Poopy Joe💩 Wants To Outlaw "Ghost Guns"


Rowdy Reptile
Gold Member
Sep 27, 2015
I mean.....seriously, where the hell does it end with this rogue band of losers in Washington?? None of their policies have worked except to bring this country down. Just when you think they can't top themselves, EO to outlaw of all things, "ghost guns." You tell me what "ghost guns" killed anyone in the existence of humanity! I'll wait. Meanwhile, this is obviously their lust-ridden, sought-after goal of eradicating our 2A. It's time we go on an all-out offensive agaisnt these bastards and stop EVERYTHING they're doing cold-ass-turkey. Living in Bizarro World just got more dangerous! Ghost guns! Yeah they'll kill ya, right???🤣😁😂🤣😁😂

There's no such thing as a ghost gun. And if there was, the only way you could stop people from making them is by outlawing 3d printers. Which is retarded. Besides, there's Afghans with hand tools making fully operational 1911s out of scrap metal. If they can do it, so could we.
They don't need to do that any more. We left them a huge cache of spanking new , state of the art weaponry
There's no such thing as a ghost gun. And if there was, the only way you could stop people from making them is by outlawing 3d printers. Which is retarded. Besides, there's Afghans with hand tools making fully operational 1911s out of scrap metal. If they can do it, so could we.

Dips**ts R US
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I read the article you posted, and I watched that portion of the PC last night - my biggest question is how in the hell was the gateway pundit able to decipher what Gibberwocky was actually saying.
I swear he sounded like a caveman with his incoherent grunts and unintelligible yells.
There's no such thing as a ghost gun. And if there was, the only way you could stop people from making them is by outlawing 3d printers. Which is retarded. Besides, there's Afghans with hand tools making fully operational 1911s out of scrap metal. If they can do it, so could we.

Excellent post.

BTW, ghost people (aka illegal immigrants) are far more dangerous to our society.
I mean.....seriously, where the hell does it end with this rogue band of losers in Washington?? None of their policies have worked except to bring this country down. Just when you think they can't top themselves, EO to outlaw of all things, "ghost guns." You tell me what "ghost guns" killed anyone in the existence of humanity! I'll wait. Meanwhile, this is obviously their lust-ridden, sought-after goal of eradicating our 2A. It's time we go on an all-out offensive agaisnt these bastards and stop EVERYTHING they're doing cold-ass-turkey. Living in Bizarro World just got more dangerous! Ghost guns! Yeah they'll kill ya, right???🤣😁😂🤣😁😂

Ghost Recon without weapons?
There were 220 "ghost guns" confiscated in 2021. And this solves WHAT? This is very ugly window dressing to entice idiots that he is honoring his campaign promises to the far left....while lefty prosecutors in almost EVERY blue state releases violent criminals right back on the street to go back and commit more violent crimes. And these IDIOTS wonder why crime is so high in THEIR cities?
Excellent post.

BTW, ghost people (aka illegal immigrants) are far more dangerous to our society.
They claim we need a number on every gun so we can track it. Every gun that doesn't have a number is a ghost gun.
Every legal American citizen has a number so the government can track us (namely the IRS).
How can we have people in this country that we cannot track? That would make them ghost people.
They claim we need a number on every gun so we can track it. Every gun that doesn't have a number is a ghost gun.
Every legal American citizen has a number so the government can track us (namely the IRS).
How can we have people in this country that we cannot track? That would make them ghost people.

I have no problem saying that all guns should have a number on them so that we can track them. I just think illegal immigrants garner at least the same attention.

You can't even enforce traffic laws if someone doesn't have an ID.
I have no problem saying that all guns should have a number on them so that we can track them. I just think illegal immigrants garner at least the same attention.

You can't even enforce traffic laws if someone doesn't have an ID.
Second-hand smoke caused as many deaths as gunshot victims (over 40,000 last year). No one is up in arms (no pun intended) about smokers.
Where this is really going is to make sure people can’t build, or MODIFY, their own firearms. If the receiver, barrel, shell tube, and carriage all must have the same identifying number or be a federal crime,, then that is going to suck..... and outlaw ALOT of peoples weapons
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Where this is really going is to make sure people can’t build, or MODIFY, their own firearms. If the receiver, barrel, shell tube, and carriage all must have the same identifying number or be a federal crime,, then that is going to suck..... and outlaw ALOT of peoples weapons

Agree, it certainly doesn't need to go that far. Many of the current laws are ridiculous like barrel length, types of stocks, ect.

But I will say, being able to identify the projectile, and what gun fired it, is an invaluable tool for law enforcement that helps to solve many gun crimes. Does that give pause to some to not use their guns to commit crimes? For the sane I would say absolutely. For the insane, absolutely not.

So how do we keep guns away from the insane? It's not a popular strategy in many circles but I see the wisdom.
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Agree, it certainly doesn't need to go that far. Many of the current laws are ridiculous like barrel length, types of stocks, ect.

But I will say, being able to identify the projectile, and what gun fired it, is an invaluable tool for law enforcement that helps to solve many gun crimes. Does that give pause to some to not use their guns to commit crimes? For the sane I would say absolutely. For the insane, absolutely not.

So how do we keep guns away from the insane? It's not a popular strategy in many circles but I see the wisdom.
You know how that goes….. who/what defines sane? Some Dems believe anyone who says they want/need a gun aren’t sane, nor anyone debating global warming/transgender/CRT…. So what constitutes faulty thought bordering insane, and who decides. Can there be a lesser “insane” established that means you can take care of yourself, but can’t take care of a gun?

freedom unfortunately requires blood to be shed by the defenders and innocent. I never thought we’d have the 1st Amendment taking groiners like it has….. in fact Amendments 1,2,6,9 and 10 are under constant attack now
You know how that goes….. who/what defines sane? Some Dems believe anyone who says they want/need a gun aren’t sane, nor anyone debating global warming/transgender/CRT…. So what constitutes faulty thought bordering insane, and who decides. Can there be a lesser “insane” established that means you can take care of yourself, but can’t take care of a gun?

freedom unfortunately requires blood to be shed by the defenders and innocent. I never thought we’d have the 1st Amendment taking groiners like it has….. in fact Amendments 1,2,6,9 and 10 are under constant attack now

I can decide. Elect me as your most compassionate and benevolent dictator and I will soften those course edges. ☺️

I think reasonable people can come to a reasonable concensus on what constitutes sane with regards to gun ownership.

Gary Busey...not sane for example. If you have an open DV case, it's unwise to sell you a gun. If you're a convicted felon, unwise to sell you a gun. I will add that in all the above cases, and others not listed, it's reasonable to afford hearings and legal remedies to restore the restriction.
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There were 220 "ghost guns" confiscated in 2021. And this solves WHAT? This is very ugly window dressing to entice idiots that he is honoring his campaign promises to the far left....while lefty prosecutors in almost EVERY blue state releases violent criminals right back on the street to go back and commit more violent crimes. And these IDIOTS wonder why crime is so high in THEIR cities?
It is a real problem when we decide that 2A rights can be circumvented for a type of weapon or the inability to make our own firearms. The last time this was forced was during the height of the Tommy Gun era of gangsters robbing banks. That was a true machine gun, not the single-shot auto we see the left vilify as assault weapons.
Honest question, do you guys think it's reasonable to allow people to produce their own weapons but to then have to serialize and register that weapon?

I do...but as the man I might be biased.
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Honest question, do you guys think it's reasonable to allow people to produce their own weapons but to then have to serialize and register that weapon?

I do...but as the man I might be biased.
No, I should be able to produce a lever-action rifle without registering it. Merica!!
No, I should be able to produce a lever-action rifle without registering it. Merica!!

I understand. I truly do. But the cop in me, I get the other side too.

I can absolutely see how the information might be abused by those in positions of authority.

I can absolutely see how this would help a criminal get away with a violent crime.

It's a quandary.
I understand. I truly do. But the cop in me, I get the other side too.

I can absolutely see how the information might be abused by those in positions of authority.

I can absolutely see how this would help a criminal get away with a violent crime.

It's a quandary.
It's part of the reality that these items exist. I'm a retired forensic detective that teaches part-time online for criminal justice students. We think that weapons are causing such a danger to society but in reality, we ignore millions of babies being slaughtered under the veil of women's rights, yet, when we use 2A rights they throw a hissy fit and want to amend those. Illegal weapons crossing the borders from Canada/Mexico are a much bigger threat than Ghost Guns.
It's part of the reality that these items exist. I'm a retired forensic detective that teaches part-time online for criminal justice students. We think that weapons are causing such a danger to society but in reality, we ignore millions of babies being slaughtered under the veil of women's rights, yet, when we use 2A rights they throw a hissy fit and want to amend those. Illegal weapons crossing the borders from Canada/Mexico are a much bigger threat than Ghost Guns.

Private party sales are a bigger threat than imported guns imo (we are a huge exporter of guns to Mexico and Canada and our exports are the greater threat) as private party sales are virtually untraceable. But again, I understand and don't totally disagree with your point.

I will add that if X is a problem and if Y is a problem, then X doesn't excuse Y.
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Private party sales are a bigger threat than imported guns imo (we are a huge exporter of guns to Mexico and Canada and our exports are the greater threat) as private party sales are virtually untraceable. But again, I understand and don't totally disagree with your point.

I will add that if X is a problem and if Y is a problem, then X doesn't excuse Y.
I agree there are a lot of deals done with non-registered or stolen weapons, that's part of the criminal element that is lawless no matter what rules are implemented.
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Agree, it certainly doesn't need to go that far. Many of the current laws are ridiculous like barrel length, types of stocks, ect.

But I will say, being able to identify the projectile, and what gun fired it, is an invaluable tool for law enforcement that helps to solve many gun crimes. Does that give pause to some to not use their guns to commit crimes? For the sane I would say absolutely. For the insane, absolutely not.

So how do we keep guns away from the insane? It's not a popular strategy in many circles but I see the wisdom.
Fetch me a case where a crime was connected to a fired casing, as required by California and Maryland. Not the projectile, the case.

I'll wait.
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Fetch me a case where a crime was connected to a fired casing, as required by California and Maryland. Not the projectile, the case.

I'll wait.


^^This one in particular you might find interesting. It's located in the search below.

There are MANY cases where shell casings alone led to convictions. You won't like to hear this but the ATF has an extensive file on shell casings.

DNA can also be extracted from spent shell casings fwiw.
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^^This one in particular you might find interesting. It's located in the search below.

There are MANY cases where shell casings alone led to convictions. You won't like to hear this but the ATF has an extensive file on shell casings.

DNA can also be extracted from spent shell casings fwiw.
DNA makes sense. But a good defense attorney will get casings thrown out based on some randm scratch marks. Ive never looked at any of the primer strikes under a microscope from any of my guns but most striker fired weapons leave the same damn mark.

I notice you still have to have the gun.
DNA makes sense. But a good defense attorney will get casings thrown out based on some randm scratch marks. Ive never looked at any of the primer strikes under a microscope from any of my guns but most striker fired weapons leave the same damn mark.

I notice you still have to have the gun.
I'm going to leave it to the LE and forensic guys but I would think that under SEM the firing pin might leave a sort of fingerprint on the primer.
Think bitemarks but on the micro scale.
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I'm going to leave it to the LE and forensic guys but I would think that under SEM the firing pin might leave a sort of fingerprint on the primer.
Think bitemarks but on the micro scale.
A Glock striker is cast from a mold. So is an ar-15 firing pin. Not a forensics guy but I'm thinking the teeth analogy falls short.
I don’t really have a problem with serializing stripped lowers for AR’s or stripped frames for like a 1911 but that’s about as far as it should go.
I don’t want the slide/upper/barrel/trigger (assembly)/hand guard, etc., to be serialized.
When Sig went to their “modular” firearm system to win the military contract they only serialized the fire control unit. In the eyes of the ATF that’s the only part of the weapon that’s considered the gun and needs to be shipped to an FFL.
You can buy different grip modules, different length barrels, different length slides, etc., freely and have them shipped to the house.

I just ordered a stripped lower for an AR build and it had to be shipped to the FFL, I certainly don’t want to have to have the remainder of the parts be shipped to the FFL.

What angers me though is that my son, who is active duty Marine and 18, can be issued any rifle/machine gun/pistol the Marine Corp sees fit and be trained on how to handle/use them (which is better than any private civilian gun class, IMO) but still cannot legally purchase a hand gun or handgun ammo.
And he can only legally purchase a long gun (rifle/shotgun) in Florida due to having his military ID. If he wasn’t in the military he would not be able to purchase those either.
And don’t get me started on his “inability” to legally purchase ANY ammunition.
I don’t really have a problem with serializing stripped lowers for AR’s or stripped frames for like a 1911 but that’s about as far as it should go.
I don’t want the slide/upper/barrel/trigger (assembly)/hand guard, etc., to be serialized.
When Sig went to their “modular” firearm system to win the military contract they only serialized the fire control unit. In the eyes of the ATF that’s the only part of the weapon that’s considered the gun and needs to be shipped to an FFL.
You can buy different grip modules, different length barrels, different length slides, etc., freely and have them shipped to the house.

I just ordered a stripped lower for an AR build and it had to be shipped to the FFL, I certainly don’t want to have to have the remainder of the parts be shipped to the FFL.

What angers me though is that my son, who is active duty Marine and 18, can be issued any rifle/machine gun/pistol the Marine Corp sees fit and be trained on how to handle/use them (which is better than any private civilian gun class, IMO) but still cannot legally purchase a hand gun or handgun ammo.
And he can only legally purchase a long gun (rifle/shotgun) in Florida due to having his military ID. If he wasn’t in the military he would not be able to purchase those either.
And don’t get me started on his “inability” to legally purchase ANY ammunition.
Get an 80 percent lower and a jig.
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I'm going to leave it to the LE and forensic guys but I would think that under SEM the firing pin might leave a sort of fingerprint on the primer.
Think bitemarks but on the micro scale.
The thing about that is, strictly speaking on the AR15 platform, is if one can get away initially all they have to do is change out the firing pin. In doing that it removes the “bite mark” analogy from the equation.
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