Maybe because it doesn't speak about it at all, either way, that men with agendas have purposely mistranslated it to say things it actually does not say, in order to meet personal or political ends? Just a thought.So you think your commentary carries more weight than actual Bible verses.
@LizardGrad89 an honest question for you: If homosexuality is NOT a sin, according to the Bible, then how come there isn't a single verse, in either the Old or New Testament, that condones homosexuality?
@NavigatorII just gave you multiple verses that condone and encourage heterosexual relationships.
How come you can't find a single verse in the Bible that encourages homosexual relationships?
Any ideas?
You DO realize that in the downfall of Sodom and Gomorrah the reason the towns were slated for destruction is because they were wealthy yet hostile to outsiders? Interesting to realize that there are actually Sodomites in America, and they are the "build a wall" group.