Sheep get hoodwinked once again....


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
Hey @BSC911, how hard did your nipples get when you heard that Buzzfeed said that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress?

And then Robert Mueller said they were lying? LMAO!

Sheep live to be led. Critical thinkers immediately knew that the source wasn't credible, and waited for more credible confirmation.

Which never came. Sheep left angry and disappointed once again...
Hey @BSC911, how hard did your nipples get when you heard that Buzzfeed said that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress?

And then Robert Mueller said they were lying? LMAO!

Sheep live to be led. Critical thinkers immediately knew that the source wasn't credible, and waited for more credible confirmation.

Which never came. Sheep left angry and disappointed once again...

Sheeple like @BSC911 @urtren will continue to believe #Fakenews propaganda spewed by CNN and the many times debunked Buzzfeed.

Sheeple like @BSC911 @urtren will continue to believe #Fakenews propaganda spewed by CNN and the many times debunked Buzzfeed.


Yep. @bradleygator had harden nipples over the Buzzfeed story too. All thought just 24 hours ago that Trump was really going to be impeached.

Critical thinkers feel that when a source gets caught lying to them, they stop believing the source. Sheep don't care, just tell them the story they want to hear.

At some point, even the sheep will wake up. And they will realize how the media lied to them and tried to stop the greatest President this country will ever know.

At that moment, they will understand that they were on the wrong side of history. That's when they will turn on the media, because their only other option is to admit to themselves that they were dummies, and we all know they can't do that.