They aren't America's enemy's. America is someone else's bitch. To this day you have never
ever answered my question to you Nail. Have you or DC served your country?
Nail has served and I have not.
I was going to sign up for AFROTC in college but found out that I would have to serve 6 years total. We had a real CiC back then, one that could be trusted to put USoA soldiers first.
I was in EE at the time and saw an opportunity to get money for my education and maybe a career in R&D working with electronics and lasers. But at 19-20, 6 years was too long a commitment as that was a third of my lifetime. Back when my dad was drafted it was 2 years and then you were out. If it had been 2 then I would have signed. Of course they don't want officers to go in for two and drop out. It is a waste of their time and money bu,t at 19-20, I was not considering that.
As for your other post in another thread.
Putting our soldiers on trial in the numbers that W and zer0 did ( from ww2 to the beginning of GWII there had only been 7 courts martial and in this mess there have been over 200) , letting lawyers set rules of engagement, and worrying about collateral damage at the expense of our soldiers is a crock of sh#t.
In fact any of our finest that die in combat should be from bad luck not poor rules of engagement or worrying about the "rights" of the enemy population. Don't storm a building to get the terrorist, raze the MF to the ground.
If any prez wanted to use nukes on the ME I would support him but alas the crime against humanity that is war has these silly things called war crimes and the poor shmuck would end up hung at the Hague.
As Patton said "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country"
Under Trumpy the Clown I feel we are closer to having our military fixed. He already pardoned 3 of our finest to protect them from our inept leadership. Fired a Sec for insubordination and duplicity. He has just blown up a guy responsible for 17% of US deaths in the war on terror, defeated ISIS, killed Al BagOPoopy and bombed Syria ( an engagement I opposed zer0 getting us into.) He got us out of the Iran deal and we are square on the path to making them either give in or give us a reason to take them out.
Now its obvious to me that 7th century nutjobs would rather fight us than give up their desire of a revived caliphate via a new Persian Empire. Its been obvious to me for 4 decades that the only way Iran will join modernity and be peaceful is for their government to be removed and that the most likely way that it will be accomplished is by revolt or military defeat.
Ever notice like some comic book villain or medieval painting of Satan all of these nutjobs have overly arched eyebrows!? Faces of evil!
The old moon god of Arabia was called Allah but in Babylon he was called
Sin. He is the same dude but the latter was the original and the name apt