@BSC911 @Uniformed_ReRe @sjj11 @LizardGrad89 What is so amazing to me is how these corrupt people had purposefully cheated their way to win an election to lead our country and millions of folks like you don't care. Deep down you KNOW I am right. You KNOW they cheated, but you don't allow that reality to produce one single drop of doubt into your brain. If they would go that far to win an election, how is it you think they'll do what you think they'll do? Is it really the hatred of Trump? Have you already seen the reality of what a Biden election will do to not only America but the world? Did you see how China is all gaga over this and Iran is already cheering? Venezuela congratulates Biden with a smile? And you want this? Explain it in manly terms and not this tit-for-tat orangeman bad, creepy Joe good game playing.