The OKC bombing had nothing to do with any religion. It was purely motivated by anti government sentiment.
I know more about Muslims and Islam than you could ever dream of. My parents survived their little sojourn from India into Pakistan when the British up and left. I've also spent quite a bit of time in Africa.
And do the KKK and the IRA, represent Xianity? Of course they do. They are justifying their actions based on the same book. Of course, I have a rather dim view of Xianity as well.
Kony is a lunatic, and he's not Xian, any more than someone that practices Xian derived religions like Santeria and Voodoo are. He believes he's a messenger from God and a spirit medium.
The US Military doesn't kill anyone in the name of religion. When Iraq goes to war with Iran, they are.
Liberals like to throw out the term xenophobia when people don't follow their narrative. That's fine, I'll continue to be "afraid" of Muslims. What you call myopic, I call pragmatic.
You have a bunch of assumptions in your little rant. I ll let you assume you know more about Islam than I. And obviously your myopic view is motivated by some deep seeded prejudices.
You discount and ignore facts because it doesn't fit your very narrow narrative. Then you make illogical statements to try and support your position.
OKC ... McVeigh.. part of the Christian Identity Movement... gets the idea from The Turner Diaries. No it wasn't simply anti-government.
The KKK and IRA are not representative of what Christianity stands for... seriously, you have the opinion that all Christians think non-whites are less than human or whatever twisted belief system they have? Or that all Catholics think Protestans should die? (Yes the IRA was fighting for more and they believed the were fighting English oppression, but some are violently anti-Protestant)
If you try to pull that b.s that "representative of Christianity" means they are simply Christian, then you are trolling. Those people and their beliefs in no-way represent what Christianity stands for. I also see you left out the Israli government's policies being representative of Jewish beliefs around the world .
Since the Kony argument doesn't fit your narrative you try to minimize the fact that he claims to be fighting and killing for Christianity. Oh, his form of Christianity doesn't count because he is a lunatic? Well guess what so arr most of the folks in AQ, ISIS, AL Shabab. Yet those folks are representative of Islam but Kony isn't representative of Christianity.
I like how you threw out Santeria and Voodoo as red herrings. Neither conform their beliefs to Christianity. Kony does, but I will say claims to be Christian... he isn't. But this does not fit your narrative... so you ignore and try to pass off faulty logic.
Of course the US military isn't fighting a religious war. Did I say that... I didn't even imply that. I typed it is what some perceive..doesn't fit your argument does it.
Then you make the misinformed comment about Iraq and Iran going to war. Those two countries haven't been to war since the 80s and it wasn't religion that was the basis for the war. But that is what you perceived it was a war of Shia v. Sunni. It is laughable that you think your "perception" on that issue is correct, but then try to dismiss my argument as to people's perception as the US being in a holy war of Christianity v. Islam.
BTW since you "know more about Islam than I", you would have known that Iraq has a Shia majority (up to 70-75%) and a Sunni minority population (25-30%) before you typed it. So tell me how that war was a religious war?
Again with the misinformed label... liberal. Yet xenophobic at least applies to your viewpoints v. your tantrum filled retort of dumba$$es for those who don't agree with you.
As I said.. all those jacka $$es like ISIS and their ilk are not representative of Islam or muslims, just like the KKK etc do not rep Christianity.