Dang, it was a long day at work but i just got one day to go.
Met a truck driver today who was a Mexican and was out of
El Paso. We struck up a conversation with one another about
one of my favorite subjects. Just how "LAZY" are Americans?.
Dang, him and i together were doing some slamming about lazy
azz truck drivers! Lol, yep, the majority of those folks are pretty
darn lazy. After our 10 minute conversation we shook one another's
hand and off he went. I fell in love with this guy! I started thinking
about how it was a damn shame that we have to import people into
these great United States just so we can find someone to work. These
folks (Mexicans) remind me of the Irish,Italians,Germans and all the
others who came to this great country just for a shot and opportunity
to have a better life. At work we have Mexicans who come and clean the
drivers lounge, restrooms, showers and the front office. "Most" everyone
wants to piss and moan about the invasion but who else is going to do
the work? Where did America's work ethic go? That's right we let the
"MOMMY'S" have control of "The Mans" castle. Men started thinking
with the little head as women learned to use the vagina as a weapon just
as the Republican's lay down and won't fight! I think these Republicans
such as Rubio and Mitchy baby have lace on their panties. Sorry folks
but Box needed to vent. Anyhow i will leave you men with a clip to watch
at the 8:53 mark or you can go back and watch it all. Joe was one of the
first who got ole Box to thinking about Rome falling years and years ago
and i have been a fan of his ever since. Of all places to have heard him
years ago it was on ESPN. Yea, that is a shocker considering what they
have become today. Have a good evening or morning gentlemen.
Met a truck driver today who was a Mexican and was out of
El Paso. We struck up a conversation with one another about
one of my favorite subjects. Just how "LAZY" are Americans?.
Dang, him and i together were doing some slamming about lazy
azz truck drivers! Lol, yep, the majority of those folks are pretty
darn lazy. After our 10 minute conversation we shook one another's
hand and off he went. I fell in love with this guy! I started thinking
about how it was a damn shame that we have to import people into
these great United States just so we can find someone to work. These
folks (Mexicans) remind me of the Irish,Italians,Germans and all the
others who came to this great country just for a shot and opportunity
to have a better life. At work we have Mexicans who come and clean the
drivers lounge, restrooms, showers and the front office. "Most" everyone
wants to piss and moan about the invasion but who else is going to do
the work? Where did America's work ethic go? That's right we let the
"MOMMY'S" have control of "The Mans" castle. Men started thinking
with the little head as women learned to use the vagina as a weapon just
as the Republican's lay down and won't fight! I think these Republicans
such as Rubio and Mitchy baby have lace on their panties. Sorry folks
but Box needed to vent. Anyhow i will leave you men with a clip to watch
at the 8:53 mark or you can go back and watch it all. Joe was one of the
first who got ole Box to thinking about Rome falling years and years ago
and i have been a fan of his ever since. Of all places to have heard him
years ago it was on ESPN. Yea, that is a shocker considering what they
have become today. Have a good evening or morning gentlemen.
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