Liberal Democrat frauds who post here

I don't disagree but please lets not start a debate on this board that could go six miles.

Back to the original topic..back to the op.

Scotland, Aka Coach Steve Thompson, don't worry...while some that post here are Uber liberals, some are strong arm conservative, some are moderate, and a handful of us are independent...with that said, and with the fact we already know your checkered past of lying on resume to be around high school kids that shower...we will think no less of us if you seek to have a same sex marriage with your long life partner former AAU CEO Bobby Dodd.

We'd rather have the two of you together than out seeking teenagers like you both have done in the past.
I'm sure the coach is going to love this...throwing his name out there with false accusations. You are worse than the lying, scumbag Flurda school of journalistic fraud grad...get ready to have your IP exposed...
You are so predictable that this has become too boring.

-Shows up UF/UT week
-Several other oddball posters show up the same week you do and post similar garbage.
-UF as usual curb stomps UT
-You then try to ride another teams coattail. Nobody really bites.
-You suddenly go off about some prep beat writer none of us know. You get your ass handed to you for being a fraud. That backfires.
-You start some racial or political posts, once again get your ass handed to you.
-Your dignity is shot, you threaten lawsuit.
- You finally disappear for a while.
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identify yourselves.

We have one pos right I have another?

Another confirmed liberal pos Democrat up...come on Gatergobbler...I know you have to be a socialist Democrap since you also happen to be a pervert.

You are mocking the flag which makes you a flaming socialist buttwipe...confirmed Democrap.

You are right about that one fag...with Kavanaugh leading the way we are going to destroy your kind...get ready.

This guy has some serious issues, if he is the guy in the story TG posted, I feel confident in saying his life is more of a tabloid tapestry than an actual biography. A racist, pervert, xenophobe and "Alternative Right Conservative". This has to be a Socialist Liberal plant.

A fraud on all accounts, that's what we have here. I won't get into a debate about political ethics because nobody has them. Go back to your San Francisco tent , sniff some more powder and try again harder. Your Trump picture and hate speech instantly exposed you as a Liberal Socialist plant. As the election and aftermath proved, true Trump voters are the silent majority.

People such as yourself were the ones protesting the results of a election because your media convinced you it was a lock he would lose. Don't worry though, I'm sure Bernie or Oprah will be our next president. CNN has told me so.;)
Yeah, I’ve picked up on the fact that this board has little to no moderation.... in more ways than one.....

Didn’t used to be.....when Billy Guillespie got chit-canned, I had a running tally of the UK fans whose posting privileges took a dirt nap when they were coming over to scream Donovan was on his way to Lexington .....‘twas damn near a genocidal holocaust.

Good thang I earned my cred early :D
Didn’t used to be.....when Billy Guillespie got chit-canned, I had a running tally of the UK fans whose posting privileges took a dirt nap when they were coming over to scream Donovan was on his way to Lexington .....‘twas damn near a genocidal holocaust.

Good thang I earned my cred early :D
Lol, I remember the "Billy Donovan meeting with local realtor to view horse ranch" threads that would pop up.
Kinda surprised the thread hasn’t been locked or deleted and the OP getting the ban-hammer.

You think this is bad some disgruntled poster was posting gay porn crap in threads for a while and it would take a while for the mess to be deleted. At least I think it may have been someone that got pissed off here or maybe it was from someone like these new guest posters. Maybe someone else here remembers who it was doing that crap.