Jim Jeffries on Gun Control

A very rare intance. While I'm sure most of the Billy Jacks on this board would be OK, very few people would stand a chance against 6 armed thugs. And at least no one died. Having a gun didn't help Sean Taylor.

My alarm system goes off as soon as someone enters, and my dog will be barking even before that. If they are determined to enter with a loud siren blaring, I'll have plenty of time to head out the back door. I have no desire to get into a shootout with a bunch of thugs.
I never said they were inferred that.

All well and good for those home alone with their dog to make for the back door. Those with spouses, kids, elderly parents can only retreat as fast as the slowest member of the group. Unless you're a creepy spouse, parent, etc.

NOT having a gun didn't help that family in DC and their maid/nanny. The 10-year-old was tortured IIRC.
Funny how only bad guys can use firearms effectively, despite the fact they don't obtain them legally, often don't know much about them, and rarely do any training...but we still have to punish the good guys for their actions.
Funny how only bad guys can use firearms effectively, despite the fact they don't obtain them legally, often don't know much about them, and rarely do any training...but we still have to punish the good guys for their actions.
Well, every good liberal knows that they "have to do something!"
Who cares if it doesn't actually do any thing good...but it's something.
I never said they were inferred that.

All well and good for those home alone with their dog to make for the back door. Those with spouses, kids, elderly parents can only retreat as fast as the slowest member of the group. Unless you're a creepy spouse, parent, etc.

NOT having a gun didn't help that family in DC and their maid/nanny. The 10-year-old was tortured IIRC.
Ok, you found one. Of course I can find instances where it works out the other way.

Personally, I don't have a problem with people who have a weapon for home protection. In fact, I'm recommending my son get something. I just think the majority overestimate how much good it will do them but if it makes them sleep better at night, have at it. I think there are better methods of home security, and best case you end up shooting and killing someone. I'd rather avoid that if at all possible.
See, this is what I don't get. Will it really matter if your dead? Those types usually end up dead or in prison anyway so what have you really accomplished.

Proof that you have no nuts.
I'm with EW, I will go down fighting and protecting my family. But by all means, you go ahead and get shot with your hands in the air leaving those around you to fend for themselves. It is fitting that a lib would go in such a passive manner.
Bad Selection, the fact that your son has a choice, is what wins here. Many times the sound of "click clack" from a shotgun sends them running, and as long as there is the thought that any given home could be armed is a deterrent for thugs. If that is taken away keep those running shoe's at the ready.
Interestingly enough, Australia has had three mass shootings since they banned most fireams. Nobody is talking about it though. Don't fit the narrative.
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Stefan Molyneux
If you are for gun control, then you are not against guns, because the guns will be needed to disarm people. So it’s not that you are anti-gun. You’ll need the police’s guns to take away other people’s guns. So you’re very Pro-Gun, you just believe that only the Government (which is, of course, so reliable, honest, moral and virtuous…) should be allowed to have guns. There is no such thing as gun control. There is only centralizing gun ownership in the hands of a small, political elite and their minions.
So there's no need to license drivers because people are still getting killed in car accidents?
Driving a car isn't a constitutional right. But let's go with this argument. I only have to get a license for guns I will be carrying off my property, once I get my license i can carry any gun anywhere with total reciprocity. Sound good?
Stefan Molyneux
If you are for gun control, then you are not against guns, because the guns will be needed to disarm people. So it’s not that you are anti-gun. You’ll need the police’s guns to take away other people’s guns. So you’re very Pro-Gun, you just believe that only the Government (which is, of course, so reliable, honest, moral and virtuous…) should be allowed to have guns. There is no such thing as gun control. There is only centralizing gun ownership in the hands of a small, political elite and their minions.

True...and I point out when someone calls a politician "anti-gun" it is so untrue....Obama, Hillary, Bloomberg, Biden, Feinstein, Sarah Brady...all the big gun grabbers have lots of guns around them all the time, and they have zero intention of giving them up.
Proof that you have no nuts.
I'm with EW, I will go down fighting and protecting my family. But by all means, you go ahead and get shot with your hands in the air leaving those around you to fend for themselves. It is fitting that a lib would go in such a passive manner.
OK internet tough guy. Tell us about all your tough guy self defense stories, all those bad guys you've taken out. You most likely need a gun to compensate for your other feelings of insecurity.

BTW, I'm a Statist, not a lib.
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Driving a car isn't a constitutional right. But let's go with this argument. I only have to get a license for guns I will be carrying off my property, once I get my license i can carry any gun anywhere with total reciprocity. Sound good?
I'm good with that.

This is what some of you gun nuts don't understand. Never once have I called for banning guns. Many of you guys just like to throw that out as a scare tactic. I simply weigh the cost/benefit of that vs. other self protection measures. Not you personally, btw. You seem to know what you are doing.
Bad Selection, the fact that your son has a choice, is what wins here. Many times the sound of "click clack" from a shotgun sends them running, and as long as there is the thought that any given home could be armed is a deterrent for thugs. If that is taken away keep those running shoe's at the ready.
Fair enough. I happen to agree with this and have no problem with keeping a gun around for home protection IF you know what you are doing.

Here's the problem for most people:
1. They keep them loaded and/or unlocked so that children have access
2. If they are unloaded and/or unlocked then they may not be much help in an invasion.
3. Home invasions in decent neighborhoods are pretty rare anyway
4. Most people have no experience in hand to hand combat so wouldn't know what to do and would probably panic.

So I'm simply playing the odds that I am more likely to cause harm by having a gun than not. There are circumstances where I would feel the opposite. I am not antigun nor antifreedom. I am simply pro reason.
OK internet tough guy. Tell us about all your tough guy self defense stories, all those bad guys you've taken out. You most likely need a gun to compensate for your other feelings of insecurity.

BTW, I'm a Statist, not a lib.
I'm curious why you think he has some sort of insecurity a gun compensates for? I suppose I should give you credit for not talking about his penis.

I'm not going to speak for him but among the hats I have worn in this life are U.S. Marine, law enforcement officer, and corrections officer. I am used to carrying a firearm. It's part of the tools I am authorized to use to do my job. It stands to reason that once I got done with these careers I would continue to carry a firearm, for the same reasons. Cops carry guns to defend themselves, not the public. There are people who are out to get me, 11 specifically, that said to me in front of a witness "Officer Desikan, when I get out of prison I'm going to find you and I'm going to kill you." so I have an extra reason to carry all the time. One day, one of those inmates is going to come calling, and on that day we'll find out how tough I really am.
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I'm curious why you think he has some sort of insecurity a gun compensates for? I suppose I should give you credit for not talking about his penis.

I'm not going to speak for him but among the hats I have worn in this life are U.S. Marine, law enforcement officer, and corrections officer. I am used to carrying a firearm. It's part of the tools I am authorized to use to do my job. It stands to reason that once I got done with these careers I would continue to carry a firearm, for the same reasons. Cops carry guns to defend themselves, not the public. There are people who are out to get me, 11 specifically, that said to me in front of a witness "Officer Desikan, when I get out of prison I'm going to find you and I'm going to kill you." so I have an extra reason to carry all the time. One day, one of those inmates is going to come calling, and on that day we'll find out how tough I really am.
He's the one who called me a pussy, I was just responding to him. I'm far from it btw but I have no need to establish my tough guy credentials on here.

I have always respected your positions since I know you speak from experience. My brother is a cop (and gun instructor) and I respect the hell out of anyone with military experience. I also know too many that think having a gun (or multiple guns) makes them a tough guy (see GatorGrey above). False bravado if you ask me. My brother always laughs at guys that come up to him asking about his guns and stuff, like its some cool thing to have. They are there to serve a purpose, not to build someone's self esteem.

So bottom line, guns don't bother me. Gun nuts do.
Where the f did I say having a gun makes me tough? Reading comprehension much? I responded to your post that said "Will it really matter if your dead?" And that = no nuts. Personally, I will go down fighting.

Since you seem to know so much about me, how do you think I would react if someone broke into my house? Just curious.
Where the f did I say having a gun makes me tough? Reading comprehension much? I responded to your post that said "Will it really matter if your dead?" And that = no nuts. Personally, I will go down fighting.

Since you seem to know so much about me, how do you think I would react if someone broke into my house? Just curious.
Don't know you and don't care to. You act like "going down fighting" is the only option. The goal is to protect your family.I couldn't care less how many "bad guys" I take out in the process. I'm not in the military. If avoiding the conflict (i.e. getting into a shootout) is an option, I will take that every time. If that makes me a pussy, then so be it.
"Don't know you and don't care to." So you admit that you don't know, yet in your posts you claim to know so much about me.

YOU said
"Will it really matter if your dead?" (That is a copy paste from your post). THAT is the basis of my original and all subsequent comments. So if you want to 'avoid conflict' in the process of getting dead, by all means do it..and endanger those around you in the process. But for me in such a situation, yes "going down fighting" is the only option.
"Don't know you and don't care to." So you admit that you don't know, yet in your posts you claim to know so much about me.

YOU said
"Will it really matter if your dead?" (That is a copy paste from your post). THAT is the basis of my original and all subsequent comments. So if you want to 'avoid conflict' in the process of getting dead, by all means do it..and endanger those around you in the process. But for me in such a situation, yes "going down fighting" is the only option.
Let me clarify since you seem confused. If you're dead, then you will have no conscious thought. Therefore how could it matter if you killed someone or not. I doubt your family would really care either, hopefully they will be more concerned about losing your life. However, if there is no other choice, of course I would be willing to go down fighting. But that is rarely the case, thus my preference for flight over fight. Comprende?
Sad that so many people today have lost the DNA of freedom and liberty that this nation was built upon. So willing to cede their rights for promises of safety and security. So willing to champion more and more govt control over everyone's lives. Constantly battling made up evils or lesser evils while ignoring true evil. Can be depressing that so many want to be like a weak European nation rather than the proud strong nation that has freed more people than any other nation, has offered more freedom than any other nation, that is "exceptional" from all other nations. But no, rather than accept that others want to be free, they want us all dependent and oppressed....2A is our last hold out at this point.
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Don't know you and don't care to. You act like "going down fighting" is the only option. The goal is to protect your family.I couldn't care less how many "bad guys" I take out in the process. I'm not in the military. If avoiding the conflict (i.e. getting into a shootout) is an option, I will take that every time. If that makes me a pussy, then so be it.
It does
@NavigatorII @GhostOfMatchesMalone @nail1988 @fatman76 @BCSpell

I accidentally found Cucky as bad selection committee.
So @BSC911 @theswamp15 plan if someone tries to break into his home is:

1 - The dog will bark and scare them off

2 - The alarm will scare them off

3 - If neither of those work, he'll run out the back door

So wife and kids are SOL?

He thinks THAT gives HIM the best chance to defend his family, but buying a gun and learning how to use it properly, that's the DANGEROUS plan???

BTW, I can just imagine BSC screaming and waking up and trying to get out of the house without drawing attention to himself. My guess is he trips over the comforter before he ever leaves the bed and breaks his ankle.

Nice find, and LOL how he uses the exact same talking points theo does. 'internet tough guy' lol
Y'all are so fretful about having to defend your family from attackers. It's like being scared to fly because planes sometimes crash.

The gun companies have done a job on you guys.
Y'all are so fretful about having to defend your family from attackers. It's like being scared to fly because planes sometimes crash.

The gun companies have done a job on you guys.
I would only worry if I were like you and was not capable of doing my job as a man. I wonder how you live with yourself knowing that you would just have to let an attacker have their way with your family, while you did nothing. THAT is what I I am prepared and trained for that to never happen.