Laker has it ALL

I'm an unemployed veteran on 100% disability. What's your excuse.

I am doing what anyone with a law enforcement background does, chasing down a lie. See normally I don't care, but with the current hysteria over guns and gun ownership I don't need an asshole like you feeding it. Hell, show me a picture of a .44 magnum shell. That would prove you at least own the Redhawk.

I own you son! Disabled? What mentally? Another person abusing the Government. Law enforcement, what janitor at the jail? I don’t have to prove anything to a red neck like you. It’s hilarious you have NO LIFE but, to read and respond to my posts. Bye, bye Evil as you’re on ignore. And there is only one EVIL and that’s Evil Knieval.

Go ahead and have your morning cocktail on me as I guess my taxes are paying for your disability checks.