Last good republican president....

Trump was the best US president in modern times - better than Reagan.
I REALLY loved Reagan. Looking back, he coddled Tip O'Neil too much, and let him run up our deficit. In all fairness, he may not have had a choice. We have to remember how libs are. They would rather Russia survive, and stop the military build up that Reagan get freebies for their supporters and themselves. It is who they are...and always have been. But in the end...even though it created HUGE debt(caused ENTIRELY by the left) Reagan by HIMSELF...defeated the USSR. In spite of the left. But Trump is THE MAN...and would also be my choice. I felt the exact same pride after Trump was elected, as I did when Reagan was elected. Never before..or since with any president
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i am a nazi and a social liberal, ie i vot for freedom. pay your bills and stay out of my affairs. clinton was excelent, reagan did some great things with the tax code, he was way too conservative socially, thats anti freedom. bush worthless, obama, too divisive for my taste. trump, comically bad on every metric i care about.
Finally some truth
It was a mixed bag.

Things Clinton did well:

1 - leave the economy alone and resist the urge to regulate it during the tech boom (no small feat for a dem)

2 - Invite Fed chair Alan Greenspan to budget / policy meetings and pose hypotheticals to AG and let him say how the Fed would likely react (unprecedented and brilliant)

Things he did pooly:

1 - championed and pushed through subprime housing loans for the poor (those who had no business ever owning a home) with Fannie and Freddie. When they inevitably went under (even non-economists like myself saw it coming from a mile away), the housing bubble burst. Even though it burst under W, Clinton owns it and the American people paid dearly for it.

2 - kill Bin Laden. He had several chances to do it, but didn't consider it a high enough priority. Then 9/11 happened ...
3. 1994 Scary Black Weapons ban.
Reagan gets my vote for best.

Clinton actually rode on Reagan's coattails.

Surplus was due to Newt Gingrich and John Kasich.

Tech boom was partly due to Reagan's star wars and his tax incentives for R&D. The basics of the tech boom and our military high tech dominance predated Reagan but he supercharged their development and deployment.

Even after H and Bubbas tax increases they were still significantly lower than before Reagan took office.

Trump is the best prez since Reagan.
Reagan gets my vote for best.

Clinton actually rode on Reagan's coattails.

Surplus was due to Newt Gingrich and John Kasich.

Tech boom was partly due to Reagan's star wars and his tax incentives for R&D. The basics of the tech boom and our military high tech dominance predated Reagan but he supercharged their development and deployment.

Even after H and Bubbas tax increases they were still significantly lower than before Reagan took office.

Trump is the best prez since Reagan.
It's kinda like arguing who was better: Kobe or MJ? You can't go wrong with either.

I do think it's interesting that both Trump and Reagan are widely considered the two best presidents in over a century, and both came from a life outside politics. I think that says it all.
Yeah, before we start getting massive boners for either of these two, let's not forget:

Reagan signed into law the Milford Act of 1967 banning carry of firearms in California and the Hughes Amendment of 1986 that banned the sale of fully automatic weapons made after 1986 to civilians and put the sale of Class III weaponry in the hands of what is now BATFE. He also publicly supported both the Brady Handgun bill of 1991 and the Clinton Assault Weapons ban of 1994.

Meanwhile Trump in a very Obamaesque "pen and phone" move signed an executive order banning bump stocks, putting 2 American companies out of business as well as their 400 plus employees, which was struck down by SCOTUS as unconstitutional.

Yep Reagan did some stuff that wasn't good. As far as the bump stock thing I didnt think it was that big of a deal even though many claim it shouldn't have happened. I mostly liked Trump better because he pushed things to help the working class out even if big business didn't like it.
i am socially liberal, and fiscall conservative, what exactly do you think you outed?
A liar/hypocrite who originally said he was a social liberal and a fiscal Nazi, not conservative as you edited from your initial statement. You outed yourself pal. Once again, thanks for playing & drive home safely.
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“However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”​

― George Washington

Yep Reagan did some stuff that wasn't good. As far as the bump stock thing I didnt think it was that big of a deal even though many claim it shouldn't have happened. I mostly liked Trump better because he pushed things to help the working class out even if big business didn't like it.
It probably didn't affect us but consider those 400 employees. I believe Slide Fire is back in business, but still that was a very knee jerk, liberal, "Somebody do something! " reaction.
A liar/hypocrite who originally said he was a social liberal and a fiscal Nazi, not conservative as you edited from your initial statement. You outed yourself pal. Once again, thanks for playing & drive home safely.
fiscal natzi is a fiscal conservative idiot. i never claimed to be anything but socially liberal and fiscally conservative, anyone who is a freedim loving patriot is the exact same thing,