When you allow the un-Constitutional 'Federal Reserve' to 'loan' new money into existence, then it is IMPOSSIBLE to ever pay off the national debt.
Most basic example:
I loan you $100 dollars on Jan 1st with a 10% interest rate attached.
On Jan 1st the following year, you own me $110, debt + interest.
There is only $100 in existence, so where do you get the extra $10 dollars in interest to pay me back with?
Answer: The Fed loans more money into existence, with more dept attached to it.
The never ending 'debt cycle' has now been loaned into existence.
And this is also the creator of the 'inflation' that is killing America's middle class.
The Federal Reserve.
It is not 'Federal' (it's owned by 5 private and foreign) bankers.
And it has NO RESERVES, it's a debt based hoax on the American public.
Why the ignorant of the world continue to yap about the National Debt is beyond me.
Your ignorance now has you 'owned' by the bankers and their politico mouth-pieces.
The last President that attempted to do something about it took a bad trip to Dallas...
I'm old now, so if they kill me too it's no big deal, not that I'm really worth their time or effort.