Poll: 41 Percent Say Armed Citizens Are Best Protection Against Mass Shootings


Rowdy Reptile
Gold Member
Sep 27, 2015
Great article here. Good to know that most people believe in self-defense and the 2A. However, there is that dumb-ass libtard crowd of 22.8% that say neither armed citizens, police, or federal agents are deterrents to mass shootings. And for the obvious reasons (i.e. gun control). I saw a couple of articles where mass shootings were stopped by armed citizens recently. Basic common sense is all this is. Something libtards simply don't have.

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A 22-year-old concealed carrier shoots and killed gunman.

GREENWOOD, Ind. — Three people were fatally shot and two were injured Sunday evening at an Indiana mall after a man with a rifle opened fire in a food court and an armed civilian shot and killed him, police said.

The man entered the Greenwood Park Mall with a rifle and several magazines of ammunition and began firing in the food court, Greenwood Police Department Chief Jim Ison said.

A 22-year-old from nearby Bartholomew County who was legally carrying a firearm at the mall shot and killed the gunman, Ison said at a news conference.

A 22-year-old concealed carrier shoots and killed gunman.

GREENWOOD, Ind. — Three people were fatally shot and two were injured Sunday evening at an Indiana mall after a man with a rifle opened fire in a food court and an armed civilian shot and killed him, police said.

The man entered the Greenwood Park Mall with a rifle and several magazines of ammunition and began firing in the food court, Greenwood Police Department Chief Jim Ison said.

A 22-year-old from nearby Bartholomew County who was legally carrying a firearm at the mall shot and killed the gunman, Ison said at a news conference.
A great American with testicular fortitude (unlike Uvalde police) took this maniac down. A true hero that hardly gets noticed because MSM hates America.

A 22-year-old concealed carrier shoots and killed gunman.

GREENWOOD, Ind. — Three people were fatally shot and two were injured Sunday evening at an Indiana mall after a man with a rifle opened fire in a food court and an armed civilian shot and killed him, police said.

The man entered the Greenwood Park Mall with a rifle and several magazines of ammunition and began firing in the food court, Greenwood Police Department Chief Jim Ison said.

A 22-year-old from nearby Bartholomew County who was legally carrying a firearm at the mall shot and killed the gunman, Ison said at a news conference.
In CA, he would have been arrested and charged with murder or at least manslaughter ...
You wonder what would happen if ANTIFA/BLM rioters were met with an army of gun-toting 2A patriots of all races. I'd say the rioters turn tail and try to run yet get wasted in the streets.

A 22-year-old concealed carrier shoots and killed gunman.

GREENWOOD, Ind. — Three people were fatally shot and two were injured Sunday evening at an Indiana mall after a man with a rifle opened fire in a food court and an armed civilian shot and killed him, police said.

The man entered the Greenwood Park Mall with a rifle and several magazines of ammunition and began firing in the food court, Greenwood Police Department Chief Jim Ison said.

A 22-year-old from nearby Bartholomew County who was legally carrying a firearm at the mall shot and killed the gunman, Ison said at a news conference.
The Left is in an uproar because he is being called a Good Samaritan. They would have rather the gunman killed more people so they can kept pushing useless gun control laws.
Just make sure to drag his dead carcass into your house once the deed is done before you call the police. 😂
In Tennessee, once they cross the posted property barrier they have entered the shooting zone. All I have to do is drop down my little Saturday Night Special.
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A Complete Guide to The Florida Castle Doctrine Law​

If you've lived in Florida for a while, you've probably heard of the Florida castle doctrine law. The castle doctrine gives you the legal right to use or threaten the use of a firearm when you are located inside of your castle. This would include your residence, dwelling, or an occupied vehicle. Know the law as it applies by going to this site:


A 22-year-old concealed carrier shoots and killed gunman.

GREENWOOD, Ind. — Three people were fatally shot and two were injured Sunday evening at an Indiana mall after a man with a rifle opened fire in a food court and an armed civilian shot and killed him, police said.

The man entered the Greenwood Park Mall with a rifle and several magazines of ammunition and began firing in the food court, Greenwood Police Department Chief Jim Ison said.

A 22-year-old from nearby Bartholomew County who was legally carrying a firearm at the mall shot and killed the gunman, Ison said at a news conference.
