NYT: Durham is coming for brennan


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

I actually the read the NYT version of this story. That was some of the most amazing spin doctoring I've ever seen. Dancing between absurd exaggeration, to outright lying.

And it's totally an effort to get out in front of bad news for the corrupt.
I'd love to see Brennan frog marched to court in shackles.

I tried to explain this to @LizardGrad89, but he didn't want to believe.

Citizens can be tried in military court and subject to court martial if they are found to be enemy combatants. You can only have enemy combatants in a time of war, and Congress authorized this in 2001 post 9-11, the War on Terror.

Massive upgrades to GITMO since Trump became President, including installing a video system that facilitates the broadcasting of court proceedings at the facility.

"Nothing is coming".
It is amazing that anyone who works for the NYT can even stand up after servicing Democrats of the Trump resistance movement for so long.

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