Let’s Go Brandon - Parte Tres

BSCUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😂

The PROBLEM with Doocy's remarks, the DEMS helped China to manufacture Covid-19, so they can't call China out on it and punish them.

We partially funded the lab and the research that led to the pandemic. Your tax dollars helped kill millions of people, wreck the economy, drive us deeper in debt and screw up a generation of kids and young adults.

All because China and the Dems needed to get rid of a bad orange man.
The PROBLEM with Doocy's remarks, the DEMS helped China to manufacture Covid-19, so they can't call China out on it and punish them.
I do not think it was only dims. I think it was the establishment cabal. Now MOST of them were dims...but I would imagine Ryan, and Romney types helped