sadgator hates the word "JUCO"

And yet another personal attack post by ole Dunny-boy. Typical quality posting by him. :rolleyes:
Another one of the many things in life that you are left to wonder about.... :oops:

You probably also don't know why anyone would call you a 'stalker' do you? o_O
Actually, that's a good point that I hadn't considered. If they finished their AA, is demonstrates that they can be a decent student.

Jucos help kids even more than high schools.

And the aid D1 programs give to their players is so generous it defies belief. That guys still have trouble getting passing grades shows you they're both lazy and pretty damn dumb.

Without naming names, a colleague recently said that one star UF football player he heard speak made another one who he also heard speak was so dumb that the former made the latter sound like Steven Hawking.

It is a brutally true statement.
Jucos help kids even more than high schools.

And the aid D1 programs give to their players is so generous it defies belief. That guys still have trouble getting passing grades shows you they're both lazy and pretty damn dumb.

Without naming names, a colleague recently said that one star UF football player he heard speak made another one who he also heard speak was so dumb that the former made the latter sound like Steven Hawking.

It is a brutally true statement.

Darn, now if all of those twisted, lying, amoral mouth-pieces could also play sports, then we could have a whole team of lawyers with their solid 2.5 (on average) GPA's running up and down the field on Saturdays.... Of course, then we'd be back to the pre-1950 quality of teams.... :confused: (stereo-typing can be so much fun) :D
You guys nailed it.

JUCO players who for whatever reason were unable to play D1 but were high level recruits do well.

Rare for a regular JUCO to be able to play D1 ball.
Intelligent does not equal informed/learned.

Being 'smart' is very different from being literate.

The difference between the 'Quick' and the 'Dead' didn't have a thing to do with being Literate, for example. :cool: ----- But Manley was just one of some very sad cases of intellectual usury by a university.

Athletic Usury - the practice of making unethical or immoral monetary deals that unfairly enrich the schools at the cost of their student/athletes. --- from iG's dic-tionary ;)