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How big a woody did you pop when CNN breathlessly reported that NYT says Rosenstein wanted to wear a wire against Trump?

Rosenstein said he didn't do it, so either he or the NYT is lying.

Want me to explain it to you? Who do you think is lying, and why?
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I think the Drumpf is lying. His WH spread it to bolster support to fire Rosenstein because Mueller is closing fast and hard on his lard ass.

How anyone can support this ass who's so far out of his depth is amazing.

But you're an amazing douchebag.
Hahaha, as if Michael phucking Moore isn’t a far radical shill for another far end spectrum

That's not what I asked. Who do you think is lying between Rosenstein and the NYT? Answer the question.

It's painfully obvious to anyone who has even a room temperature IQ. Why are you sweating?

Notice Trump is completely ignoring them. They really thought they had him with this one.

This is what it looks like when a guy with a 160-IQ is President.
And LOL at the biggest moron here telling others to educate themselves. Libbers have no self-awareness. They gargle CNN/MSNBC bullsh*t all day and think they know something LOL
For the independent thinkers not figuring it out, this is a troll thread.


Which is why you get treated like a troll here.

You get your news from CNN and refuse to watch more objective sources like Fox, which is why you get called sheep.

Not sure why you are struggling with any of this.

The Left needs you dumb and dependent. Why do you continue to be their Huckleberry?