If the American Patriots rise up against the swamp traitors, the Military, including the Natl. Guard, will either stand down, or join us, because THEY are US....
The government is also US, the sovereign citizens.
And we wrote the Constitution to put chains on those that we send to the swamp.
When they try to act like 'Royalty' that are eventually going to bring down the wrath of the free people.
Any 'Traitors to their oath' Officers that try to give un-Constitutional or otherwise unlawful orders will likely find out what the arrogant incompetent junior officers found out in VN, when their hooch's got fragged....
Those corrupt politicians and their bureaucratic hacks that are supposed to 'Support and Defend the Constitution' by sacred oath, are nothing but scabs on the ass and parasites that are in a great need of being deloused. They need to wake up before they make the mistake of telling us to eat cake....