liar Kammie - she NEVER worked at Mickey Dee’s

Stolen valor from Ronald McDonald is pretty damned low rent. 😂

So lets review:

Trump was found guilty of overstating his company financial statements in excess of $1 billion.
Trump was found guilty by a jury of paying off a porn star to keep her quiet before the 2016 election.
The Trump organization was found guilty of tax fraud for which its long time CFO went to prison.
Trump was found guilty of sexual abuse by a jury.
Trump agreed to pay $25 million in a settlement after being sued for the Trump university scam.
Trump agreed to pay $2 million to settle the charitable foundation lawsuit he was also sued for.
Dating back to 1970, Trump has been involved in over 4,000 lawsuits.
Trump has several more indictments outstanding.

But what really concerns us, what we find vitally important, is if Kamala Harris really worked at McDonald's some 40 years ago.
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It's really hard for you to think for yourself I see. You are definitely the target audience.
Considering that Trump is fixated on if she worked at McDonald's, so you guys create a thread about her working at McDonald's. Sounds like you guys are following Trump's orders.
Considering that Trump is fixated on if she worked at McDonald's, so you guys create a thread about her working at McDonald's. Sounds like you guys are following Trump's orders.
Education time AGAIN for the slow. Taken in context that only ONE candidate has changed EVERY important stance so that she has a REMOTE chance to win the matters to prove she is a bald faced liar like you and every lib on earth. Sit back and take this have ZERO defense.
Nobody proved she is lying. They just want her to prove it's true. I agree she isn't authentic but this story is fake news until more information is gathered.
1) According to McDonald's there's no record she ever worked there.
2) No one has come forward to corroborate her story.
3) She's given no details that could help someone doing research confirm her claims.

Researchers that want to confirm this, that are on her side, can't find anything.

She's lying. She made it up. She's fake, her whole campaign is astroturf.
1) According to McDonald's there's no record she ever worked there.
2) No one has come forward to corroborate her story.
3) She's given no details that could help someone doing research confirm her claims.

Researchers that want to confirm this, that are on her side, can't find anything.

She's lying. She made it up. She's fake, her whole campaign is astroturf.
Well you either never worked at something like that or you don't know how businesses work. McDonald's is a corporation that has franchises. The statement released was from the corporation. McDonalds corporation does not keep files of employees of local franchises. That is on the local franchises. I am not saying that she is lying or telling the truth and I hope you are mature enough to understand what I am saying. I am just pointing out that there is zero evidence either way.
So some guy who has worked 48 jobs in his lifetime knows another guy who looked hard into it and couldn't get Camela's team to give him any info/proof on which McDonald's the whore blew the manager at nightly. And that matters because she says it is true and she's lying. Something that the leftists like her never do.

I can't fckng wait until this election is over.
Well you either never worked at something like that or you don't know how businesses work. McDonald's is a corporation that has franchises. The statement released was from the corporation. McDonalds corporation does not keep files of employees of local franchises. That is on the local franchises. I am not saying that she is lying or telling the truth and I hope you are mature enough to understand what I am saying. I am just pointing out that there is zero evidence either way.
Your right. I used to have a client that owned several McDonalds and she kept her own financial records. McDonalds corporate wouldn't have a clue. But beyond that, 40 years ago payroll was done primarily via paper filings, especially if it was a small franchise. There won't be any records anywhere, not even likely at the social security administration. They keep track of total earnings, but they likely don't have the original paper documents that far back. I know the IRS doesn't.

Secondly, I worked at a small restaurant 40 years ago for a couple months and I couldn't tell you a single person I worked with. I sat here trying to remember a name or face of a waitress or cook and I can't do it. I think the owners name was Ron, but if he is still alive there is no way I would know what he looks like today.

But it certainly could be a lie, who knows. But it would be stupid for her to "take the bait" and engage in anything further on can't be proven either way so doing that just gives credence to the assertion. No decent politician would do that.

But what is interesting here is how quickly the Trump people always take the Trump side, regardless of what the issue is. Its why I quit engaging directly with any of them, they have no interest in the truth of any issue they only care about spinning it the Trump way. Its like they see it as their duty to be defenders of the faith. In other words they are a complete waste of time.

Lastly, and my original point, is how interesting it is that a group of people who support a candidate that lies all the time will jump up and down if they have any perception of the opponent lying. Certainly Kamala has lied and this may be one of them. But if your supporting a compulsive liar like Trump you have no standing to pretend you suddenly care about lying. You have proved that you don't.
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Well you either never worked at something like that or you don't know how businesses work. McDonald's is a corporation that has franchises. The statement released was from the corporation. McDonalds corporation does not keep files of employees of local franchises. That is on the local franchises. I am not saying that she is lying or telling the truth and I hope you are mature enough to understand what I am saying. I am just pointing out that there is zero evidence either way.
The passion with which you'll defend the indefensible is amazing.

I worked at a local chain sub shop for most of my college years. And you know what - if I was running for POTUS someone I worked with there would come forward and corroborate it. Hell the owner would, Beverly loved me.

So why couldn't her campaign at least tell a VERY friendly journalist which location in CA she worked at? Hell even a city would help.

And how was she working at McDonald's in CA at a time when she was living in Montreal? She didn't even think the timing of her lie through.

This is her pitiful attempt to try to act like she pulled herself up from the bootstraps, when in fact she was at worst upper middle class.

I hope you're mature enough to understand what I am saying. There's evidence, you just don't want to admit it.
What would be funny is if she does have proof.......say an old photograph or pay stub or something.

She wouldn't produce it yet........she would likely wait until about 2 weeks before the election and whip it out. Let all Trumps water carriers build it up first to have the greatest impact. Or perhaps if there is a second debate, that might be the time, LOL. Now that would be good television.
What would be funny is if she does have proof.......say an old photograph or pay stub or something.

She wouldn't produce it yet........she would likely wait until about 2 weeks before the election and whip it out. Let all Trumps water carriers build it up first to have the greatest impact. Or perhaps if there is a second debate, that might be the time, LOL. Now that would be good television.
I’d prefer this be the case.

I’d rather she not be a liar.

We both know the score here though.
if she were telling the truth the lib media would be all over this - the fact that her own campaign is saying zip and neither is the lmsm-
Because it's irrelevant and a non story. The right is trying to make it a story. The right is very good at manufacturing stories.
The passion with which you'll defend the indefensible is amazing.

I worked at a local chain sub shop for most of my college years. And you know what - if I was running for POTUS someone I worked with there would come forward and corroborate it. Hell the owner would, Beverly loved me.

So why couldn't her campaign at least tell a VERY friendly journalist which location in CA she worked at? Hell even a city would help.

And how was she working at McDonald's in CA at a time when she was living in Montreal? She didn't even think the timing of her lie through.

This is her pitiful attempt to try to act like she pulled herself up from the bootstraps, when in fact she was at worst upper middle class.

I hope you're mature enough to understand what I am saying. There's evidence, you just don't want to admit it.
Here's the difference between me and you. I am able to see what you're doing. You are running with a story from the right. You are making allegations, while presenting it as "just asking questions".

I am just saying it's not a story. Until you have evidence either way, it's a conspiracy theory. Something the right loves.
if she were telling the truth the lib media would be all over this - the fact that her own campaign is saying zip and neither is the lmsm-
They probably have proof that she worked there but they're waiting to see if Vance blurts out something about it so they can fact check him on live TV.
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Why are we even debating she is a lying POS? She has proven it MANY times. "The border is closed"! "Bidenomics is working" "I will provide FREE HEALTHCARE to illegal aliens"! "Trump was responsible for 1/6"! This is what we really need to discuss....WHEN HAS SHE TOLD THE TRUTH??? Someone start posting those things! She...LIKE EVERY DIMOCRAT, are LIARS, CHEATERS and overall POS's.
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Here's the difference between me and you. I am able to see what you're doing. You are running with a story from the right. You are making allegations, while presenting it as "just asking questions".

I am just saying it's not a story. Until you have evidence either way, it's a conspiracy theory. Something the right loves.

She didn't have to say anything.

I'm not going to turn away from a pretty damning example of crap character for someone interviewing for the most important job in this country. But because she has a "D" beside her name (and probably a few other places too) you'll bend over backwards to defend her.
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They probably have proof that she worked there but they're waiting to see if Vance blurts out something about it so they can fact check him on live TV.
Again, I hope she did work there.

Although she's so insecure I have my doubts they could hang onto this evidence this long.

And we're gonna need to know how she worked at a CA McDonald's while living in Canada. That's quite the commute.
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She didn't have to say anything.

I'm not going to turn away from a pretty damning example of crap character for someone interviewing for the most important job in this country. But because she has a "D" beside her name (and probably a few other places too) you'll bend over backwards to defend her.
I can't have a good faith conversation with you about this. You think I am defending her and that's not accurate. I literally said that it could be a lie, I never said that she is telling the truth. You are not capable of seeing what I am doing. I am arguing against the right wing media attempting to make this a story based on zero facts. It is not about her, it is about how the right wing media works but you are not mature enough to see that, so whatever.
I can't have a good faith conversation with you about this. You think I am defending her and that's not accurate. I literally said that it could be a lie, I never said that she is telling the truth. You are not capable of seeing what I am doing. I am arguing against the right wing media attempting to make this a story based on zero facts. It is not about her, it is about how the right wing media works but you are not mature enough to see that, so whatever.
Her campaign won’t ever tell a WaPo reporter which location it was.

She was living in Montreal at the time she claims she worked in CA.

No one that worked with her has come forward to corroborate her story.

Now, let’s talk more about “good faith” arguments.

Running for office is a long form job interview, and at the moment the evidence points to her lying about her background. It’s absolutely something we should talk about, just like Walz claiming a military rank he never fully achieved.

If you’re going to lie about yourself where do you draw the line?
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