Republicans Are Idiots!

Hell NorthJerseyGator, i'm an idiot as far as that goes. I am trying to learn each and every day and what i have come to learn is that there is no difference in the two parties. I would love to have just some of the knowledge that a certain and select few here have. Some members are eat up with the dumb azz and some i really admire their thinking,understanding and knowledge. Back in the day i was the type of man who would fight you at the drop of a hat especially if i knew i was right. Yes, i grew up rough. The last of 6 children in a 2 bedroom home. I have learned through time and experience to get as many different perspectives as you can. (even liberal) I am a very laid back individual but an emotional individual. I see "My Country" rotting and it is tearing me up. Especially, knowing what my parents and grandparents went through for me. (for us!)I was raised by WW2 parents so hopefully you will have a better understanding about me. As IrishPokerDawg said earlier, "Nero Is Playing His Fiddle" and as Joe said years ago "Rome Is Falling"
I understand. I'm new to the poster nuances of the Gator Lounge. Longtime Swamptalk and Gator Blue Board poster but new here.

I feel ya homie. I'm an emotional and reactionary person too. Also grew up poor.
Thank You, NorthJerseyGator for being understanding. I can and am known for being a hard person to figure out. I am new as well to the Gator Lounge but Nail and SunBurnt Indian invited me from an earlier previous political board that we were on. We will welcome each other!
Alright men, Box is back (like anybody gives a chit!) but ole Box paid for that drunken party last nigh. No! i ain't apologizing for nuttin. I asked for it and i got it. It was just a hard week at work. This old man just realized that the bean counters have finally taken over the company that i work for. Tell me now gentlemen who is eat up with the "dumb azz" You got it, ole Box. Dang, that was and is an oh so bitter pill to swallow.
You know you're screwed when things degenerate to where you have to search for the lesser of the two evils.

Agent Orange

I should have posted this: you know you're screwed when things degenerate to where you have to search for the lesser of the two evils...with the aid of a compound microscope.
FIFM (fixed it for myself)

Agent Orange
I refer to that as the "Evil of Two Lessers".

If I were King for a day, I would like to require ALL seeking National Office to have served in the Military, owned a business employing at least 2 people, and be able to pass a 6th grade Civics Course.

I would have a Constitutional Amendment passed that set a 12 year limit on the House and Senate with the 17th Amendment repealed and let the Governors nominate and legislatures vote on their Senators like the Founders intended. ( no need for 365 days a year fund raising, campaigning and staying in the House of Lords for 50+ years), no retirement for any Executive or Legislative branch member.( they are all Millionaires and Billionaires anyway) No salary for any of them in years with a deficit unless a CONSTITUTIONALLY Mandated War is declared( unlike all the ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL wars the US has stuck it's nose in since 1945) Congress would meet from Jan. 1 - June 30 and have ALL the necessary work done. Then send their arses home to deal with the people there or get real jobs in the Private Sector. Emergency sessions can be called when necessary. ABOLISH CAMERAS inside the US Capital. No more circus freak shows for the idiots back home like the Clarence Thomas and Brett Cavanah hearings.

Abolish the Dept of Education( revert control of education back to the states, cities and counties as democrat Jim Crow and Separate but Equal are never coming back)

Abolish the Dept. of Energy

Abolish the Homeland Insecurity( Have a single Chief of Staff that meets monthly with the heads of the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Coast Guard, Dept. of the Treasury, Federal Marshals, Border Patrol, FAA to discuss areas of concern.

Abolish the DOT. Remove the Federal gasoline and Diesel taxes and let the states set their own tax rates and take care of their own damned roads, bridges and tunnels instead of stealing money from taxpayers to build more new roads and highways instead of fixing what they have. The Interstate system is built. It paid for itself and then some. No need for all those Federal Employees any longer.

End ALL Foreign Aid. There are 17 countries that vote WITH the US in the UN. Only Israel receives Foreign aid from the US and votes with us. China and Russia don't hand out cash to nations who spit in their faces. Time to quit being Uncle Sap.

Abolish HUD, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Sallie Mae, the SBA, and all the other extra-constitutional wastes of taxpayer money while fukking up the Private Sector. Let this nation revert back to having self sacrifice and people saving in order to afford to buy a home or to send their kids to college.

End all H1-B Visas unless the companies wanting them can PROVE that there are no Americans worthy of those jobs. End all immigration visas for the next 20 years and limit the exceptions to Jews and Christians being persecuted by Moslems. Too many 3rd world $h!th01e country millions let in already in the Nation who cannot speak English, are illiterate, are on welfare and vote democrat.

Go ahead and build the WALL to help stop drug smuggling, terrorist infiltration, etc but also change the punishment for employing ANYONE - (WET&@(Ks PLUS Non Custodial Parents who kidnapped their own child, Dead Beat Parents who moved and assumed a new identity in order to keep from paying child support, Bail Jumpers, etc) without a real, MATCHING Social Security Number and Photo ID from nothing but a slap on the wrist to a $1,000,000 fine and 5 years in the Federal Pen.

Without the ability to get money 90% of the Undocumented Democrat Voters would self deport and the "Caravans" would cease. This would allow the Border Patrol to concentrate on protecting the country from those who will cause great harm.

Close US military bases in at least 100 of the 140 nations we currently have them in including JAPAN and Germany. Central Europe is free thanks to Reagan, Thatcher, Kohl, and Pope JP-II Forward base US Tanks and Fighter/bombers to Romania and Poland. Bring the rest home. Move those forces in Japan to Vietnam. The Vietnamese are scared of the Chinese ( after fighting them for 1000 years) and offered Cam Rahn Bay and Da Nang back to the US in 2005 as a deterrent to China. Let Japan, South Korea and India take their roles in keeping Asia and it's sea lanes free from Chinese aggression.

This would be the 1st 15 minutes of my 1 day as King. There are plenty more like retrofitting with turbines the worthy dams among the 77,000 non electricity producing dams in America. At the time they were built, there was no idea that one day the US would require the gigantic amounts of electricity it now does. TVA owns 54 of those non electricity producing dams and the Columbia Project has another 24 I believe. Those would fall under Federal responsibility and all of them could be retrofitted and actually produce REAL electricity. Unlike Owebama's 140 BILLION DOLLAR Pixie Dust Spreaders and Sun God Altars that produce squat.

Those and many other things would come in the 2nd 15 minutes of my 1 day as King.

Well by golly MDVOL i wish you would throw your hat
in the ring! You should move down here to Mayberry
and run that pedophile Lamar Alexander out of office
and out of Mayberry tar and feathered! Dang, i can say
that i agree with 70 to 75% of what your saying. I didn't know
that you were or could be that much of a "Hard Ass" I know
that we can't agree on everything but we are gonna have to
lock horns over this wall being built! Lol A wall isn't going to stop
drug trafficking. We (USA) let that technology out when our
drone went down in Iran, i believe that China and Iran gained
some valuable info. ( We Chit The Bed!) There is already dope
being flown over the border with these drones. America got too
lazy with their spying.

Abolish HUD, (Check) Fannie Mae,(Check) Freddie Mac,(Check) Sallie Mae, (Check) the SBA, (Not Sure About This One) and let's add some more, (Department Of Education) Abolish the War On Drugs! because we now know that three quarters of Congress is on that Dope! They have to be on some sort of those "Mind Altering Drugs" The Department Of Agriculture and last but not least the Department Of Homeland Security. and all the other extra-constitutional wastes of taxpayer money while fukking up the Private Sector. Let this nation revert back to having self sacrifice and people saving in order to afford to buy a home or to send their kids to college. I'll get back with this conversation later and hope your week
was a good one! I know the majority of us on this board want the same
for "Our" country bet we want to fight on who gets to hold onto the
steering wheel. Have a good night (King MDVOL) Again, we'll continue
this conversation.
Dang, it was a long day at work but i just got one day to go.
Met a truck driver today who was a Mexican and was out of
El Paso. We struck up a conversation with one another about
one of my favorite subjects. Just how "LAZY" are Americans?.
Dang, him and i together were doing some slamming about lazy
azz truck drivers! Lol, yep, the majority of those folks are pretty
darn lazy. After our 10 minute conversation we shook one another's
hand and off he went. I fell in love with this guy! I started thinking
about how it was a damn shame that we have to import people into
these great United States just so we can find someone to work. These
folks (Mexicans) remind me of the Irish,Italians,Germans and all the
others who came to this great country just for a shot and opportunity
to have a better life. At work we have Mexicans who come and clean the
drivers lounge, restrooms, showers and the front office. "Most" everyone
wants to piss and moan about the invasion but who else is going to do
the work? Where did America's work ethic go? That's right we let the
"MOMMY'S" have control of "The Mans" castle. Men started thinking
with the little head as women learned to use the vagina as a weapon just
as the Republican's lay down and won't fight! I think these Republicans
such as Rubio and Mitchy baby have lace on their panties. Sorry folks
but Box needed to vent. Anyhow i will leave you men with a clip to watch
at the 8:53 mark or you can go back and watch it all. Joe was one of the
first who got ole Box to thinking about Rome falling years and years ago
and i have been a fan of his ever since. Of all places to have heard him
years ago it was on ESPN. Yea, that is a shocker considering what they
have become today. Have a good evening or morning gentlemen.

I have deported thousands of Mexicans that would slice your throat open for five dollars. One nice guy is the exception not the rule.
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I have deported thousands of Mexicans that would slice your throat open for five dollars. One nice guy is the exception not the rule.
I'm sure you have Dr.C, back in the day when i was a young lad i use to hang out in a little town in Texas called Alice. Close to Brownsville. Yep! you know what i was doing. I was once a "Mule" myself. Box has skeletons in his closet as well. So i am quite familiar with those "Cartel" boyz. They looked to rob and kill you! especially for some moo lah and your product.
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I'm sure you have Dr.C, back in the day when i was a young lad i use to hang out in a little town in Texas called Alice. Close to Brownsville. Yep! you know what i was doing. I was once a "Mule" myself. Box has skeletons in his closet as well. So i am quite familiar with those "Cartel" boyz. They looked to rob and kill you! especially for some moo lah and your product.
I'm glad you survived that experience, Sir...
I'm glad you survived that experience, Sir...
If i remember correctly you had previously said you trained some
Law Enforcement. I was wondering if you ever knew any Bargo's
around the London Corbin area. He was a State Policeman and was over the Governors security back in the day. A very good man!
All right Men, Lets crank it up tonight we're going to start out with some old YardBirds who are now known as BoxofFrogs. Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page.
Nope! we're not PUI as IrishPoker Dawg referred to it. Again, CRANK IT UP!!!
We're gonna go back to Where I started From!

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Yea baby, now its time for a cover song that was done originally
by a band from Canada that went by the name of Thin Lizzy but
I believe that Metallica took it the next level.

Next up i want to bang my head to some Velvet Revolver. Former band
members of Guns and Roses ole Slash and Duff McKagan. Good memories and days back then. It's a shame that we lost Scott Weiland from Stone Temple Pilots to the needle.
That boy could sing! Yep he finally Fell To Pieces.

I am Just A Cowboy. From an old favorite group of mine
from way back in the day. Thin Lizzy. Back in the day when
a back seat was the size of a bed and you and your honey
could fog those windows up! Lol

Did i hear somebody yell out some Sammy Hagar and Ronnie Montrose?
Your Hot, Sweet and Sticky. Back when ole Sammy had joined
Van Halen and had to set that little winch wife of Eddie Van Halen's
straight Valerie Bertinelli. Some women have forgotten "Their Place"
in society. As one of the comments says and i agree.
I usually don't listen to Montrose anymore. But when I do so do the neighbors !

Lets go back to the MTV days. Back when they first came on the scene.
Long before TPTB bought it out and warped some minds!
Zebra smoked some ass! For sure!

Alright, it's time for bed and hopefully i can get some sleep tonight.
Gotta go do breakfast in the morning with a dear dear old friend.
Man is 71 years old and can still out work any of us on this board.
Does irrigation work and still works with a mattock and shovel.
He is the one who first got me interested in being a mechanic.
This hopefully last song is by another Canadian band who put
out a chit load of albums back in the 70's and 80's.
Lay It On The Line. Sung and performed by lead guitarist
and lead singer Rik Emmett. Back before AUTO TUNE!

  • Like
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If i remember correctly you had previously said you trained some
Law Enforcement. I was wondering if you ever knew any Bargo's
around the London Corbin area. He was a State Policeman and was over the Governors security back in the day. A very good man!
I can't say I recall that name but we definitely chewed some of the same turf.
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Alright, it's time for bed and hopefully i can get some sleep tonight.
Gotta go do breakfast in the morning with a dear dear old friend.
Man is 71 years old and can still out work any of us on this board.
Does irrigation work and still works with a mattock and shovel.
He is the one who first got me interested in being a mechanic.
This hopefully last song is by another Canadian band who put
out a chit load of albums back in the 70's and 80's.
Lay It On The Line. Sung and performed by lead guitarist
and lead singer Rik Emmett. Back before AUTO TUNE!

Rik sang/played lead vocals/lead guitar on this song. Amazing talent.

The Firm - Paul Rodgers (Free and Bad Company), guitarist Jimmy Page (The Yardbirds and Led Zeppelin on the electric 18 string guitar in this video), drummer Chris Slade(Manfred Mann's Earth Band, Uriah Heep and AC/DC) and bass player Tony Franklin.

Some decent talent

They didn't do much as far as Album sales. But their concerts were packed.

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The Firm - Paul Rodgers (Free and Bad Company), guitarist Jimmy Page (The Yardbirds and Led Zeppelin on the electric 18 string guitar in this video), drummer Chris Slade(Manfred Mann's Earth Band, Uriah Heep and AC/DC) and bass player Tony Franklin.

Some decent talent

They didn't do much as far as Album sales. But their concerts were packed.

I do remember this song and band but i didn't know
they had this All Star cast. Have always been a big fan
of Paul Rogers. Especially these two hits here.

Feeling a little Southern Rockish tonight.
Now, lets go back to 1974 with that crazy little band from Missouri.
If you wanna get to Heaven you gotta raise a little Hell

I never read it in a book I never saw it on a show But I heard it in the alley On a weird radio If you want a drink of water You got to get it from a well If you want to get to heaven You got to raise a little hell I never felt it in my feet I never felt it in my soul But I heard it the alley Now it's in my rock and roll If you want to know a secret You got to promise not to tell If you want to get to heaven You got to raise a little hell I never thought it'd be so easy I never thought it'd be so fun But I heard it in the alley Now I got it on the run If you want to see an angel You got to find it where it fell If you want to get to heaven You got to raise a little hell If you want to get to heaven If you want to get to heaven If you want to get to heaven If you want to get to heaven
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Feeling a little Southern Rockish tonight.
Now, lets go back to 1974 with that crazy little band from Missouri.
If you wanna get to Heaven you gotta raise a little Hell

I never read it in a book I never saw it on a show But I heard it in the alley On a weird radio If you want a drink of water You got to get it from a well If you want to get to heaven You got to raise a little hell I never felt it in my feet I never felt it in my soul But I heard it the alley Now it's in my rock and roll If you want to know a secret You got to promise not to tell If you want to get to heaven You got to raise a little hell I never thought it'd be so easy I never thought it'd be so fun But I heard it in the alley Now I got it on the run If you want to see an angel You got to find it where it fell If you want to get to heaven You got to raise a little hell If you want to get to heaven If you want to get to heaven If you want to get to heaven If you want to get to heaven

The number of acts turned down by record companies have to be in the millions. But only one made a hit song about it.

Feeling mellow yellow tonight. Love me some Joe Cocker
Definitely love me some Catherine Deneuve (Hubba Bubba!)
Noubliez Jamais which means Do not forget. Never!
Every generation has its way, A need to disobey.

One Hit Wonder band that has a unique way of describing a
love that has gone sour. Good song about the first time you
got cheated on by that blind love.
"Your eyes have a mist, from the smoke of a dis...tant fire."
Don't let that screen door hit you on your way out!


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