I generally try to stay out of these arguments, but I must speak up on one thing. I really dislike people who apparently don't know much about the Bible taking things out of context. For example, saying that saying homosexuality is wrong is somehow contrary to the teachings of Jesus. I take even more offense to it when it is said while calling someone an idiot as if everyone knows Jesus would condone homosexuality. Jesus surrounded himself with sinners, not because their lives were perfect, but because they needed him. This did not mean their sin was justified or not sin. He simply said, go and sin no more. The sinners he surrounded himself with were dramatically changed such that the actions they previously took which went against his and his Father's moral code were no longer engaged in by those people. For example, Mary Magdalen, the adulteress, and Matthew, the tax collector / embezzler. If Jesus were walking this Earth today, he would be friends with homosexuals, just not condone their lifestyle. The Christian precept of don't judge another lest you be judged is an elegant way of simply stating that we all have messed up and need salvation from a Savior who loves each of us equally, warts and all. It does not mean, however, that the certain actions or activities which are denoted as sin by the Bible are condoned by God or Christ. If you don't believe in God or Jesus, or don't believe that they are who they claim to be, then fine...but don't try to take the Bible out of context to support an agenda which is clearly called a sin in both the Old and New Testament. Again, if you think Christianity is wrong or old fashioned, that is your opinion and I respect your belief, even if I don't agree. But don't misquote the Bible and then bask in your own supposed intelligence. If you believe the Bible, then pedophilia and homosexuality are equally offensive to God...they are both sin. They are equal in value to telling a white lie or murdering someone. The end result is that they all cause a separation from God due to his perfection which is why Jesus came in the first place...to create a bridge between fallen man and God's requisite perfection. Do I hate homosexuals...NO I, just as Jesus and God, love them. I disapprove of their choices, but do not hate the individual any more than I hate anyone. We all have issues and problems. I do have a problem with the constant requirement by society today that we not only accept them as humans and members of society, but we must call their activity "good" and applaud their choices and actions lest we be branded an unintelligent, homophobic bigot. Where in all of this acceptance of differing viewpoints is there room for those who believe in the Bible? We are marginalized and excluded as if our opinion is invalid and discriminatory and the only opinions which self-proclaimed "open-minded and educated" people accept are those which align with their particular world view.
If we, as a society, can get over the relentless name-calling and knee-jerk reaction to a differing viewpoints and have a rational and adult conversation or debate, then we have a hope as a country. Unfortunately, people on both sides of the issues would rather spew hatred and escalate the rhetoric, rather than work to understand each other's points of view.
Bottom line is this - Jesus and the Bible teach to love the individual but hate the sin. Christians need to follow suit. On the flip side, if homosexuals or their supporters cannot accept those with a differing viewpoint, well then, who really are the close minded individuals after all?
Sorry for the long post on a sports forum, but since these things are being bandied about, I felt compelled to speak for us Christians who both know and follow the teachings of Christ.