Record 20% of Households on Food Stamps in 2013


Gator Great
Gold Member
Jan 17, 2005
'( -- A record 20% of American households, one in five, were on food stamps in 2013, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The numbers also show there was a record number of individuals on food stamps in 2013 and that the cost of the program, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), was at an all-time high.

The USDA says that there were 23,052,388 households on food stamps in the average month of fiscal 2013, an increase of 722,675 from fiscal year 2012, when there were 22,329,713 households on food stamps in the average month.'


Originally posted by BringBackBonner:
The Obama administration considers this a good thing, I can promise you.
They consider it an economic stimulus...

Up is down and wrong is right...
This is bad, but it shouldn't surprise you in a declining society. The middle class is deteriorating and you have a ton of poor people having children they can't afford, which unfortunately, we don't punish enough...we reward with welfare.

That being said, what do you want to do? If you start cutting people off, including freeloaders, then there could be a revolution/civil war. As discussed on this forum like a broken record, the bottom 25-30% is just as "powerful" (because of this) as the top 1%.
Originally posted by sg0508:
This is bad, but it shouldn't surprise you in a declining society. The middle class is deteriorating and you have a ton of poor people having children they can't afford, which unfortunately, we don't punish enough...we reward with welfare.

That being said, what do you want to do? If you start cutting people off, including freeloaders, then there could be a revolution/civil war. As discussed on this forum like a broken record, the bottom 25-30% is just as "powerful" (because of this) as the top 1%.
So basically part of our taxes amounts to "protection money" that is "extorted" from us. Great. Of course there's a tipping point in there somewhere where the number of freeloaders and others receiving said protection money will become too great to continue paying them off. Maybe we just need to go through that culling process before their numbers grow too large.
Originally posted by Rushie:
Originally posted by sg0508:
This is bad, but it shouldn't surprise you in a declining society. The middle class is deteriorating and you have a ton of poor people having children they can't afford, which unfortunately, we don't punish enough...we reward with welfare.

That being said, what do you want to do? If you start cutting people off, including freeloaders, then there could be a revolution/civil war. As discussed on this forum like a broken record, the bottom 25-30% is just as "powerful" (because of this) as the top 1%.
So basically part of our taxes amounts to "protection money" that is "extorted" from us. Great. Of course there's a tipping point in there somewhere where the number of freeloaders and others receiving said protection money will become too great to continue paying them off. Maybe we just need to go through that culling process before their numbers grow too large.
Okay and what are you going to do for people who can't afford basis meals? Are you going to let them starve? That is an option but it will have consequences and politicians won't go anywhere near that because like that the rest of us, their first goal is to stay employed at the end of the day. "Fend for yourself, get to work or die" probably isn't going to be viewed very favorably by the bottom half of society.
Oh I doubt there's any changing it. There used to be a stigma and shame associated with being on the public dole. No more and so there's no putting Pandora back in that box.

On the other hand, instead of welfare to work we could institute work for welfare. If you're going to receive bennies then get your butt out and pick up trash along the highway or sweep the streets. You don't perform the civic duty tied to your welfare benefits, then you don't get them.
Barry will spin that into 80% of America is doing fantastic! And as soon as they are taxed further into oblivion the subsidies will increase to the point everyone will have the same income!
Originally posted by g8torlenny:
And as soon as they are taxed further into oblivion the subsidies will increase to the point everyone will have the same income!
Three letters: A.M.T.

They effed with it for the 2013 tax year. This will further stifle incentive...