Orangeclad Question 1:
I have also asked you if you think Desantis has the right to push back on the lies being told about the law.
ReRe Answer 1:
Desantis has the right to point out that the description of the bill from many on the Left is exaggerated and alarmist
Orangeclad Question 2:
In addition, since you think indoctrination is overblown, I have asked your theory on what the motivation then is to teach transgender issues to children ages 4, 5, 6 or 7.
ReRe Answer 2:
I don't think any sensible person feels the need to teach transgendered issues to children aged 4-7. Most likely they are afraid that conservative activists intend to use this law to get people fired or 'canceled' for trivial 'infractions' like a teacher answering a spontaneous question from a kid being interpreted as "indoctrination."