Question for the board...


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
how is it that we can find evidence that proves that the President's* son uses the n-word in private, but we can find no evidence of 20 Trump supporters calling a black cop the n-word in public, and making him cry?

Follow up: Why is it that @kalimgoodman said he doesn't care about the evidence of Hunter using the n-word, but he called it 'facts' when the black cop claimed Trump supporters did the same thing?
how is it that we can find evidence that proves that the President's* son uses the n-word in private, but we can find no evidence of 20 Trump supporters calling a black cop the n-word in public, and making him cry?

Follow up: Why is it that @kalimgoodman said he doesn't care about the evidence of Hunter using the n-word, but he called it 'facts' when the black cop claimed Trump supporters did the same thing?

Because he is just a troll