Maybe it's time to rethink having a vegetable as your nominee.
Maybe its time for a convention of states to put these people out to pasture once and for all.
1.)Term limits
2.) Balanced Budget Amendment with an 18% of GDP tax/expenditure cap BYE BYE universal HC or any other ideas of turning us into a Utopian welfare state with high taxes and exorbitant social spending schemes.
3. Repeal the 16th amendment and institute the Fair Tax...bye bye confiscation
4. Real the 17th amendment ...bye bye unfunded mandates and making the states carry the feds water.
Put these things in place and the true believers have nothing to vote for or any reason to run. The AOCs dont get out of the gate.
The typical dem pol will be term limited and hamstrung in his/her ability to gain power or acquire wealth via government schemes or spend a lifetime rising up the ranks like a Biden, Pelosi or even a pub like McConnell.