New Campaign Ad

Thanks for the bump. Seriously, you've got to be an unhinged commie phagggot to vote for Whoremella who is nothing more than a placemat for her communist handlers. It's sad AF that there are zombies who hang out at The Swamp who have been indoctrinated with Marxist principles that sometimes do drive by posts here. It seems Kal has been shit shamed into going into the bunker here, and nothing out of Mt Dora's Kommie (Doreen) lately either. So embarrassment sometimes works. These people hate our nation, let's hate them back.
Thanks for the bump. Seriously, you've got to be an unhinged commie phagggot to vote for Whoremella who is nothing more than a placemat for her communist handlers. It's sad AF that there are zombies who hang out at The Swamp who have been indoctrinated with Marxist principles that sometimes do drive by posts here. It seems Kal has been shit shamed into going into the bunker here, and nothing out of Mt Dora's Kommie (Doreen) lately either. So embarrassment sometimes works. These people hate our nation, let's hate them back.
Doreen is over in The Swamp posting stupid crap, trying to be relevant. He's is such a twink.
Thanks for the bump. Seriously, you've got to be an unhinged commie phagggot to vote for Whoremella who is nothing more than a placemat for her communist handlers. It's sad AF that there are zombies who hang out at The Swamp who have been indoctrinated with Marxist principles that sometimes do drive by posts here. It seems Kal has been shit shamed into going into the bunker here, and nothing out of Mt Dora's Kommie (Doreen) lately either. So embarrassment sometimes works. These people hate our nation, let's hate them back.
I concur with this entire post
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I hope they are playing the Harris PA Pro Israel ad in MI and the MI Pro Hamas ad in PA.
Those 2 ads alone proves that Kamala stands for nothing and will say anything she believes will get her votes.

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