old man obama wiped out after 3 rallies in 5 days, Trump doing 3 rallies TODAY

They showed obama speaking in an interview today and I honestly felt sorry for him. He has lost his voice and could barely move. He really looked 80 years old.

Owebama came unhinged yesterday waving his arms and mumbling as he spoke. The Kenyan Kommie is awful off prompter
Trump can do these rallies because he LOVES his supporters. Being with them energizes him.

obama considers himself ABOVE his supporters and considers it beneath him to have to go out and beg for votes, which is how he views it.

That's why Trump is happy and energized, obama is hoarse, tired, and ready to go home.
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Owebama mentioned his own name 89 times in his speech yesterday. He’s a narcissistic POS

Meanwhile at Trump's MO rally, a woman collapses, Trump spots it, stops the rally and asks a doctor to get to her. Asks the crowd to pray for her, crowd sings Amazing Grace.

And what does the media tell us about Trump and his supporters? Racists, pure evil. Worst people on earth.

That's why Red Wave is coming.
Meanwhile at Trump's MO rally, a woman collapses, Trump spots it, stops the rally and asks a doctor to get to her. Asks the crowd to pray for her, crowd sings Amazing Grace.

And what does the media tell us about Trump and his supporters? Racists, pure evil. Worst people on earth.

That's why Red Wave is coming.

Yes sir.
Why I voted for Trump? He's not a plantation cracker. He wants me to make it on my own and he believes I have the brain capacity to do it.
Not just Trump but many others in the past, present, and future.

I've never claimed full fledged Republican but I sure as hell could support or claim many Democrats. I swear I honestly think they want minorities to depend on the government and act as if we can't use our brain to do so.

I get so sick of the scare tactic of "they want to take away any benefit you get from the government". No they don't idiots, they want to eliminate the reasoning of why many have to depend on free benefits.
Why I voted for Trump? He's not a plantation cracker. He wants me to make it on my own and he believes I have the brain capacity to do it.

One of the millennials on the Iowa board was laughing at the #WalkAway movement said it was so stupid that the GOP isn't even telling the blacks to vote for them, they just don't want them to vote for Dems! I told him he was a moron, it wasn't about telling them to vote for anyone, it was about them making whoever they voted for EARN their vote and don't just hand it away.

Left wants everyone to think the way they do, Right wants people to think and do for themselves.

This is you seeing an actual president.
