Lets Hope the Gator Statues arent toppled


Ring of Honor
Oct 28, 2002
They are, after all, 3 Southern Preachers boys...
The violent fascist liberals seem to have many things in common with the ISIS terrorists that have been destroying all of the historic places and statues in the Middle East. It seems that anything that the liberals don't happen to like is a good candidate for destruction. Forget the Constitution or the rule of law, because their own 'social agenda' is their free ticket excuse for their own criminal activity, and anyone that doesn't agree with it is obviously just a racist... :rolleyes:

About 45 years ago, I wanted to put both the KKK and the Black Panthers out in the desert, heavily arm both groups, and then let them have a go at each other where the innocents would be out of the way of their craziness.
Too bad that didn't happen then, but maybe this is a 2nd chance for it... :confused:

But I know one thing for sure, I'm not ever joining in on either side of this kind of total crap. I've read Machiavelli's 'The Prince' (The Clinton's self-professed favorite book) and all I'm wondering now is, what are those in power after by stirring up those two opposing forces, other than their manipulation of he masses for their own continued control over both groups.... o_O
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Im just curious to meet one of these people that think ripping statues are going to erase history. How someone cant differentiate the past from the present and set standards of the past in present day to determine if someone from the past was a good person is any way logical......The elevator does not go to the top floor. @bradleygator help us out. These are your people
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they think they are going to change the faces on bills too, like it won't cost billions to do it just to appease one race of cry babies that live off of the currency...
they think they are going to change the faces on bills too, like it won't cost billions to do it just to appease one race of cry babies that live off of the currency...

If they dare **** with my boy Grant, I will lose it.

Lifelong hero of mine and did my senior thesis on his military actions and their impact on the outcome of the election of 1864 (highly suggest the book Triumph Over Adversity about him).

Grant was a struggling small businessman after he resigned his commission following the Mexican War, but was married to Julia Dent, from a prominent slave owning family in Mississippi.


Though I do find it funny that they defaced Lincoln. The "Great Emancipator" who refused to announce the Proclamtion until after a major victory in the East (Antietam in 1862 so as to not look desperate) and all it ACTUALLY did was "liberate" slaves in territories currently under know, the place where he had no jurisdiction? And then also thought that blacks and whites wouldn't get along so his plan was to send them to newly founded Liberia (liberty) in a similar fashion that Britain set of Libya.

Screw goatface. Awful, terribly over rated president.
~ African tribes had long held each other as slaves, resulting from their constant tribal wars. When European traders arrived at their shores, they offered their slaves up in trade for the desired manufactured goods. This (taking slaves) has continued in Africa right up to the present. Boko Haram is a prime example of this continuing practice, but they are certainly not the only ones there doing so.

~ Abe Lincoln was a right wing Republican, not a left wing fascist Demo-rat.
~ Robert E.Lee was against Slavery and Lincoln wanted to put him in charge of the Northern Army.
~ Confederate President Jefferson Davis educated his own slaves, teaching them to read and write, and then he freed them. They refused to leave, so he hired and paid them,,, all before the War of Northern Aggression ever occurred.
~ The Southern Congress brought up ending slavery before the Northern Congress did, and though it wasn't passed, they were already working towards that end.
~ Less than 18% of Southerners ever owned a single slave, but let's just go ahead and blame any and all white people for slavery. Better yet, let's continue to do so for 7 generations past the time when white people corrected the problem.... :cool:

This entire story would (and does) fill several books, that few of those being used and/or benefiting from this BS will ever stop to read. And this suits those in power, who will continue to use their ignorance for their own controlling manipulations. The ignorance is not confined to the minorities either. The ignorant white people will continue to be manipulated by their own ignorance influenced guilt. Very sad and divisive all the way around imo.

On the long reading list is this one: 'The Big Lie' -- by Dinesh D’Souza
Not written by a WASP white guy BTW.... :cool:

Try real hard to not be a sucker for Machiavellian manipulations... o_O
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~ African tribes had long held each other as slaves, resulting from their constant tribal wars. When European traders arrived at their shores, they offered their slaves up in trade for the desired manufactured goods. This (taking slaves) has continued in Africa right up to the present. Boko Haram is a prime example of this continuing practice, but they are certainly not the only ones there doing so.

~ Abe Lincoln was a right wing Republican, not a left wing fascist Demo-rat.
~ Robert E.Lee was against Slavery and Lincoln wanted to put him in charge of the Northern Army.
~ Confederate President Jefferson Davis educated his own slaves, teaching them to read and write, and then he freed them. They refused to leave, so he hired and paid them,,, all before the War of Northern Aggression ever occurred.
~ The Southern Congress brought up ending slavery before the Northern Congress did, and though it wasn't passed, they were already working towards that end.
~ Less than 18% of Southerners ever owned a single slave, but let's just go ahead and blame any and all white people for slavery. Better yet, let's continue to do so for 7 generations past the time when white people corrected the problem.... :cool:

This entire story would (and does) fill several books, that few of those being used and/or benefiting form this BS will ever stop to read. And this suits those in power, who will continue to use their ignorance for their own controlling manipulations. The ignorance is not confined to the minorities either. The ignorant white people will continue to be manipulated by their own ignorance influenced guilt. Very sad and divisive all the way around imo.

On the long reading list is this one: 'The Big Lie' -- by Dinesh D’Souza
Not written by a WASP white guy BTW.... :cool:

Try real hard to not be a sucker for Machiavellian manipulations... o_O

People need to read this and understand that u r not wrong
Please bring on the season... So this board will no longer have CNN/Fox News threads. Lol

Lmao they r so much fun tho. Politics r fun to talk about. I know exactly what to say to piss off a lib and a conservative. People r normally very passionate on something they know very little about, this happens a lot in politics. See bradleygator for instance ;)
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Lmao they r so much fun tho. Politics r fun to talk about. I know exactly what to say to piss off a lib and a conservative. People r normally very passionate on something they know very little about, this haplens a lot in politicas. See bradleygator for instance ;)

I'm not that passionate about it. I gave up on humanity some time ago. I just like to point out bad reasoning and faulty logic.
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Yeah...and is insta really suggesting that the confederacy didn't go to war to preserve the institution of slavery?!?!? Whoa.

Before I start, let's be crystal clear on one Constitutional, 1st Amendment point. o_O
Free Speech does cover what today is being redefined as 'Hate Speech' by the fascist Liberals.

Because nice speech needs no such protection. It seems that they preach diversity, except when the diversity of ideas don't agree with their own twisted and dictatorial opinions on how things should be. :mad:

When did the Civil War begin?
When did the North finally sign the Emancipation Proclamation?
Answer that and you'll have your answer on what the war was about. :confused:

But Money & Power is the real answer, just like it always is. :cool:

What year were all of the slaves that were held in Northern states, or owned by Northerners, finally 'Officially' given their freedom? Answer the questions.

Whoever wins the war, always gets to write the 'history' to suit their own bias.

U.S. Grant, the North's Commanding General, owned slaves himself.
After the war was over, Grant said that if he had thought that the War was over slavery, that he would have been on the other side.
On the other hand, Robert E. Lee, the South's Commanding General never owned slaves and was against slavery. (go figure) :oops:

The tiny number of big money elitists in the South owned the slaves, not the average citizen.
The larger number of big money elitists in the North owned the trade ships that brought the slaves to America. Once they were delivered here and sold, their 'seed' money was already in their banks, so now they were free to blame slavery on the South. Just like most of the Africans will blame non-slave owner white's (out of ignorance) for being sold into slavery, instead of blaming their own race as the ones that captured them and sold them into slavery to begin with. Africa still has slavery, while America does not. Who's fault is that,,, the white peoples of the world??? o_O

The 'Robber Barons' of the North wanted the 'wage slaves' to be their cheap labor in their factories, (that were started with their 'seed' money)
The large plantation land owners in the South wanted to keep the slaves for their cheap labor, due to their usual elitist greed.
The average working Americans in both the North and the South are the one's that got screwed, both in the work place and on the battlefields, just like always. :rolleyes:

The same kinds of people that were responsible then, are the same ones that are in charge now, and the rest of us, of all races, are the ones that end up suffering for their sins, while they live the high life and continue to laugh at all of us 'dumb, easily manipulated, wage slave jerks.'

Institutional Academia have by and large become the elitists new version of straw bosses. And as long as they never have to engage in physically demanding work and get paid well, or risk their cowardice lives in defense of this country, they will happily continue to be the straw bosses.

What are the four biggest and most controlling Unions in America?
ABA, AMA, NEA, and the Politicians manning the DC swamp.
The funny thing is, that NONE of them will ever admit to even being a union.


My own family name arrived here in the 1600's. Nobody in my family has ever owned a single slave. Some of my family members have fought in every war that America has ever been engaged in. Nobody owes me a thing for my own choosing to support and defend the Constitution against All Enemies, foreign and domestic. That said, I also don't owe any other citizen a damn thing for whatever was done to them by the moneyed elitists, especially not for what was done hundreds of years ago. BTW, judging the past by today constantly changing standards is a FOOL'S errand imo. And my own values don't depend on any statue or symbol. Nobody can burn or destroy the 'cherished ideals' that I possess. Just like nobody can deny me my God given unalienable human rights.

Motto: I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees!
Slavery is a choice, and long ago I decided that I'd rather be dead.
The Coward dies a thousand deaths, but the Valiant tastes death but once.

I accept no responsibility for the actions of others, nor do I feel any guilt for anyone else's actions. I fully accept responsibility for my own decisions, choices, and actions taken. I feel zero guilt for the slavery choices that anyone else makes, on either side of that equation. I won't own a slave, and I won't be a slave. o_O

And as flawed as some of the white people were that founded and have fought for this country were, and still are, I don't see anyone else in the World having to build a wall to keep others out. If the white people and our culture and values were and are so terrible, then why don't all the other races take their butts back to where they came from? Africa, S.America, Asia, the Middle East, etc are all waiting to welcome them back to their own home lands, so why aren't they leaving? They are certainly FREE to go.

No, they just want to come here from their own failed countries and loser cultures and tell us how we should have done it. But it they really knew how to do it better, then they would still be wherever it was that they ran away from....

And along those same lines, why are all of the lying bastards that said that they would denounce America and leave for somewhere else if Trump was elected,,, still here? :cool:

That's my 'Free Speech' soap box for today, but I reserve the human right to learn and to change my opinions anytime, even on a daily basis if necessary. It's my own opinions that have been formed over a lifetime of experience, gained in public schools, the U.S. Military, College, independent study, and nearly 70 years of working and living. If you don't like or agree with my opinions, that's just fine with me, because I won't have to deal with your opinions for much longer. I see the dirt-nap coming when I wake up on each new day, so Rotts-O-Ruck on you living as long as I have, while depending on your own opinions to get you there.... :p
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Before I start, let's be crystal clear on one Constitutional, 1st Amendment point. o_O
Free Speech does cover what today is being redefined as 'Hate Speech' by the fascist Liberals.

Because nice speech needs no such protection. It seems that they preach diversity, except when the diversity of ideas don't agree with their own twisted and dictatorial opinions on how things should be. :mad:

When did the Civil War begin?
When did the North finally sign the Emancipation Proclamation?
Answer that and you'll have your answer on what the war was about. :confused:

But Money & Power is the real answer, just like it always is. :cool:

What year were all of the slaves that were held in Northern states, or owned by Northerners, finally 'Officially' given their freedom? Answer the questions.

Whoever wins the war, always gets to write the 'history' to suit their own bias.

U.S. Grant, the North's Commanding General, owned slaves himself.
After the war was over, Grant said that if he had thought that the War was over slavery, that he would have been on the other side.
On the other hand, Robert E. Lee, the South's Commanding General never owned slaves and was against slavery. (go figure) :oops:

The tiny number of big money elitists in the South owned the slaves, not the average citizen.
The larger number of big money elitists in the North owned the trade ships that brought the slaves to America. Once they were delivered here and sold, their 'seed' money was already in their banks, so now they were free to blame slavery on the South. Just like most of the Africans will blame non-slave owner white's (out of ignorance) for being sold into slavery, instead of blaming their own race as the ones that captured them and sold them into slavery to begin with. Africa still has slavery, while America does not. Who's fault is that,,, the white peoples of the world??? o_O

The 'Robber Barons' of the North wanted the 'wage slaves' to be their cheap labor in their factories, (that were started with their 'seed' money)
The large plantation land owners in the South wanted to keep the slaves for their cheap labor, due to their usual elitist greed.
The average working Americans in both the North and the South are the one's that got screwed, both in the work place and on the battlefields, just like always. :rolleyes:

The same kinds of people that were responsible then, are the same ones that are in charge now, and the rest of us, of all races, are the ones that end up suffering for their sins, while they live the high life and continue to laugh at all of us 'dumb, easily manipulated, wage slave jerks.'

Institutional Academia have by and large become the elitists new version of straw bosses. And as long as they never have to engage in physically demanding work and get paid well, or risk their cowardice lives in defense of this country, they will happily continue to be the straw bosses.

What are the four biggest and most controlling Unions in America?
ABA, AMA, NEA, and the Politicians manning the DC swamp.
The funny thing is, that NONE of them will ever admit to even being a union.


My own family name arrived here in the 1600's. Nobody in my family has ever owned a single slave. Some of my family members have fought in every war that America has ever been engaged in. Nobody owes me a thing for my own choosing to support and defend the Constitution against All Enemies, foreign and domestic. That said, I also don't owe any other citizen a damn thing for whatever was done to them by the moneyed elitists, especially not for what was done hundreds of years ago. BTW, judging the past by today constantly changing standards is a FOOL'S errand imo. And my own values don't depend on any statue or symbol. Nobody can burn or destroy the 'cherished ideals' that I possess. Just like nobody can deny me my God given unalienable human rights.

Motto: I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees!
Slavery is a choice, and long ago I decided that I'd rather be dead.
The Coward dies a thousand deaths, but the Valiant tastes death but once.

I accept no responsibility for the actions of others, nor do I feel any guilt for anyone else's actions. I fully accept responsibility for my own decisions, choices, and actions taken. I feel zero guilt for the slavery choices that anyone else makes, on either side of that equation. I won't own a slave, and I won't be a slave. o_O

And as flawed as some of the white people were that founded and have fought for this country were, and still are, I don't see anyone else in the World having to build a wall to keep others out. If the white people and our culture and values were and are so terrible, then why don't all the other races take their butts back to where they came from? Africa, S.America, Asia, the Middle East, etc are all waiting to welcome them back to their own home lands, so why aren't they leaving? They are certainly FREE to go.

No, they just want to come here from their own failed countries and loser cultures and tell us how we should have done it. But it they really knew how to do it better, then they would still be wherever it was that they ran away from....

And along those same lines, why are all of the lying bastards that said that they would denounce America and leave for somewhere else if Trump was elected,,, still here? :cool:

That's my 'Free Speech' soap box for today, but I reserve the human right to learn and to change my opinions anytime, even on a daily basis if necessary. It's my own opinions that have been formed over a lifetime of experience, gained in public schools, the U.S. Military, College, independent study, and nearly 70 years of working and living. If you don't like or agree with my opinions, that's just fine with me, because I won't have to deal with your opinions for much longer. I see the dirt-nap coming when I wake up on each new day, so Rotts-O-Ruck on you living as long as I have, while depending on your own opinions to get you there.... :p

Not sure what point you're making here. This is just a rehash of the Gospel According to Insta. Was slavery in this country a grotesque, cruel and historically unjust institution? Yes. The fact that African slavers and Northern bankers also profited from it doesn't change slavery's impact on the millions of black people enslaved in this country, and their families.

As far as Grant owning slaves and Robert E. Lee not owning slaves, I'm not sure if that's true, but even if it is, so what? Did you post that to make a larger point about the distribution of US slave owners? In 1860, Southern States owned more than 3 million slaves. Northerners owned a couple hundred.

As far as Southern lawmakers trying to repeal slavery, the claim is laughable. The Southern states seceded from the country, largely to preserve slavery. The Articles of Secession of the seceding Southern states each stated the defense of slavery as a primary motivation.

None of this means that white supremacists don't have the right to whine to the government, and their shaved orangutan savior, to help them out against minorities and jews, who are kicking their ass in the job market. My point is just that, the tension between free speech, particularly coming from the hateful dregs that marched on Charlotteville, and a minority American citizen's right to a peaceful pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, is complicated.
Not sure what point you're making here. This is just a rehash of the Gospel According to Insta. Was slavery in this country a grotesque, cruel and historically unjust institution? Yes. The fact that African slavers and Northern bankers also profited from it doesn't change slavery's impact on the millions of black people enslaved in this country, and their families.

The massive ignorance of most people is exhibited here yet again.... They claim millions were brought here and enslaved, but the reality is way less than a half million. Was it wrong? Yep. Was it the average white citizen in the South's fault? Nope, not even close.

And after 7 generations, it's way past history anyway imo. I wasn't involved in any way, so I feel NO GUILT whatsoever. Just like I'm as much of a 'native American' as any traditional so called 'Native American' is now days. All of our long ago ancestors came from elsewhere originally. Humans didn't evolve, nor were they created on the N.America continent.
Arrival time line advantages are just more political BS. :confused:

And how many of the 10.7 million Africans that were sold into slavery by their own race in Africa were shipped directly to North America? Only about 388,000.

Those were the lucky ones in reality. Their alternative as captured slaves was to die young as highly abused slaves to their own race in Africa. Go ask any slave in Africa today if they would trade Plantation life in colonial America to being a slave for Boko Haram and see what they tell you. Many, both white and others, were brought to America as indentured servants or slaves. The thing is, that most of us have survived and have had the opportunity grow and to advance ourselves and prosper. Slavery could not continue under the American way of life, and so it was always a temporary condition that was on the way out before the War of Northern Aggression ever happened. It had it's day but was past it's need or it's acceptability. That is not true for many other places in the world, even today.

There is blame for sure, but it's never placed where it belongs, on the Elitists that controlled things back then, just like they continue to do now in the DC swamp. Bradley, people like you are their perfect mindless puppets, and so they will continue to use you to their own advantage... :cool:

BTW, Southern States never owned a single slave you twit. Large Plantation Elitist's (now days they are called Limousine Liberals) owned the slaves, not the states. And their version of the DC swamp are the ones that ran the governments back then, and they made the laws. You are FoS on so many levels, but at least you admit to not being sure on the crap that you're spewing out here.o_O

The rest of your usual fascist liberal moronic BS is laughable. :D
Just like your knowledge of history is also laughable. :D
~ You just slurp up the swill that the elitist's straw bosses put before you, while your mind takes an original thinking nap on the realities. typical

But hey, maybe the 'quota' thing is not so bad after all. :eek: Since white people in this country are now in the numbers minority (less than 50%), I should be able to get in on the quota freebees, (hot-damn). :) And since I'm now in the minority, I can blame every problem that this country now has, on the new controlling majority, and they are doing a really chitty job of things imo.... Seems that as the white majority has diminished, the country has been on a steady downhill trend. ;)

WoW! It just occurred to me that maybe that's why the new non-white majority voters got rid of O'Bama, rejected the fascist liberal criminal Hillbillery, and elected a white man as the President??? :eek: - :confused: - :rolleyes: Naw, unlikely. It's more likely just an accident or an over-sight on their part. :cool:

The Brown Shirts were the Nazi parties domestic terrorists.
The fascist liberal Demo-rats now have their own domestic terrorists.
They are stomping on the 1st Amendment by shouting down the opposition, preventing their peaceful assembly, and destroying the historic statues.
So,,, when do you azz-wipes begin with the book burnings in the streets and the lynchings? :cool:
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On the other hand, Robert E. Lee, the South's Commanding General never owned slaves and was against slavery. (go figure) :oops:


Not quite. He inherited a few, and then married into a family with a shitpile of them. He was sent to put down the the slave rebellion at Harper's Ferry, and was hell on returned runaways. However, as early as 1856 he was documented to have said that slavery was a political and moral evil. The only reason he resigned his commission and fought for the South was he could not in good conscience fight against his fellow Virginians.

Also, neither Jefferson Davis nor Robert E. Lee was in favor of statues.
Not quite. He inherited a few, and then married into a family with a shitpile of them. He was sent to put down the the slave rebellion at Harper's Ferry, and was hell on returned runaways. However, as early as 1856 he was documented to have said that slavery was a political and moral evil. The only reason he resigned his commission and fought for the South was he could not in good conscience fight against his fellow Virginians.

Also, neither Jefferson Davis nor Robert E. Lee was in favor of statues.

Something about 'Graven Images' maybe???
As I said, IMOHO, 'Ideals' are important, while statues are not.
I'd fight for my ideals if necessary, but not for someone elses statues.
That said, pulling them all down is gross stupidity, but probably to be expected when fascist are working so hard to take over a society by destroying it's culture and history.

Fact - Lee was against slavery.
Fact - Republican Lincoln wanted to put him in charge of the North's Army.
So, how about a run down on Grant, to kind of balance it out.

Opinion - Attempting to judge every single action of those from that far away time,,,, by today's constantly changing standards, is still a Fools Errand...
Not quite. He inherited a few, and then married into a family with a shitpile of them. He was sent to put down the the slave rebellion at Harper's Ferry, and was hell on returned runaways. However, as early as 1856 he was documented to have said that slavery was a political and moral evil. The only reason he resigned his commission and fought for the South was he could not in good conscience fight against his fellow Virginians.

Also, neither Jefferson Davis nor Robert E. Lee was in favor of statues.

And Grant, from Helena, Ohio, also married into a slave owning family from Mississippi.

But let's continue nonsense about history from people who don't have nearly the clue they think they do.
To add to what you just wrote, you can pull down statues until Judgment Day, you can't do anything about the evil in men's hearts.

ive said it for months now, the chain reaction of black folks pretending like only black folks matter in the world... is gonna reallllly piss off the true racy white folks in America... and you are seeing what happens when they get tired of hearing cry babies
There should be a statue of me somewhere near spot 45 at the O Dome garage....or near the stadium, in someones driveway, where I took care of business...
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They claim millions were brought here and enslaved, but the reality is way less than a half million.

And how many of the 10.7 million Africans that were sold into slavery by their own race in Africa were shipped directly to North America? Only about 388,000.

BTW, Southern States never owned a single slave you twit. Large Plantation Elitist's (now days they are called Limousine Liberals) owned the slaves, not the states.

There were 3 million slaves in America in 1860, almost entirely enslaved in Southern states. The number comes from census figures. While only 388,000 were shipped here (is this supposed to be a good number?), the number of enslaved grew exponentially because slave owners forcibly bred their slaves (I'm sure according to Insta' the slaveowners just provided the slaves wine and Johnny Mathis albums and let them do their thing).

As far as slaves being owned entirely by the "Elites," those same census figures do not reflect that. 45 percent of families owned slaves in Bama; 44 in Florida and Georgia; 47 in Louisiana; 55 in Mississippi; 57 in South Carolina and so on.
Im just curious to meet one of these people that think ripping statues are going to erase history. How someone cant differentiate the past from the present and set standards of the past in present day to determine if someone from the past was a good person is any way logical......The elevator does not go to the top floor. @bradleygator help us out. These are your people

The problem as I see it is these retards are attempting to apply current social mores to people 200 years ago. You can't reason with that kind of idiocy.
Somebody here is her son, brother, boyfriend, protege,,, I'm betting.... :cool:

Anyway, she's my new favorite person of the summer. ;)

Chanel Helm - BLM Co-founder's 10 Rules for Whites.

Aug 22, 2017 - 10:48 AM

Some things I'm thinking about that should change (in that Southern, black grand mama voice):


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