Possible coup in China

So if there IS a coup....would that be good or bad news for China and the world?

Believe it or not, there are some people out there who believe that Xi is actually the good guy fighting China's version of the Deep State.

But I don't know if I buy that, the people saying this also think the vaccine was more dangerous than hoax flu, obama spied on Trump, and that the dems are mostly a party full of pedophiles. As we've seen the last few years, all that is crazy talk!
To be serious for a moment, there is more than meets the eye going on all around the world.

Xi and Putin seem to be working on the same page. Are they good guys or bad guys? I've seen plenty to support either side of that debate.

Does Xi and Putin have the support of their party and country?

Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys?

I think it is on ALL of us to keep an open mind and do as much research as possible. I suspect at least 90% of what we are being told is either inaccurate, or purposely dishonest.

Who is running China? Who is running Russia? Who is running the US?

Are they good guys? Bad guys? Working together? Working alone?

Either way, I think the only thing we can ALL agree on is the world is in turmoil right now. That tends to happen when there is a shift in power or a threat to existing power structures.
Lots of women staging uprisings in Russia too, the Russian people are not happy about the newly imposed draft. Most young men are trying to leave or are in hiding.
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