People Outraged After California Democrat Introduces Bill that Criminalizes Self-Defense – AB 1333 Limits Homeowner’s Right to Defend Self, Family and


Bull Gator
Dec 8, 2004
How much more retarded can we get you Swamp creatures? @Capt Ron 1 , can you post this in The Swamp so it can be kicked back here for discussion?

California Assemblyman and Democrat Caucus Chair Rich Chavez Zbur introduced AB 1333 which seeks to limit a homeowner’s right to defend their family and home from an intruder.

This Democrat lunatic wants to limit a homeowner’s right to defend themselves from a dangerous intruder.

Learn about the legal right to use or threaten deadly force in a dwelling or residence in Florida. The law provides a presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm in certain situations, but also lists exceptions and limitations.
(one of the main differences between Free Florida and Californication)

The 2024 Florida Statutes (including 2025 Special Session C)​

776.013 Home protection; use or threatened use of deadly force; presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm.—
(1) A person who is in a dwelling or residence in which the person has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and use or threaten to use:
About a page more to know for all of the details.

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If you ever have to shoot someone in Florida to protect your family....the ONLY thing that needs to leave your lips is "I feared for our lives" Then get an attorney. I do not know if you even need to say that. Because as much as I support the never know when they will try to get you to incriminate yourself
One of the big reason that I no longer attend any sport or other activity on UF's campus is the fact that I can't bring a weapon on campus, not even if it's left in my vehicle. I live (rural) many miles from campus, so I'd have to travel there and back in potential victim mode. Now a FL Senator with a brain wants to change that...

A Florida Senate bill would permit the right to concealed carry on college campuses, with a senator sponsoring the bill saying “no magic force field” prevents criminals from carrying a gun to school.

Senate Bill 814 intends to authorize “persons to carry firearms on the property of any college or university,” according to the bill’s language. In a release from Fine, it was stated that bill 814 was filed to extend concealed carry rights to college and university campuses. The Second Amendment does not take the semester off when you step on a college campus,” Fine said in the release.

Fine “previously committed to file such legislation in the aftermath of the Muslim terror attacks of October 7, 2023 and many universities around the country refusing to protect their students from on-campus Muslim terror,” the release said.

If passed, the bill would go into effect July 1, 2025, according to the Florida Senate website. In April 2023, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law House Bill 543, which removed “the requirement for having a concealed firearm license to carry a concealed firearm in Florida,” the document stated. So since July 2023, Florida has been a constitutional carry state – meaning one need not have a license in order to carry – a document from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services stated. (notice that 'Dodge City' has not broken out anywhere in Florida)
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Good news. Deegan retired. 😂
In preparation for his wife’s run for Governor. You heard it here first.
But John Morgan has ramped up his “For the people” garbage for his own run.
The circus has crossed Florida off their schedule since we’re having our own home grown one in 2026.
  • Wow
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In preparation for his wife’s run for Governor. You heard it here first.
But John Morgan has ramped up his “For the people” garbage for his own run.
The circus has crossed Florida off their schedule since we’re having our own home grown one in 2026.
Either one of those two is a damned train wreck. o_O Did you know Morgan's former employee Dan Newlin set up shop and is competing with Morgan in the slip and fall industry? I think Trump appointed Newlin to ambassador of some South American country. 😂

In preparation for his wife’s run for Governor. You heard it here first.
But John Morgan has ramped up his “For the people” garbage for his own run.
The circus has crossed Florida off their schedule since we’re having our own home grown one in 2026.
Sorry mom, but this much at least, ain't gonna happen....
The Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey Circus’ entrance to their winter quarters, located on North Beneva Road in Sarasota, FL. 😉