Rumor that Les is out


Bull Gator
Apr 23, 2007
Fired, according to rumor mill on a coupla message board. Nothing official that I can see.
Its official supposedly. I wonder how that will affect our game with them. It might take the nutty last second trick play out of the equation.
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Advocate reporting he and Cam Cameron are both fired. Said Oregeron is the interim coach.
SEC Network reported it during the UF/UT soccer match about 15 minutes ago. Cam Cameron interim coach.
LSU just went full Auburn. I'm calling it now, Herman will turn them down and they'll end up with JF........Joey Freshwater.
It seems that most teams wait until 2-3 games are left. Maybe they wanted to hit it early to keep recruits in the fold. But just this hillbilly's guess.
I could see LSU going after Bobby Petrino. I don't see how anybody would hire Art Briles right now but LSU might be one of those schools that would.
no one with a brain didn't know this was coming for sure after last year, especially after losing to a big ten team full of white kids that barely beat Ga State. Les buyout is 9 million less than if they would have fired him last year. He never had a chance without going unbeaten, which is what a good coach would have done with this roster with one loss at the least. 2 losses to unranked teams and you are worse than richt. Now LSU is going to get an elite coach and we have to play them every year and that ****ing blows, it will hurt the west the most. Saban can't coach forever
I could see LSU going after Bobby Petrino. I don't see how anybody would hire Art Briles right now but LSU might be one of those schools that would.

Petrino probably won't leave Louisville again. He's very grateful they gave him a second chance and is good friends with the AD.

The boosters are running LSU, that means there's a good chance they cock this up pretty bad. They might have to hire Briles if they strike out.
They will throw the bank at Tom Herman.

They will keep their eye on Mike Norvell at Memphis and see how he does this season.

Then there is the Jimbo factor.

Who knows but it's arguably a top 5 coaching job.
Fisher's already making $5 million at FSU. Louisiana has a state income tax. That means that LSU would have to throw Saban money at him to get him to leave. At that price, I say take him.

Fisher is great HC, but his game day coaching is not in the tippy top GOAT-contender tier with Saban and Urban Meyer. That being said, if FSU manages to make the playoffs, Jimmy Sexton will probably use this situation to get Jimbo another million per year.

Herman is the pretty girl at the dance, but Texas will make sure he stays in the Lonestar State. UT just lost to an unranked Cal, so Strong's seat just got hotter than Castle Romeo. If he doesn't beat Oklahoma, he's probably out.
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no one with a brain didn't know this was coming for sure after last year, especially after losing to a big ten team full of white kids that barely beat Ga State. Les buyout is 9 million less than if they would have fired him last year. He never had a chance without going unbeaten, which is what a good coach would have done with this roster with one loss at the least. 2 losses to unranked teams and you are worse than richt. Now LSU is going to get an elite coach and we have to play them every year and that ****ing blows, it will hurt the west the most. Saban can't coach forever

My guess is they got him out early to get an early start on Herman. And the idea of him landing there aucks for us.
It seems that most teams wait until 2-3 games are left. Maybe they wanted to hit it early to keep recruits in the fold. But just this hillbilly's guess.

They said they wanted to avoid a situation like last year where public outcry made them change their mind on firing him, especially if he was to magically pull a few games out of his you know what like he typically does. This was long overdue, even in their championship year he managed to lose 2 games. They've been winning in spite of him for years.
Whoever LSU goes for they will pony up a lot of money not only for Les (and assistants) buyout, but the buyout for the new coach.

Herman just signed a new deal with a huge buyout & Petrino's is like $10M.....
Kiffin would probably be a good deal for them.
Tom Herman if they want to pay big bucks.

Mike Norvell if he wins at least 7 games at Memphis.
Jeff Brown, if he puts together another descent year.

Lane Kiffin, it would be cheap for them and big money for him.

And never rule out Jimbo Fisher. Why je would change beats the hell out of me but he had one foot out the door last year.
Brohm at WKU is damn good too, they probably aren't gonna want to risk it though. When you make this move you have to grab a big name or else.
It makes the situation at the end of last season much more interesting...obviously a lot more happened than we know about how the whole he was fired, nah we were just kidding thing went down.
They didn't fire a coach with his accomplishments to Foley this and outsmart everyone with an obscure hire. I think you will see them go big, Herman, Fisher, Chip Kelly. Someone of that type of standing
They didn't fire a coach with his accomplishments to Foley this and outsmart everyone with an obscure hire. I think you will see them go big, Herman, Fisher, Chip Kelly. Someone of that type of standing
People said the same when Kiffin was fired during the early season at USC...they hired the drunk dude.
People said the same when Kiffin was fired during the early season at USC...they hired the drunk dude.

One thing the last 10 years has definitely taught me: really good head coaches are pretty rare. It is tougher to hire one than it seems. You would think places like LSU and USC could hire someone blindfolded, but all it takes is to whiff on one or two of your top candidates and all of a sudden, you are scrambling.
Miles offense got him fired. People can't stand to score >20 points a game.

It's not really that even though it got the most pub. It's the constant underachieving with the talent they had. LSU has more players on NFL rosters than Bama has right now and by a good margin too. And yet they never really looked like a championship team. Which is why the people who always pointed to jos record was lost, they never looked prepared or well coached. Constantly botching the clock, doing stupid things like running fakes with the game tied and they have the chance to take the lead (thankfully these worked out for him more times than not), using all his timeouts in one quarter due to mismanagement of downs and distances, etc. His offense being WOAT with NFL talent all over the place was just more visible.
Les Miles has a winning record against Florida, I do believe.
Without researching, he was pretty close to .500 vs Meyer. Maybe a game or two behind.

Muschamp won like one game against him and McElwain was 0-1 vs Lester.

Hell it may work to our advantage. UF had a better record vs LSU when they had Saban compared to Miles.
Today's press conference was entertaining. Orgeron's first words "what a great day for LSU."
The president ignoring questions about Les buyout and LSU's budget crisis. Orgeron introducing his entire family and acting like the job was already his.

After seeing this shit show I can't imagine any top tier coach going there.

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