Screwed ut out of a good coach. No evidence he knew about what was going on. He was a 25 year old asst corch (had to throw in a corrinne brown reference). Go Gata!
Well, there's some evidence he knew what was going on. McQueary testified in deposition that Tom Bradley told him that Schiano told Bradley that he had seen Sandusky in the shower molesting a boy. That's double hearsay, but it is some evidence. I don't know what his age has to do with it. He was 24-29 when he was at Penn State. That's old enough to know, if it is true what he witnessed, that you go to the police, not your supervisor, when you see a child being raped. That's definitely a tough spot for a guy starting out his career to be in though.
Hearsay is NOT evidence, and double hearsay is well....
The Feds investigated this case and put a BUNCH of people on trial. If Schiano know ANYTHING, he would have been on the witness stand. This is all about a bunch of pansy snowflakes didn't like the hire, so they ruin a man's reputation.
Who the hell would want to go coach there now? Tennessee has just f'ed themselves for another decade. Congrats, Vols.
Tennessee has just f'ed themselves for another decade. Congrats, Vols.