Liberal judge wins in Wis. Supreme Court showdown


Bull Gator
Jun 13, 2021
Just another sign that when left to a decision of the majority of people...
The people do not choose trump election deniers
Liberal judge wins in Wis. Supreme Court showdown
The race that could rebalance political power in the state.


Liberal Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz crushed her opponent on Tuesday in Wisconsin’s Supreme Court election. The outcome of the contest will likely determine the fate of abortion rights and other key issues in the top presidential battleground.

Conservatives currently hold a 4-3 majority on the state Supreme Court — an advantage that’s helped the right lock in power for the Republican-dominated legislature. But Protasiewicz’s win could provide a new check on the state GOP. She will be sworn in this summer.

The contest between former state Supreme Court Justice Dan Kelly, a conservative, and Protasiewicz has been unusually contentious for a judicial campaign. The lone general election debate between the two was cutting, and the opposing sides lobbed brutal attack ads back and forth.

Kelly acknowledged his loss on Tuesday evening, but savaged the now-justice elect in his concession speech."I wish in circumstances like this, I would be able to concede to a worthy opponent, but I do not have a worthy opponent,” he said, calling Protasiewicz’ campaign “beneath contempt” that launched “rancid slanders.” He said she would damage the integrity of the court.
Protasiewicz struck a more optimistic tone. “It means that our democracy will always prevail,” she said at her victory night party. “Too many have tried to overturn the will of the people. Today’s result shows that Wisconsinites believe in democracy and the democratic process.”
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Another ominous sign for the GOP in 2024...

What chance does the GOP have in a Wisconsin that has fair electoral maps?
If WIsonsin goes the way of Michigan it will have statewide AND national implications

It could flip the US House & Senate...and determine the POTUS

This was actually the most important news event yesterday and conservatives here are quiet

Let the conservatives ignore what's really important
donald trump has them distracted on his legal woes like obediant little sheep (I couldn't resist LOL)

Just another sign that when left to a decision of the majority of people...
The people do not choose trump election deniers
Liberal judge wins in Wis. Supreme Court showdown
The race that could rebalance political power in the state.


Liberal Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz crushed her opponent on Tuesday in Wisconsin’s Supreme Court election. The outcome of the contest will likely determine the fate of abortion rights and other key issues in the top presidential battleground.

Conservatives currently hold a 4-3 majority on the state Supreme Court — an advantage that’s helped the right lock in power for the Republican-dominated legislature. But Protasiewicz’s win could provide a new check on the state GOP. She will be sworn in this summer.

The contest between former state Supreme Court Justice Dan Kelly, a conservative, and Protasiewicz has been unusually contentious for a judicial campaign. The lone general election debate between the two was cutting, and the opposing sides lobbed brutal attack ads back and forth.

Kelly acknowledged his loss on Tuesday evening, but savaged the now-justice elect in his concession speech."I wish in circumstances like this, I would be able to concede to a worthy opponent, but I do not have a worthy opponent,” he said, calling Protasiewicz’ campaign “beneath contempt” that launched “rancid slanders.” He said she would damage the integrity of the court.
Protasiewicz struck a more optimistic tone. “It means that our democracy will always prevail,” she said at her victory night party. “Too many have tried to overturn the will of the people. Today’s result shows that Wisconsinites believe in democracy and the democratic process.”
This is a HUGE win for Democrats in Wisconsin.
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North Carolina Democrat Switches Parties Giving GOP Veto-Proof Majority​

North Carolina becoming a veto proof majority is almost no change at all....

Nothing much is going to change there until gerrymandering is wiped out

Nothing like resorting to anti-democratic threats to preserve political control

One day republicans will learn they're on the wrong side of history

Probably when they get swept out of office
  • Haha
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North Carolina becoming a veto proof majority is almost no change at all....

Nothing much is going to change there until gerrymandering is wiped out

Nothing like resorting to anti-democratic threats to preserve political control

One day republicans will learn they're on the wrong side of history

Probably when they get swept out of office

Creating unchecked, unfalsifiable narratives is one of the biggest perks of being a democrat.

When you lose: "Nothing will change until gerrymandering is wiped out!" "Nothing like resorting to anti-democratic threats to preserve political control!"

When you win: "This is what happens when left to a decision of the majority of people... The people do not choose trump election deniers!"

When you lose, its only because the people's will was subverted. When you win, its proper democracy in action. The act is old.

And by the way... the people who arrest their political opponents for political purposes are the ones on the wrong side of history. The people who arrest their political opponents for political purposes, who make up years worth of investigations, and who use the media as pawns to create these false narratives *for 7 years now* are the ones who are taking this country off the rails and away from political norms.

But when you're blinded by hate and rage, the end justifies the means. Turnabout is fair play, so you'll get to deal with the consequences of your actions before long. I look forward to the claims of unprecedented fascism from you and your media overlords when an AG with an "R" beside his/her name indicts a prominent democrat.
Creating unchecked, unfalsifiable narratives is one of the biggest perks of being a democrat.

When you lose: "Nothing will change until gerrymandering is wiped out!" "Nothing like resorting to anti-democratic threats to preserve political control!"

When you win: "This is what happens when left to a decision of the majority of people... The people do not choose trump election deniers!"

When you lose, its only because the people's will was subverted. When you win, its proper democracy in action. The act is old.

Uh because the North Carolina change wasn't something voted on by the public....
Its was a political opportunist being turned out for her vote.

I'm saying that the change in North Carolina isn't anywhere near as influential as Wisconsin since it only affects statewide politics...Wissonsin isn't only statewide its national newsworthy given its importance to the abortion debate and gerrymandering maps for 2024 and beyond

And the Wisconsin story was about the ability of the GOP majority threatening to impeach every type of public officer holder who disagrees with them.

They better have a quick trigger finger or they may actually have fair maps BEFORE 2024

And by the way... the people who arrest their political opponents for political purposes are the ones on the wrong side of history. The people who arrest their political opponents for political purposes, who make up years worth of investigations, and who use the media as pawns to create these false narratives *for 7 years now* are the ones who are taking this country off the rails and away from political norms.

Like the investigations of Nixon & Agnew?

Remove the 4 years trump has been protected from prosecution by OLC opinion and his legal problems have actually been moving pretty quickly since he's left office. But as with trump...investigating him a little turns into a lot since he's pretty much a walking talking crime spree

He'll face another lawsuit by the NY Atty General...then a rape case...then his lying will be the focus of the Dominion lawsuit...and then Fulton county will be up...Mar-a-Lago could be indicted any minute

And of course there's Jan 6

Crowded docket already for donald before he even returns for Bragg's case in December

But when you're blinded by hate and rage, the end justifies the means. Turnabout is fair play, so you'll get to deal with the consequences of your actions before long. I look forward to the claims of unprecedented fascism from you and your media overlords when an AG with an "R" beside his/her name indicts a prominent democrat.

doanld trump is responsible for his legal one else

And the coup de grace by you is threatening political retribution?

First see how that works out in WIsconsin before expanding it as a national policy

Ooops...Am I allowed to mention that's what you just did or is that more proof of democrat narrative?
  • Haha
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doanld trump is responsible for his legal one else

And the coup de grace by you is threatening political retribution?

First see how that works out in WIsconsin before expanding it as a national policy

Ooops...Am I allowed to mention that's what you just did or is that more proof of democrat narrative?

It's not a threat of political retribution. It's an acknowledgment of what is to come because of the door you just opened. When you start arresting your political opponents on flimsy charges during election cycles, it doesn't take a legal scholar to understand what happens next. All I'm saying is that I look forward to the think pieces about how unprecedented fascism has come to America when a prominent democrat gets arrested, say, for receiving kickbacks for political favors from foreign governments.
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Like the investigations of Nixon & Agnew?

Remove the 4 years trump has been protected from prosecution by OLC opinion and his legal problems have actually been moving pretty quickly since he's left office. But as with trump...investigating him a little turns into a lot since he's pretty much a walking talking crime spree

He'll face another lawsuit by the NY Atty General...then a rape case...then his lying will be the focus of the Dominion lawsuit...and then Fulton county will be up...Mar-a-Lago could be indicted any minute

And of course there's Jan 6

Crowded docket already for donald before he even returns for Bragg's case in December

Thanks for acknowledging that you've been working on 7 years worth of investigations and all you can pin the guy for is mislabeling documents 7 years ago 🤣
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It's not a threat of political retribution. It's an acknowledgment of what is to come because of the door you just opened.

So you're assuring the Atty General of the US is going to lock up democrats for being democrats...

And with a straight face is saying that isn't political retribution?
I don't even think you believe what you wrote there

And when you can address the DOJ under William Barr then you can tell us about who opened any door

When you start arresting your political opponents on flimsy charges during election cycles, it doesn't take a legal scholar to understand what happens next.

Do you think ignoring facts and keep saying the word "flimsy" makes it so?

If the case is so "flimsy" what are you worried about? trump will get the case thrown out or win acquittal
All of trump supporters act like donald is facing a life sentence if found guilty

In all likelihood he won't go to jail for this crime if adjudicated guilty

All I'm saying is that I look forward to the think pieces about how unprecedented fascism has come to America when a prominent democrat gets arrested, say, for receiving kickbacks for political favors from foreign governments.

Well while you're waiting...

Care to comment on a POTUS who appeals for those foreign government political favors?

You know like trump's extortion plot in Ukraine
Or calling on Russia to release emails
Or begging China to dig up dirt on his political opponent Joe Biden

I guess those facts don't fit your narrative so you ignore them 👍
Why in the hell does Wisconsin have a republican legislature and the voters constantly vote Dim in national elections? Those same voters put the Repubs in their legislature.
Thanks for acknowledging that you've been working on 7 years worth of investigations and all you can pin the guy for is mislabeling documents 7 years ago 🤣

Actually I haven't been wrking on anything...trump's own DOJ started the investigations

You just roll around in tribalism like a pig in mud huh?

But it doesn't go unnoticed how those who supposedly believe in the rule of law & the Constituion are always looking for excuses for not following those principles & documents whe it doen'y meet their short term political needs :rolleyes:

  • trump is indicted because there's probable cause crimes were committed in NY state
  • Mar-A-Lago was searched because there was probale cause crimes were committed
  • trump will be sued and lose to the NY Atty Gen AGAIN because the preponderance of evidence will indicate that decision

Its all called the Rule of Law...and trump is getting a master course in it right now
Why in the hell does Wisconsin have a republican legislature and the voters constantly vote Dim in national elections? Those same voters put the Repubs in their legislature.

Wisconsin is the most gerrymandered state in the union

A 50-50 vote in WIsconsin results in a 2/3 GOP majority...1/3 Dem minority
Been that way for 15 years now

You can thank Gov. Walker for this abomination
Last edited:
This is a HUGE win for Democrats in Wisconsin.

North Carolina becoming a veto proof majority is almost no change at all....

Nothing much is going to change there until gerrymandering is wiped out

Nothing like resorting to anti-democratic threats to preserve political control

One day republicans will learn they're on the wrong side of history

Probably when they get swept out of office

Wisconsin is the most gerrymandered state in the union

A 50-50 vote in WIsconsin results in a 2/3 GOP majority...1/3 Dem minority
Been that way for 15 years now

You can thank Gov. Walker for this abomination
Gerrymandering is only bad when Republicans engage in it.
My takeaway on this development is that the judicial branch of government has devolved into a supra-legislative Politburo that merely ratifies or denies what the “normal” legislative branch has previously decided.
Gerrymandering is only bad when Republicans engage in it.

Well when the laws passed by voters for fair maps is ignored like it was in Florida

Then its not an issue of partisanship is it?

How about standing up for what the people voted for?
Non political, non partisan, non gerrymandered maps decided by a bipartissn group or court

Not by a politician
This is a HUGE win for Democrats in Wisconsin.
On the back of a very big turnout of voters who were riled up over Roe v Wade.
It may be a forerunner of the way some vote in 2024 although it’s really a state level issue right now.
Madison is Moscow light. I hated every single second we lived there. Full of leftist lunatics.
On the back of a very big turnout of voters who were riled up over Roe v Wade.
It may be a forerunner of the way some vote in 2024 although it’s really a state level issue right now.
Madison is Moscow light. I hated every single second we lived there. Full of leftist lunatics.
Roe vs Wade ironically helped the democrats more than the Republicans overall. That was something I didn't see coming.
Another ominous sign for the GOP in 2024...

What chance does the GOP have in a Wisconsin that has fair electoral maps?
If WIsonsin goes the way of Michigan it will have statewide AND national implications

It could flip the US House & Senate...and determine the POTUS

This was actually the most important news event yesterday and conservatives here are quiet

Those are 3 of the dumbest people on cable news
Don’t be obtuse. It’s juvenile.
What? I am acting a serious question. If you don't want to engage in actual conversations, then say that, but to call names because I asked you a question is truly juvenile.

How would I know what you thought about something without you saying it? 🤔
What? I am acting a serious question. If you don't want to engage in actual conversations, then say that, but to call names because I asked you a question is truly juvenile.

How would I know what you thought about something without you saying it? 🤔
Wisconsin Dems spent over a million dollars to influence the Republican primary and defeat another judge who reportedly would have been a stronger candidate than Judge Kelly, who had already been a loser in another election.
Plus they knew that overturning RvW would be a huge issue with the liberal women voters in Madison.
Now Wisconsin has elected a leftist partisan their stuck with for ten years. To their own fault the Republicans were rather flat footed in not gauging the level of reaction most voters have about a woman’s rights over her own body.
It’s a cautionary tale for 2024. Very red areas of the Milwaukee suburbs even went blue.
Republicans better wake up. There are more women who vote than men.
Wisconsin Dems spent over a million dollars to influence the Republican primary and defeat another judge who reportedly would have been a stronger candidate than Judge Kelly, who had already been a loser in another election.
Plus they knew that overturning RvW would be a huge issue with the liberal women voters in Madison.
Now Wisconsin has elected a leftist partisan their stuck with for ten years. To their own fault the Republicans were rather flat footed in not gauging the level of reaction most voters have about a woman’s rights over her own body.
It’s a cautionary tale for 2024. Very red areas of the Milwaukee suburbs even went blue.
Republicans better wake up. There are more women who vote than men.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I understand how and why it impacted that particular race. Women really didn't want to keep that ban in Wisconsin in place. I was shocked about the impact nationwide. The democrats certainly will run on that in 24.
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Just another sign that when left to a decision of the majority of people...
The people do not choose trump election deniers
Liberal judge wins in Wis. Supreme Court showdown
The race that could rebalance political power in the state.


Liberal Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz crushed her opponent on Tuesday in Wisconsin’s Supreme Court election. The outcome of the contest will likely determine the fate of abortion rights and other key issues in the top presidential battleground.

Conservatives currently hold a 4-3 majority on the state Supreme Court — an advantage that’s helped the right lock in power for the Republican-dominated legislature. But Protasiewicz’s win could provide a new check on the state GOP. She will be sworn in this summer.

The contest between former state Supreme Court Justice Dan Kelly, a conservative, and Protasiewicz has been unusually contentious for a judicial campaign. The lone general election debate between the two was cutting, and the opposing sides lobbed brutal attack ads back and forth.

Kelly acknowledged his loss on Tuesday evening, but savaged the now-justice elect in his concession speech."I wish in circumstances like this, I would be able to concede to a worthy opponent, but I do not have a worthy opponent,” he said, calling Protasiewicz’ campaign “beneath contempt” that launched “rancid slanders.” He said she would damage the integrity of the court.
Protasiewicz struck a more optimistic tone. “It means that our democracy will always prevail,” she said at her victory night party. “Too many have tried to overturn the will of the people. Today’s result shows that Wisconsinites believe in democracy and the democratic process.”

RATS steal another election

@RayGravesGhost @kalimgoodman


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Posted this already, it was roundly ignored. The left only cares about outcomes, the ends always justify the means ...

Its roundly ignored because its not a violation...

Republicans filed a complaint 2 months prior to the election....where did it go? Nowhere.
Wanna know why?

Because no election law was violated.

What stopped you as a republican supporter from downloading the app and earning $30
What stopped you of providing contact info of your 75 conservatives friends for money?
What stopped you of providing election info to your friends for money?

The claim that the company coerced voting for a particular party is BS

Conservatives could have used the same app to organize their efforts

If there was even a hint of possible litigation the Wisconsin republican party would have filed a lawsuit
It didn't.
Its roundly ignored because its not a violation...

Republicans filed a complaint 2 months prior to the election....where did it go? Nowhere.
Wanna know why?

Because no election law was violated.

What stopped you as a republican supporter from downloading the app and earning $30
What stopped you of providing contact info of your 75 conservatives friends for money?
What stopped you of providing election info to your friends for money?

The claim that the company coerced voting for a particular party is BS

Conservatives could have used the same app to organize their efforts

If there was even a hint of possible litigation the Wisconsin republican party would have filed a lawsuit
It didn't.


did you tell @RayGravesGhost that the GOP now has super majority in the state house in Wisconsin ?
A super majority attained through extreme gerrymandering...good for you

The elected judge will review whatever maps are drawn 🤣