Make AmeriKa Red again

Deblasio’s wife spent $1 billion over four years on an NYC mental health initiative. What did she spend it on? Nobody really knows.

Trump has been hinting for a while now that we need to have tighter accountability around the foreign aid we are sending out. He wants a detailed accounting of where every penny goes.

Pay close attention to which politicians balk at this idea.
Absolute shocker!!! I never saw this one coming. James Carville and some sane Democrats see Bernie McGovern losing 48 states.

Fox Business tells me NYC's homeless crisis is growing worse. Whoever could have guessed that?
Big Bird De Kommio endorses komrade Hugo Sanders

Lol, while the Pube Bush endorsed that conservative judge named Johnny Roberts aaaand
also took away MANY of America's civil rights.
Sand you Pubes sure have a short memory. I guess your memory matches your penis.
VERY short!
Lol, while the Pube Bush endorsed that conservative judge named Johnny Roberts aaaand
also took away MANY of America's civil rights.
Sand you Pubes sure have a short memory. I guess your memory matches your penis.
VERY short!
What rights would those be specifically?

Ill bet you a dollar you can't reply to this post without an ad hominem attack.
At this point you would have to be half brain dead to vote for a Democrat. I’m not giving the Repubs glowing reviews, but it would be insane to vote for a group of people who want to throw a wrench in this booming economy, increase the influx of illegal invaders into this Country, and raise taxes to promote their BS socialist government expansion. They have been fighting Trump tooth and nail on the wall, and anything he does to save American jobs and boost this economy. They are complete jackasses and buffoons.
I've traveled the entire length of the new I-14 in Texas. Belton to Killeen. I haven't been on the new I-2 at the bottom of Texas.
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I didn’t know my interstate rights were taken away by Bush.... they still let me on I75, so I guess I’m breaking the law
Irish Poker Dawg please don't ask me or have me to educate you
On this patriot matter.
The patriot act and the quiet death of the US Bill of rights.
The Boogieman is out to get us.
The Boogieman is the fear that has been instilled in Americans
Irish Poker Dawg please don't ask me or have me to educate you
On this patriot matter.
The patriot act and the quiet death of the US Bill of rights.
The Boogieman is out to get us.
The Boogieman is the fear that has been instilled in Americans
Ok this is scary. I hollered and screamed about the Patriot Act.
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Ok this is scary. I hollered and screamed about the Patriot Act.

Me too. Same with the DHS. Never been a Federal Department created that didn't exist to waste billions of dollars and employ "Deep Staters"

We are not one iota safer thanks to Bush's Dept. of Homeland Security. But we did lose 4th Amendment rights. Owebama spied on most of us and tapped our phones electronically using Bush's ill conceived Department of the Motherland Insecurity.
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Bernie is a man of the people. As long as the people are flying First Class with him. @DGlockUF

Hmmm... not sure where in Bernie's great policy proposals is the "don't take 1st class flights." Guess I'll just add this to the "what do we have against Bernie" box of smears: Staffer Gulag, Sexy fantasy 70's Essay, Chanting with Sandinistas and Russian Honeymoon.

I'd rather be fighting for what policies actually will help Americans rather than hurt Us. #MedicareForAll will save $450 billion and 68,000 American lives a year. Hopefully all y'all pro-lifers will jump on board the M4A train.

Choo choo!
Lol, while the Pube Bush endorsed that conservative judge named Johnny Roberts aaaand
also took away MANY of America's civil rights.
Sand you Pubes sure have a short memory. I guess your memory matches your penis.
VERY short!
So, you're obsessed with other guys junk? Okay. NTTAWWT...

You would have rather had AlgaeGore or horse face Hanoi John over “ W” ? Really??? Both loathsome human beings.

I bet @urtren voted for both of them

So are you saying you voted for and approved of the loss of our civil rights?
Please, NAIL don't go down the "lesser of two evils " avenue.
I have explained for years and years for "the people" to pick their candidate.
Not to pick the candidates that TPTB parade out onto the stage for you to vote on.
PICK YOUR OWN! Think for yourself!!! Vote for a man, not a party.