a letter to the editor published in the Chattanoogan. Immediately after the letter is the response I posted (from your link).
Un-informed WeWe, I'm waiting for you to respond to the ENTIRE post, not just the part that you chose to cherry pick in your response.
I'm not certain that you were referring to me as "sheep" but if I'm an example of someone who bleets for Trump...well....

I don't think he was as "awesome" as many think he was but I certainly don't think he was as bad as you posture either. If that makes me a sheep...holy crap.
Sheep refers to anyone in a flock, whatever that flock my be. I don't think trump was as bad as you seem to think I do. I thought fiscally he was brutal, the other stuff I had no issues with beyond his not being particularly effective and leaving the country with what we have now, yes, losing to Biden is in him, he turned off far to many people. I don't care about much other than the fiscal health of the nation, he wasn't good on that front. You're entitled to value things completely differently obviously.
Sheep refers to anyone in a flock, whatever that flock my be. I don't think trump was as bad as you seem to think I do. I thought fiscally he was brutal, the other stuff I had no issues with beyond his not being particularly effective and leaving the country with what we have now, yes, losing to Biden is in him, he turned off far to many people. I don't care about much other than the fiscal health of the nation, he wasn't good on that front. You're entitled to value things completely differently obviously.
And then the audits started...
Sheep refers to anyone in a flock, whatever that flock my be. I don't think trump was as bad as you seem to think I do. I thought fiscally he was brutal, the other stuff I had no issues with beyond his not being particularly effective and leaving the country with what we have now, yes, losing to Biden is in him, he turned off far to many people. I don't care about much other than the fiscal health of the nation, he wasn't good on that front. You're entitled to value things completely differently obviously.

I'm not sure that one could say I was in that flock tbh.

I voted for Trump twice because of the options. I don't think he was awful and you and I disagree on him from a fiscal standpoint but we absolutely agree that his nature turned the middle off and that cost him the election.

Not being PC was great. Saying what you mean is great. But, like everything, a strength overplayed becomes a weakness and it absolutely became a weakness for Trump. This election shouldn't have been close.

In fairness, our "impartial" media also played a HUGE role. They continue to do so. Can you imagine their reaction to Trump if he had made all of the gaffes and blunders that Biden has made? There's clearly two different standards at work here and that is absolutely undeniable.
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I'm not sure that one could say I was in that flock tbh.

I voted for Trump twice because of the options. I don't think he was awful and you and I disagree on him from a fiscal standpoint but we absolutely agree that his nature turned the middle off and that cost him the election.

Not being PC was great. Saying what you mean is great. But, like everything, a strength overplayed becomes a weakness and it absolutely became a weakness for Trump. This election shouldn't have been close.

In fairness, our "impartial" media also played a HUGE role. They continue to do so. Can you imagine their reaction to Trump if he had made all of the gaffes and blunders that Biden has made? There's clearly two different standards at work here and that is absolutely undeniable.
One of the best things he did in my opinion was expose the media to all that were still under the illusion it was actaully news. This country will struggle with crooked cops and a corrupt media., the fbi snd some other agencies didn't appear to be playing with a square deck, can't have that,
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One of the best things he did in my opinion was expose the media to all that were still under the illusion it was actaully news. This country will struggle with crooked cops and a corrupt media., the fbi snd some other agencies didn't appear to be playing with a square deck, can't have that,

Well said.
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While you get your medical advice from Trump. Hahahaha.

What a sheep.
BS-C911 -- Your 'straw-man' pants are on fire yet again.
I've never linked Trump as a medical source here,,, EVER...

The Virology Journal – the official publication of Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Health – published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading – get ready for this –

“Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” (Emphasis mine throughout.) Write the researchers: “We report … that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”

>>> INHIBITOR of CoV INFECTION & SPREAD,,,, not just infection....

So BS, are you saying that we shouldn't trust Dr. Faulty's science now?
BS-C911 -- Your 'straw-man' pants are on fire yet again.
I've never linked Trump as a medical source here,,, EVER...

The Virology Journal – the official publication of Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Health – published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading – get ready for this –

“Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” (Emphasis mine throughout.) Write the researchers: “We report … that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”

>>> INHIBITOR of CoV INFECTION & SPREAD,,,, not just infection....

So BS, are you saying that we shouldn't trust Dr. Faulty's science now?
Yeah, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that the head Trump dick sucker just happens to be pushing his long discredited “cure.”

But you’re in a cult, so you don’t know any better.

Yeah, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that the head Trump dick sucker just happens to be pushing his long discredited “cure.”

But you’re in a cult, so you don’t know any better.


Triggered by truth and reality once again,,,, so typical of him that it's boring....

Why did you avoid addressing Dr. Faulty's NIH statements on HCQ directly?
And yet you scream that what they said is a LONG DISCREDITED 'CURE' instead...

Has Dr. Faulty's NIH gone back on their own science?
“Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.”
(if so where's your link to it?)

You have proven beyond doubt imo, that you are a liar and a traitorous socialist Rat sucker with nothing worthwhile in your excuse for a mental inventory...
Yeah, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that the head Trump dick sucker just happens to be pushing his long discredited “cure.”

But you’re in a cult, so you don’t know any better.

How odd coming from a Hidin cocksucker. Seriously, where did Biden touch you? We've learned through the years this problem comes from your formative years. 🤣 Let me guess. You are Roman Catholic, no?🤣

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