Komrade Kamala

Impartial Dana Bash --- "Why have you changed on some of your past policies, is it that you now having been Vice President for 3 and a half years have gained so much more invaluable experience which has enabled you to be able to wisely rethink some of your past policies when it is in the best interest of mankind in the manner that the greatest minds throughout history such as Archimedes, Aristotle and Leonardo Da Vinci would have done?"

Kamala- "Yes, that's right".
STFU.... We are trying to hear whoremellas answers to questions. :rolleyes:

Joe Biden & Kamala Harris a as corrupt as ANY two Americans I could put in one sentence! They are truly enemies of The American People…
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Florida was polled at something like 75 percent in favor of Amendment 4.

He'll be fine.

Pro life folks are almost entirely basing this position on their religion.

So they can get bent. If abortions are against your religion, don't get one and mind your damn business.
So you're pro choice?
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So you're pro choice?

I am, I'm with you. Way I see it is leftists are the ones that get probably 90% of all abortions. So when they abort their kids that's less kids who had a horrible childhood being raised by some POS that never wanted them who let's face it gets some sort of Gov entitlement that I pay for and grows up to be an adult leftist POS that conservative's grandkids will have to pay for. GO Planned Parenthood!
I am, I'm with you. Way I see it is leftists are the ones that get probably 90% of all abortions. So when they abort their kids that's less kids who had a horrible childhood being raised by some POS that never wanted them who let's face it gets some sort of Gov entitlement that I pay for and grows up to be an adult leftist POS that conservative's grandkids will have to pay for. GO Planned Parenthood!
Naw. So many people secretly get abortions. Besides the ultra religious people, I personally think everyone is for abortions in certain situations, i.e. the married man 🤨.