Gators looking, so far, at three transfer situations - As we all know, NCAA is inconsistent & capricious in applying transfer rules. After all the screaming over Justin Fields & Tate Martell getting waivers, they clarified some of the transfer waiver sections.
Jordan Pouncey - class of 2017 at Univ Texas. Unless he is a grad student transfer, IMO, he will sit out.
Lorenzo Lingard - Waiver supposedly based on his father's health problems. According to Daytona News-Journal, "...Lorenzo Lingard Sr., has struggled with health issues to his heart and kidneys."
NCAA Waiver Rule Change -
"3. When a student-athlete seeks to transfer in order to be closer to an ill family member, the new school must provide “contemporaneous medical documentation from the treating physician showing how the family member is debilitated” as well as how the student-athlete will help provide care for the family member. The new school must also be within 100 miles of the ill family member."
Orange City is 99.5 miles from Gainesville - depending on where you measure from.,fl+to+gainesville,+fl&rlz=1CARAWP_enUS809&oq=mileage+orabge+city,fl+to+gainesville,+fl&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.17415j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Has his father's condition worsened ?
"Chronology of events: Waivers are more likely to be granted if something changed that prompted the student-athlete’s transfer like a diagnosis, the actual injury, or a worsening condition. Waivers are less likely to be granted if a family member has been ill or injured for a while, and nothing changed that require the student-athlete to transfer."
IMO, biggest problem is how does Lingard help provide day to day care for his father ?
Justin Shorter - who knows; IMO, outlook not good; not because Penn State didn't screw up, but because of the time element. I doubt all the facts at Penn State have come out; plus how was Shorter personally affected ?
NBC news claims a federal lawsuit already filed -
Will Penn State contest the issue ? With Federal lawsuit(s) already filed, seems like they will have to. Penn State admitting guilt could cost them millions in court plus possible NCAA "Lack of Institutional Control".
Problem is, how long to settle an explosive issue like this ? These suits could be stalled for years. Seems likely that the waiver "sit out" year will pass before Penn State admits guilt.
2. When a student-athlete transfers because he or she believes he or she “is the victim of egregious behavior directly impacting his or her health, safety or well-being,” the new school must provide documentation on how this is being addressed at the new school. In addition, the previous school must provide a statement from the athletic (dept) to that effect.
Good luck getting that statement before suits are settled !
Jordan Pouncey - class of 2017 at Univ Texas. Unless he is a grad student transfer, IMO, he will sit out.
Lorenzo Lingard - Waiver supposedly based on his father's health problems. According to Daytona News-Journal, "...Lorenzo Lingard Sr., has struggled with health issues to his heart and kidneys."
NCAA Waiver Rule Change -
"3. When a student-athlete seeks to transfer in order to be closer to an ill family member, the new school must provide “contemporaneous medical documentation from the treating physician showing how the family member is debilitated” as well as how the student-athlete will help provide care for the family member. The new school must also be within 100 miles of the ill family member."
Orange City is 99.5 miles from Gainesville - depending on where you measure from.,fl+to+gainesville,+fl&rlz=1CARAWP_enUS809&oq=mileage+orabge+city,fl+to+gainesville,+fl&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.17415j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Has his father's condition worsened ?
"Chronology of events: Waivers are more likely to be granted if something changed that prompted the student-athlete’s transfer like a diagnosis, the actual injury, or a worsening condition. Waivers are less likely to be granted if a family member has been ill or injured for a while, and nothing changed that require the student-athlete to transfer."
IMO, biggest problem is how does Lingard help provide day to day care for his father ?
Justin Shorter - who knows; IMO, outlook not good; not because Penn State didn't screw up, but because of the time element. I doubt all the facts at Penn State have come out; plus how was Shorter personally affected ?
NBC news claims a federal lawsuit already filed -
Will Penn State contest the issue ? With Federal lawsuit(s) already filed, seems like they will have to. Penn State admitting guilt could cost them millions in court plus possible NCAA "Lack of Institutional Control".
Problem is, how long to settle an explosive issue like this ? These suits could be stalled for years. Seems likely that the waiver "sit out" year will pass before Penn State admits guilt.
2. When a student-athlete transfers because he or she believes he or she “is the victim of egregious behavior directly impacting his or her health, safety or well-being,” the new school must provide documentation on how this is being addressed at the new school. In addition, the previous school must provide a statement from the athletic (dept) to that effect.
Good luck getting that statement before suits are settled !
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